Check out this chocolate badge program which GSEM asked
us to share with you. At
Chocolate Therapy in Framingham (Route 9 behind Legal
Seafood), they offer a great program for local Girl Scout troops (Daisies and
older) that enables them to be a chocolatier for a day, learn about chocolate,
how it’s made, and take home their own creation. The flyer can be found here. You can contact Carol
Arnold at 603-502-0469 with questions!
Upcoming Events
Next Leader Meeting in Feb - TBDWednesday, March 26, 2014
Chocolate Badge Workshop
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Friday, March 21, 2014
NRGS Bingo Night Registration Extended!
You can still register for the Friends & Family Bingo Night on March 28 from 6-8:30 at the Moose Lodge.
Drop off registration at Kristen Puliafico's house at 177 Central St. by Sunday, March 23rd.
Drop off registration at Kristen Puliafico's house at 177 Central St. by Sunday, March 23rd.
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Leader Meeting Minutes 3/19/14
Present: Ruth
Kennedy-73899, Debby Nearing-73891, Kristin Puliafico-85118, Barbara Gravel,
Kerstin March, Bridget Easler-76212, Lindsay Felix-76211, Anne Valade, Marcy
Nelson-76213, Mary Hatton-78181, Kelly DeSousa-66232
- Field Trip Idea: NE Textile Museum, Lowell. Kristin took her Brownies. Classes are available for all age groups.
- Food Pantry Update: Community support has been great. Troops are set up for March 22-23 Weekend at Stop and Shop to hand out lists to shoppers. If your troop is interested, March is Girl Scout Food Pantry Month! Sign up for a volunteer time on Volunteer Spot:
- Encampment Update: Registration information from girls is due to leaders by April 15, with total numbers and payment to Deb Nearing by April 16. Daisies do not stay overnight but are welcome during the day Saturday for all the events. The weekend (Friday evening, June 13-Sunday morning June 15) is rain or shine. If you have questions, contact Debbie at:
- Memorial Day Parade: Monday, May 26. Parade usually starts at 10am. Girl Scouts are asked to congregate at 9:30am at the Building on the Common. Troops should have a banner if they don't already have one. Creating a banner for your troop is a fun project for new Daisy troops. Lots of ideas on Pinterest:
- Registration Updates: Daisy Discovery Day had a low turnout. But we are undeterred and hope to have another event to attract new girls to scouting.
- Cookie Sales: 55 girls sold over 100 boxes. 8 girls sold over 200 boxes. Recognitions are due in late April. Kerstin March will let leaders know when they are ready. The town sold $71K in cookies.
- Arbor Day: Thursday, May 1 at 6pm. Meet at IRP Gazebo. Help the North Reading Garden Club plant a tree at IRP. Free event and open to all area scouts and other children and family members. Rain or Shine.
- Mother Daughter Tea: Sunday , May 18, 1:30-3:30pm at St. Theresa's Church. Open to North Reading Daisy Girl Scouts. Refreshments served. Crafts and singing. The GS Girl Council is hosting. $10/couple or $5/person.
- Brownie Storytelling event: Friday, May 16, 6:30-8pm at Aldersgate Church (?). Final confirmation is pending! Girl Scout Girl Council to host. Craft and snack related to story.
- Cupcake Challenge: Date to be determined. Open to girls grades 4, 5, 6. Girls will be instructed on how to decorate particular cupcakes. Each girl will learn how to do 3 different designs. Please watch Monday Leader Emails for a finalized date. Sounds like a lot of fun!
- Daisy Fly Up - Wednesday, May 28 at Aldersgate Church. This is only for 1st grade Daisies. Older girl fly up: Date to be determined. Will most likely be after encampment and the 8th grade DC field trip.
GSEM Night at Worcester Sharks vs. PBruins Game
The game is April 19th at 7pm. Any questions can be directed to Kristyn Galante of
the Worcester Sharks at or Lu-Ann Souza of GSEM at
Flyer can be found here.
Flyer can be found here.
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Introduction to Camping for Brownies
NRGS Cadette Troop 71871 Camping 101 Event Cadette Troop 71871 will be
running a Camping 101 Event - Introduction to
Camping for Brownies - on Saturday,
April 12th at Camp Rice Moody in Reading. Girls will be
introduced to basic troop camping skills. Questions should be addressed to
Mary at or
617-828-5005. The deadline for sign-up is April 4th.
Find the flyer here.
Find the flyer here.
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
NRGS Spring Encampment
The Spring Encampment is being held
at Camp Runels on June 13-15, 2014. Since
we have to return unused sites by May 2nd, we will be setting a deadline of April 16th for registration and
payment to be received in order to guarantee your troop's
participation in the Encampment. Find flyer here.
Also the Leader Recap sheet found here is to be returned
to Debbie Nearing ASAP at but not later than April 16th. This
recap sheet has all the troop information for requesting accomodations for
sleeping arrangements as well as to let us know what troops would like to be
sharing sites together as well as any special accomodations that may be
necessary. Remember, those troops signing up
first get first choice on camping sites!
