
Frequently Asked Questions

Service Unit Learning Day ─ 9/18/16 Council Response to Volunteer Questions
Communication & CEI
1. How do I find my council contact in Volunteer Support, External Recruitment and Internal Recruitment?
Please contact Customer Care at 844-306-GSEM (4736) or
2. Is the SU Shutterfly group open to all service unit team members?
The Service Unit Committee is evaluating this communication channel, which is not currently open to all SU team members.
3. Will Volunteer Systems, My GS, and the Volunteer Toolkit be useable on mobile devices?
Yes! Our website and all related software tools are mobile compatible for all platforms.
4. How do I demonstrate the My GS community if I don’t have a troop?
Please watch and share our 15-minute online tutorial.
5. How does a service unit work with and support Individually Registered Members (IRMs)?
IRMs are an important component of our council’s membership, so we have asked the Service Unit Committee to make recommendations.
Treasurers & Funds
1. Since two signers are needed on the service unit bank account, should there be two treasurers?
There should be just one treasurer per service unit, but a second, unrelated member of the leadership team should be the second signer on the bank account.
2. Is the service unit coordinator required to be the second signer on the service unit bank account?
This responsibility may be assigned to any member of the service unit leadership team as long as that person is unrelated to the first signer.
Volunteer Training
1. Will there be Essentials trainings for Cadette/Senior/Ambassador levels?
GSEM offers online learning resources for troop leaders of all levels, including C/S/A. Please see the Wednesday Webinar archive on
2. Should I re-take training for younger levels if my troop just graduated and I plan to volunteer with younger troops?
We recommend you take Essentials to learn more about the Volunteer Toolkit and other new resources for K-5 troops.
3. Who needs to take Troop Pathway Orientation and Essentials trainings?
Troops are required to have at least one fully trained volunteer at meetings and events. We strongly recommend that both troop leaders and assistant troop leaders complete both Troop Pathway Orientation (TPO) and the appropriate grade-level Essentials training for more flexibility.
Volunteer Toolkit (VTK)
1. Where can I find more information about the Volunteer Toolkit?
You can watch and share the recording of our September 21 webinar with volunteers at any time. If this is your first time watching a GSEM webinar or you need help accessing it, please visit (for Windows users) or (for Mac users).
2. How will Girl Scouts continue to be girl-led if the VTK pre-assigns meeting curriculum?
The VTK’s pre-designed meeting plans are a resource that can be customized to allow for girl-led decision making. As girls get older, they can use the tool directly to design their own year and meeting plans.
3. How do troop leaders access the VTK if they are visually impaired?
As the Volunteer Toolkit is new technology made available to GSEM this month from GSUSA, we have sent this question directly to their staff for additional information. In the interim, both the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind and the Perkins School for the Blind can offer additional information and accessibility solutions for the interfacing of specific products and data applications.
4. Can service unit leadership team members access the VTK if they do not have a troop?
Currently, the VTK is available to troop leaders, assistant troop leaders and members of girls’ Friends and Family Network.
5. Can service unit leadership team members add service unit events to troop calendars?
Troop year plan calendars are only for troops. However, the service unit can send email reminders to troop leaders to add events to their year plans.
6. Will the VTK be available to troop treasurers? Will this replace the Troop Financial Report?
The VTK finance tab is not currently active for GSEM members.
7. Does the VTK eliminate the need to purchase The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and Journey books?
The VTK does not replace these essential Girl Scout guides. Each troop should purchase The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting for the appropriate grade level and the how-to guide and girl book for any Journey they are working on.
8. In the VTK, can a troop work on both badges and Journeys?
Yes, troops can customize their year plan to include badges and Journeys.
9. When will plans for Cadette and older levels be available on the VTK?
GSUSA will add pre-designed year plans for Cadettes and older girls in 2017. Older girl troops can also create a custom year plan using the VTK.
Opportunity Catalog & Rosters
1. When a troop is listed as “closed” or does not appear in the Opportunity Catalog, how does a volunteer open it to more girls?
The troop leader should complete the GSEM Opportunity Catalog survey to add or update troop information.
2. