
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Leader's Meeting Minutes - 1/15/13

Attendees: Service Unit (SU) Coordinator: Amy Kelly [73897, 71901], SU Secretary: Debbie Nearing [73891], SU Treasurer: Julia Slavin [71872], SU Recording Secretary: Alycia McGoldrick [73904], SU Cookie Coordinator: Kerstin March [71898], SU Registrar: Anne Valade, Kristin Puliafico [85118], Cheryl Carr [71888], Ruth Kennedy [73899], Sue Kirby [73899], Kristin Lamont [71880], Barbara Duff [71902], Jodi Sponzo [73897]

Items requiring attention are marked in red
ASAP!! Items requiring IMMEDIATE attention are preceded by "ASAP!" and marked in red


Meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm. Pledge was recited.

Three members of Troop 73897 gave a presentation on social media and the safety precautions that should be observed.  This was part of their Take Action project for their Journey.

Service Unit Update
The Founder's Award, a scholarship for a graduating senior Girl Scout will be given this year.  There are 7 graduating seniors!  Gifts for the seniors are being ordered.
The Service Team discussed that there needs to be 1 event per year whose proceeds are earmarked for the Founder's Award.
There will be a spring Mother/Daughter Daisy Tea to meet that requirement.

We will hold 2 separate fly ups again this year.  Troops 73894 and 73897 will be coordinating the Fly Up for the older girls.  Girl Council will be running the Fly Up for the Daisies (feedback was very positive on the separate Daisy event) Need to pick dates.  If anyone knows of conflicts (recitals, 1st communions, softball banquets, etc...) please let Jodi Sponzo know.

Volunteer recognition nominations need to be submitted by Feb 8th.  If you have a co-leader, parent, or know of another volunteer that you think deserves to be recognized - submit the applications on-line as

Amy is going to send out a letter to the all parents...subject - Did You Know?
     Parents can attend the Leader's meeting (for their troop, for themselves)
     Parents can use the blog to stay informed, get forms, etc...
     Kids can attend Council programs even if their troop isn't going
     Parents can run a meeting for their troop, teach the girls something new
     All Leaders in town are volunteering their time and receive no compensation
     There are open positions on the North Reading Service Team and parents can serve
     Parents can be the camp trained person for their daughter's troop
     ....and more!

There was a discussion about the frustration shared by the Leaders that parents don't respond to emails, don't meet deadlines.  Ideas:
     Be strict with your cut-offs
     Send text messages
     Hand paper flyers out (? this seemed to work in times past)

There was a discussion about Leader's Meeting Participation (or lack thereof).  Ideas:
     Add a topic each time that addresses the needs of Daisy Leaders and see if it draws them in
     Try a Sunday 8 am meeting time
     Decide if we even need a Leader's Meeting - many troops are active and engaged even though the Leaders don't attend the Leader's Meeting
     Try to make it a more social-type event
     Amy may send an email to the Leaders that don't attend these meetings just to see what they've been up to and check in!

There are still open positions on the Service Team (and opportunities to influence the North Reading Council):
     Service Unit Coordinator (Amy's role)
     Registrar (Anne's role)
     Recording Secretary (Alycia's role)
     Fall Product Sales Coordinator (Shauna's role)

Ruth and Sue's troop is going snowtubing on the last Thursday in January and would love if other troops would join them.  They will be at Amesbury Sports Park.  Note - they're not coordinating the'll still need to fill out your forms and whatnot - they're just hopeful that other troops will join in the fun!

Registration Update
Council updates to the rosters seem to be slow - some girls are not yet appearing in the right troops.  If this is the case, let Anne know.  She can't fix it but can feed it back to Council.

Council tells us that we are ~50 girls short of our registration goal. 
Council is going to try to run a recruitment event - our concern is that if we had those 50 girls registered, we wouldn't have troops to put them in!

Registration fees are going to be going up to $25 per girl - with $15 going to GSUSA and $10 going to GSEM!

Town Events
Father/Daughter Sports Event - February 9th
Bring your dad, uncle, grandfather, significant adult for a day of fun and sports. Will include basketball, bowling, golf and more!
Flyer is here and due back at next Leader's meeting.

Ice Skating Event - February 20th
Sandy Griffin going to lead this event and we will distribute the flyer via email since there is no December meeting.
World Thinking Day - February 22nd
This year's theme "Together We Can Save Children's Lives".  This is based on the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals which aim to improve the lives of the world's poorest people.
Good info to use for your troop can be found at GSUSA's website or by Googling it.

Girl Scout Week - March 10th-16th
Girl Scout Sunday - 3/10
Girl Scout Birthday - 3/12
Girl Scout Sabbath - 3/16
Mother/Daughter Daisy Tea - likely in this timeframe
There may be an event for the elementary school 1/2 days

March is Girl Scout Food Pantry month
More details will be coming

Vacation Week Gymnastics
Garden Club' Arbor Day

Cookie Update
Order deadline this Friday

Check to make sure that all your girls are in the database!
The cookie drop will be on February 8th and Kerstin is still looking for a few volunteers to help manage the pick up.  It generally runs from 8 - 11 am.  If you are interested in helping - contact Kerstin March.

Council Programs (didn't cover these but agreed to put them in the minutes)
Many winter Council Outdoor Programs offered for all ages
Winter Wonderland Program for girls in K-3rd
Come do some summer camp activities in the middle of winter!
1/27 @ Camp Cedar Hill.

Glow in teh Dark Lock In for Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors
Try your hand at the climbing wall while it's glowing.  Take a night hike, play man hunt.  Stay up all night if you want!
2/9-10 @ Camp Wind-in-the-Pines/Plymouth

Winter Vacation Camp for girls in 6th-12th
Come to camp for the week and downhill ski or snowboard, go night tubing, try snowshoeing, and more!
2/18-22 @ Camp Wabasso

Winter Hiking Series for girls in 6th-12th
Attend various session and then join in for an overnight outdoor hiking trip
Sessions vary, overnight 3/8-10

Snowshoeing for girls in 4th-12th
Learn how to snowshoe, develop teambuilding skills, and have fun!
Dates and locations vary

April Vacation Camp for girls in K-8th
Come to camp for the week and see what camp is about - come for a day or two or the whole week
4/16-19 @ Camp Cedar Hill/Waltham, Camp Maude Eaton/Andover, Camp Wind-in-the-Pines/Plymouth

Next Leaders Meeting is 2/12, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall, Room 14

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