Once we have the troops placed and we know
how many sites we will need, we will be sending out all the necessary troop
information you will need to either attend for the day or to stay
overnight. The packet will include attendance lists, what to pack
lists for day campers as well as overnight campers, a list of what a troop will
need to pack and bring for an overnight as well as for day campers, schedules of
activities, maps of the campsite, camp rules, permission forms, health forms,
SWAP information, etc.
Also the Encampment Committee will be putting together a SWAPS in the Park Event where troops will be able to stop by and make SWAPS from all different kinds of crafts supplies and materials to be used at Encampment. This was very popular the last time we had a town wide encampment. Watch for more information in the near future!
Also the Encampment Committee will be putting together a SWAPS in the Park Event where troops will be able to stop by and make SWAPS from all different kinds of crafts supplies and materials to be used at Encampment. This was very popular the last time we had a town wide encampment. Watch for more information in the near future!
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Arbor Day Celebration!
Presented by the North Reading Garden Club. Celebrate Arbor Day through
the planting of a tree at IRP. Event is rain or shine. All Scouts are
encouraged to attend and assist with the tree planting. Please bring a
pair of work gloves. Shovels provided. Meet at the Gazebo and we will
walk to the planting site from there.
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Harlem Globetrotters!
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Peter and the Star Catcher
Scout Groups of 10+ receive discounts on admission. The play runs from May 27 - June 8.
See flyer here for more details.
See flyer here for more details.
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Girl Scout Red Sox Games!
On April 6th and July 29th are Scout Red Sox Games. These means special troop rates, pre-game parade, patches, and running the bases post game.
Please see flyer here for more information.
Please see flyer here for more information.
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Need First Aid/CPR Training?
offering more First Aid/CPR trainings.
Check out this one in Tyngsboro on
March 29th.
Medic First Aid & CPR Blended Learning – 7 spots

Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
Monday, March 3, 2014
Can't wait for your summer adventure?
You don't have to!
Girls in grades K-8 can attend April Vacation Journey in Andover, Plymouth or Waltham for one or two days, or the whole week. It's all the fun of camp without the wait! Bus transportation is available.
Brownies can try out overnight camp at one of our three Brownie Camping weekends. Activities include crafts, nature exploration and, of course, s'mores!
Summer camp is filling quickly! View the Camp Guide for a complete program listing and register online. Please contact or 617-350-8335 for more information about registering for camp.
Share your love
of GSEM summer camps!
The ballot is now open for Boston Parents Paper's 2014 Family Favorites Awards. Last year, Camp Wind-in-the-Pines won Best Overnight Camp and our day camps made the top 5 in their category.
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Free Screening of RIO 2!!
All Girl Scouts and their
families have been invited to a free screening of RIO 2 from
20th Century Fox!
Join us at Showcase Cinemas Legacy Place in Dedham, MA on April 5, 2014.
Pre-show activities start at 9am & show begins at 10:30am. All Girl Scouts will also receive a patch.
To attend, you must RSVP at
See flyer here.
All your favorite RIO characters are back as they journey back to that magical city in the wilds of the Amazon and they're joined by Oscar(r) nominee Andy Garcia, Grammy(r) winner Bruno Mars, Tony(r) winner Kristin Chenoweth and Oscar/Emmy(r)/Tony winner Rita Moreno.
Join us at Showcase Cinemas Legacy Place in Dedham, MA on April 5, 2014.
Pre-show activities start at 9am & show begins at 10:30am. All Girl Scouts will also receive a patch.
To attend, you must RSVP at
See flyer here.
All your favorite RIO characters are back as they journey back to that magical city in the wilds of the Amazon and they're joined by Oscar(r) nominee Andy Garcia, Grammy(r) winner Bruno Mars, Tony(r) winner Kristin Chenoweth and Oscar/Emmy(r)/Tony winner Rita Moreno.
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
field trip,
Interested in Manufacturing and STEM careers?
SME would like to extend a special invitation to
students in your school/district to attend the “Dream it. Do It.”
student program held at Mfg4 in Hartford, CT on May 6-7,
2014. The event will include hands- on activities/projects, touring the
show floor, and a tour held at TRUMPF in Farmington, CT. The event focus is for
students interested in manufacturing careers and STEM. Space is limited
each day (a maximum of 25 students per school) so early registration is
recommended! Please see the attached for details.
A stipend of up to $300 per school will be provided on
behalf of our sponsor TRUMPF, to help cover bus/travel expenses* –for details
send me an email.
We hope to see your students
at Mfg4!
Member &
Industry Relations Manager
& Interim
Manager, Member Units
One SME Drive
| Dearborn, MI 48128 | | O: 313.425.3130 | C:
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
Older girls
Service Project Opportunity: Learn to Quilt
A Girl Scout Leader from Georgetown has recently started volunteering for a non profit
organization that makes quilts for war veterans. It is called Quilts of Vallor.
She is looking for a troop that would like to work with her to sew a quilt top
for this organization. She has two sewing machines and a lot of patients. Or if
you have troop leaders who know how to quilt please consider looking into this
The girls could learn quilting while helping a great
Labels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette
all levels,
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