
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Leaders Meeting Minutes - 4/11/12

Attendees: Service Unit (SU) Coordinator: Amy Kelly [73897, 71901], SU Recording Secretary: Alycia McGoldrick [73904], Little School Coordinator Barbara Gravel [71876], SU Cookie Coordinator: Kerstin March [71898], SU Registrar Anne Valade, Karen McCullough [71905], Sue Kirby [73899], Janice Gulbicki [71905], Lisa Alexander [85014/Stoneham], Karen Mericantante [85335], Susanne Rech [85336], Sandy Griffin [71900], Kristin Lamont [85193, 71880], Susan West [73950]
Items requiring attention are marked in red
ASAP!! Items requiring IMMEDIATE attention are preceded by "ASAP!" and marked in red


Meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm

Council Updates
New and updated program information can be found at
including updated information on the 100th Anniversary Camporee.

Spring Registration is open on-line at
If there is someone who is not on your troop roster but should be, contact Anne Valade.
If there is a girl who needs to transfer out of one troop into another, register her with her current troop and do the transfer after.

Troop Finance Reports We will be collecting Finance reports beginning at the next Leader's Meeting.  For the form and instructions on how to fill it out:

Notable Upcoming Council Programs
Civil War Living History Program The Framingham History Center is putting on a Civil War Living History Encampment - 5/4-6, 2012.  This can be a troop camping trip or a family camping trip.  More info can be found at
$6.25 per girl, patch included.
The flyer is here.

Footsteps of American Saints Program For girls in grades 2-5.  May 3, 2012 from 4-6 pm in Waltham.  Girls learn about the lives of American saints - including:  Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Agnes (the patron saint of Girl Scouts), and Saint Katherine Drexel.
$15 per girl plus a Food Pantry item, patch included.
The flyer is here.

Mad Scientist Daisy/Brownie event on 4/29/12, 2-3:45 pm in Bolton.  Explore the scientific method and have fun!
$9 per girl - super patch piece included.
More info here

Brownie Pet Badge for grades 2 & 3 on 4/28/12, 10am-12pm in Norfolk.  Earn your pet badge, learn about "pocket pets" (mice, gerbils, hamsters, etc...).
$13 per girl, badge included.
More info here

Pocket Pets and Other Critters for Juniors on 4/28/12 (may also be on 6/2/12), 1pm-4pm in Norfolk.  Learn about small pets, and handle some of them!
$15 per girl.
More info here

Kids4Trees for girls K-5, 6/9/12, 9:45am-1:30pm at Franklin Park. Learn about trees and the enviroment with Smokey the Bear and Woodsy the Owl.  Learn about Olympic values, staying healthy and pursuing your dreams from Olympic athletes.
More info here

Celebrating 100 years of Scouting for all ages, 5/12/12 10am-5pm, 5/13/12 12pm-5pm in Danvers.  Crafts, games, songs, and a fashion show.  This is a drop-in event with activities that repeat throughout the day. 
$5 per girl.
More info here

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater for all ages, 4/26-29/12 at the Wang Theater.  Special Girl Scout Friends and Family discount. 
Go to and use the code GSCOUTMA.

100th Anniversary Camporee, 6/1-3 (for 4th grade and up). Deadline for registration is 4/1. Sign up now with just 1 person to hold the spot and add the rest of your group later.
Sunday from 12-4 is a festival open to families. Cost is $10 is you went to the camporee, $12 if you pre-register, and $15 if you are a walk-in.
If your troop is planning on going to the Camporee (and there appeared to be at least 5 troops going), send Amy Kelly an email - she wants to know.
If you are not certified for encampment, GSEM will pair you with a troop that is. Don't let the lack of time for squeezing in the training keep you from this event!

