Upcoming Events

Next Leader Meeting in Feb - TBD

Monday, February 21, 2011

Older Girl Encampment - 5/13-5/15 - sign up by 3/15!

It's all about ME!
Older Girl Encampment 2011

Camp Virginia, Bolton, MA
Friday May 13 – Sunday May 15

You designed this encampment to be run by older girls for older girls. Enjoy new friends and old friends as you move between swimming, canoeing, archery, tie-dye, and field games. Tell your leaders to grab a coffee mug, slippers and a book or two since otherwise they will be bored; this is all about me! Participate in a wandering lunch to show off your best outdoor cooking skills and maybe learn some new ones. Have you ever cooked a twenty pound turkey at camp?

Each troop will prepare their best appetizer, side dish, soup/stew, or dessert to wow the rest of camp. The encampment committee will be responsible for the turkey. At meal time wander from site to site to taste the amazing things others have created. Further details to follow.

Registration is first-come, first-served. A full payment of $15 per girl (adult participation should meet Safety Checkpoints—no charge) must be submitted with the form below, no later than March 15, 2010. Confirmation packets will be mailed out thereafter with all the information you will need.

Please complete and return the form below and send it along with your check made payable to "GSEM-Special Events" to:

Paula Ruozzi
50 Washington Street
Braintree, MA, 02184

E-mail questions to Paula at Ruozzi@beld.net

PLEASE NOTE: Troops will be responsible for meals, with the exception of Saturday lunch where each troop will be responsible for a part of the meal to be shared with the group. The Committee will provide snacks. A troop activity form should be submitted with your application noting all qualified adult information. Permission forms and current health cards should accompany girls who attend as troops. Each troop must make transportation arrangements.


It's all about ME!
May 13-14-15, 2011
Troop Leader________________________________Troop #______________

Address (include town)__________________________________________________


Phone#_________________ E-Mail_________________________________________

# of Girls in each grade: 6__ 7__ 8__ 9__ 10__ 11__ 12__

# of REQUIRED adults_______ (per Safety Checkpoints)

Amount enclosed: @ $15.00/girl = $_____________

Please check arrival time: ________Friday evening ________Saturday morning

I think Friday evening program should be: ________________________________


I think Saturday evening program should be: ______________________________


My girls are interested in being on the Planning Committee ___ Yes ___ No

Paula Ruozzi
GSEM Facilitator & Large Event Organizer
50 Washington Street
Braintree, MA 02184-1418
(781) 843-2605

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