Volunteer Leader Meeting
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Library Activity Room
In Attendance: Joanna Maguire 78188;
Karrianne Bekier 62803; Lisa Coroa-Bockley 85121; Lisa Ayer 62798; Kristen
Pemberton 69171; Joanne Gibson 69175; Julie Galvin 62802; Kristin Puliafico
85118; Debbie Nearing 73891; Anne Valade, Amy Kelly 73897, 71901, 62804; Lisa
Alexander 86279; Bridget Easler 76212; Dawn Gonthier 71890; Jenn Vant
85337,;Ruth Kennedy 73899; Denise Kung 62798;
Meeting Start: 7:35pm
Anne welcomed all the leaders and we started with the Pledge of
Allegiance and the Girl Scout Law. Debbie handed out packets for encampment.
Lisa explained the financial report. The financial report needs
to be turned in to Lisa with your last bank statement no later than June 15. If
you have over $200 in your account you need to explain what you are saving for,
such as a trip or activity. Financial forms can be found on the blog. Please see
Lisa with any questions.
Amy talked about early bird registration which is going on now
through the end of June. Register your troop anytime! All registrations will be
done online now. Troops will be in a database which parents can view
time/day/school and choose a troop that suits the time slot they prefer. Someone
from council will reach out to the leaders about adding new girls. Molly Nagel
and Kim Lambert-Serna are our go to people for questions. To register, go on the
Ebiz site and select your troop members, add to the cart and checkout. Payment
must be made. You could ask parents to reimburse part of the payment if you
Anne mentioned that if your troop is having a year end party to
please follow GSEM's check points. For instance, if you are having a pool party,
you must have a lifeguard present.
Anne talked about uniforms. Each uniform has some pieces that
may move to the next level. Membership stars get transferred and World
Association pins also. When girls accumulate 5 stars you could get a #5 pin if
you like. The Brownie wings go on the Junior uniform and also get transferred to
Cadettes. Wearing badges on your uniform is important. Badges give the girls a
sense of accomplishment. They learn and experience something new and the badge
shows it. The only uniform that is ever "required" is the tab with the
membership pins. Ideas for leaders/ceremonies/badges can be found here: www.GSOFSI.org/Forms/leaders/ceremony
Please see Jo Gibson for cookie recognitions. They were on hand
at the May meeting.
IMPORTANT: Fly up has been changed
from June 1 to June 20—same time and same venue!
Open positions for Service Team
Batchelder School Coordinator: This position is
not a huge commitment. It requires some help with registration and being a go to
person at the school and someone who is touch with the PTO to know when events
are happening.
Recording Secretary: This volunteer would just
be taking minutes at the monthly Leader and Service Team meetings and typing
them up for distribution in the Monday email and blog. It does not require
any other commitment and is a great way to start your way on to the Service
Media Manager: This person contacts the
Transcript with Girl Scout information, submits photos, helps with social media
to announce cookie sales and things the public should know about.
Facebook Administrator: If you would like to be
an ADMIN on the NR Girl Scout page (the PUBLIC page) please
email Kristin (kscott1104@aol.com). This
page posts all things Girl Scouts from around the country and in North Reading
along with fun Girl Scout facts/activities. This is for the public to keep
interested in all things Girl Scouts (no personal photos!).
Old Girls on the ST: The ST is also looking for
a few older girls 14 and older to help decide and plan about older girl events.
Lisa: upcoming events: Scavenger Hunt, Fly Up,
Encampment and Memorial Day Parade
Ruth has a service project for all who are
interested. This is to beautify North Parish Park on Park Street for
Memorial Day to honor all Veteran's. Please bring a small geranium plant, any
color to the park on Saturday May 21 at 9:30am. Ruth will have participation
patches for all girls that are planting. Please let Ruth know if you planning to
attend by emailing her at ruthekennedy@gmail.com.
Parade info: Don't forget your first aid kit.
Parents and girls are welcome to march without their leader. Please meet at the
Building on the Common at 9:45am on Monday, May 30. This is rain or shine. Bring
a wagon with water for the little ones, don’t forget comfortable walking shoes,
sunscreen, a hat, and your troop banner as well as your permission or medical
forms for each girl participating, especially if they are not marching with your
troop and marching with someone who doesn’t know their medical information!
The leaders then talked about field trips and activities that
they have enjoyed and recommend and some that were just OK. A great source is
the Ultimate Guide. It has many great things to do with your troop.
Leader Social is June 15 and more information
is forthcoming.
Meeting end: 8:45pm
Encampment meeting directly followed and questions were answered
and information given out about scheduling and what to expect, etc.