Sundown Singalog for all ages, 5/18/12, 6-7:30 pm in Waltham.  Girl Scout songs and s'mores around the campfire
$7 per girl.
More info here

Some useful email addresses for Council:
Award, Bronze:
Award, Gold:
Award, Silver:
Other: info@girlscoutseasternmass

Town Update
Email Blasts
We have started using email blasts to the parents to make sure that they are aware of events that are being offered.  The Fairy House event went out via a blast and the attendance jumped from 25 to 75 girls in a very short time.
The plan is that the Leaders will receive the info about events at the Leaders Meeting.  Then, on the 1st of the month, parents will receive a single blast with all of the monthly flyers for that months events that pertain to their child.  All will have the option of not receiving the blasts.

The hope is that this gives all girls the access to all of the opportunities.  Also - if the Leader cannot do an event due to a conflict - maybe a parent will step forward to help out.

NR Transcript
It is great to see photos of the scouts in the Transcript.  Keep it up!  Also - remember that good press for local businesses who help us will only encourage them to help other troops in the future!

S.H.A.R.E. (Support Her Activities, Resources, and Experiences) fundraiser has started. This is a Council run drive to raise money to fund programs, training classes, camp maintenance, etc.  Envelopes were distributed at the meeting and are available from Anne for all troops.  Please explain the fundraiser to your parents and pass the envelopes along.
This year, the Girl Council is planning a Share Her Artistic Renderings Exhibit on 5/22 from 6:30-8pm (tentative). 
Girls will be asked to create "art" - to display at the event. The art can be anything: painting, drawing, sculpture, baking, sewing, jewelry, photography, etc...
Entry ticket to the art exhibit will be the S.H.A.R.E. envelope. Ask parents to return the envelopes anyway, even if not attending the exhibit.
There is likely to be a bake sale as well.  Please let Anne Valade know if your troop wants to contribute to the bake sale.

If your troop is going to participate, please let Anne Valade know (for space planning).
Girl Council - is a group of 6th grade and up Scouts who are looking for more involvement. Anne Valade meets with them and they work on putting together events and give ideas to the Service Team. Girl Council is working on the following:
- Art Exhibit for S.H.A.R.E.
- A Fancy Nancy event for Daisies - May or early June, right after school
- Activities for Younger Girl Encampment - they will be attending to help
- Daisy Fly Up - date will be posted as soon as possible

Cookie Info Cookie recognitions should be in by the end of the month.  Last year's cookie credits need to be used before the end of June (on bright pink paper).  A trip to the store during Encampment is a great time to use them up!

Past Events
The History of Scouting Exhibit in the Children's Room of the library was taken down.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see it.

Daisy/Brownie Fairy House Event was a great success - 75 girls signed up!  The girls did lots of activities and Leaders said that their girls had a great time.  The weather was great, which helped with the building of the Fairy houses...but no one counted on all the ticks!  It is going to be a rough season...

Future Events
LaserQuest Event and Gymnastics for vacation week. 
Arbor Day Event - 4/27/12
Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes event for Daisies, 5/24/12, 4-5:30pm at the High School Cafeteria (tentative).  There will be a story, snack, craft, and Bingo if time allows.  Flyer soon...

Daisy Fly-up 5/29/12, 6:30-7:30 pm at the IRP Pavillion (tentative).  We have split the Daisies off for Fly-up to make the events more manageable and enjoyable.  Flyer soon...

Younger Girl Encampment for K-5th, 4/28-29 at Camp Cedar Hill. 

100 Year T-shirts Flyer for ordering will be coming soon - and t-shirts should be available for the parade.

Memorial Day Parade - ~ 1 mile slow walk along the parade route. Troops generally make and carry a banner that represents the troop for this. The banner gets re-used for Fly-up and can be used for the troop's lifetime.
Back to Basics - The Service Team has decided that next year's events will go back to the basics: World Thinking Day, Juliette Low Birthday Party, etc...  Please bring your ideas (Peace Corps Volunteers, Drummers, Folk Dancing) to our attention - or better yet, join us for the summer planning meetings!

Early September Older Girl Overnight for 6th and up.  Will be a tent camping overnight at Camp Favorite in Brewster.  No activities will be planned - this will just be an opportunity for troops to go camping!  Date is forthcoming....

Next Leaders Meeting is 5/15, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall, Room 14

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