
Monday, March 26, 2018

Leader Meeting Minutes 3/19/18

North Reading Girl Scouts
Leader Meeting – March 19, 2018
Minutes of the Meeting

Meeting Started at 7:40 p.m.

Leaders/Volunteers in Attendance:
Debbie Nearing, Service Unit Coordinator and Troop 73891; Kerri Antonuccio, SU Membership Promotor and Troop 62803; Amy Kelly, SU Treasurer and Troops 71901 and 62804; Anne Valade, Fall Product Manager; Joanne Gibson, Cookie Manager, Hood School Coordinator and Troops 69175 and 62548; Amber O’Driscoll, Batch School Coordinator and Troop 76211; Denise Kung, Interim Recording Secretary and Assistant Fall Products Coordinator and Troop 62798; Rebecca Lowe, Troop 62550; Laura Cherwek, Troop 82417; Ruth Kennedy, Troop 73899.

Debbie led us in the Opening Flag Ceremony and the Promise and welcomed the Leaders.
Cookies update from Jo – Still a few troops who have leftover cookies. Jo is writing thank you cards to local businesses who allowed troops to sell cookies. If you sold at a local biz, please send Jo some examples of what you are doing with your cookie money.  Recognitions should arrive by the start of May, once they are sorted and they can be picked up at the next meeting or at Jo’s house.  Amy reimbursed Leaders who brought Thanks cookies for SU to purchase.
Debbie gave cookie update from Regional Delegate Meeting – cookie sales are up 2.7%, online sales were much higher with ABC (16,891 cases!) this year versus 259 cases last year online!! Lord and Taylors will allow girls to sell cookies on March 24th and they are calling it GS Day (check your local store).
Jo is looking for ideas of local businesses she can ask to allow us to sell cookies next year. GSEM told Debbie Dunkin Donuts has a contract with them as well as Walgreens.  DD now offers flavored coffee with 3 varieties of cookies: Thin Mints, PB Sandwich and Carmel Delights. DD purchased $50,000 of cookies from GSEM this year!
Debbie – NEW from GS: lifetime membership dues discount will be added for Gold Awardees not just graduates. – Debbie checking to see if there is a cap for number of years passed.
Debbie has GS Sunday patches still available.
Kerri – early bird registration beings April 2nd.  Between 4/2 and 6/15 you get incentives! Families by 4/15 get $5 coupon for GS Store, by May 25 for troops get $50 program credit for up to 12 girls and $75 for more than 12, Service units get $300 for 50%, $400 for 65% and $500 for 75%.  Debbie will include a detailed incentive sheet in the Monday email.
Early Bird Recruitment campaign – Amber had an idea to create a flyer to give out to preschools (to recruit Daisy girls) – Kerri checking dates for a recruitment event
Memorial Day Parade – Rebecca brought a banner to show to the other leaders and we discussed ideas on how to make a banner for a new troop.  Check out the information about the length of the banner. If too long, girls will trip carrying it in the parade.  Banners also used for Fly Up Ceremony as well as parade.  Discussion on whether you use the same banner each level or create a new one.
Father Daughter Sports Day – trying to secure the gym at the HS again, Amber and Karianne working on this. The event would be for Daisies and Brownies (maybe for Juniors). Turnout was good last year.  Amber working on securing a date for the HS gym.
Amy requested June 20th for June Fly Up ceremony (for 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade). She thinks the time will be 6-8pm.  Amy awaiting to hear back from St. Theresa’s as to the date.
We need to find someone to do the blog, Melissa Audier is stepping down after this year.  Amy suggested maybe a HS girl scout would be a good fit if trained as to what we need.
Summer camp with GSEM – financial aid IS available. Check Camp Program guide mailed out or go online.  Space still available. Girls do not have to be registered in a troop to attend camp!
Congrats to Jo Gibson and Ruth Kennedy who were nominated by their peers and will be awarded for outstanding service above and beyond the troop as part of the Service Team! They will receive an appreciation pin at the Sheraton Hotel in Framingham on Sat April 28th from 11-3pm. Anyone can attend, the cost is $25, and you just must log on to and register.  Please contact Debbie to carpool.
Debbie surprised and congratulated the Service Team when she announced that she nominated the entire NR Service Team for outstanding volunteerism and really working and pulling together as a team and meeting goals in a difficult year. Thank you to Ruth Kennedy and Lisa Coroa-Bockley who endorsed the nomination and sent in very detailed and thoughtful letters.  Kim Lambert from Council also endorsed the nomination. The Awards and Recognition Committee and GSEM Board both approved the nomination for North Reading’s Service Unit, and we will be recognized at the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon on April 28th.  Please let Debbie know if you want to attend.  We can take 4 ST members free since Debbie and Anne are already free and Jo is already attending with a ticket.
Ruth will be sending out information about GS Planting Day @ Veterans Memorial Park. Arbor Day celebration will be Friday April 27th at 6pm – plant a tree at Ipswich River Park to celebrate Arbor Day. Meet at the gazebo and walk over to the planting area.  Contact Ruth Kennedy at for information.
Meeting Ended at 8:45 pm

Minutes taken by Denise Kung
Reviewed and Edited by Debbie Nearing

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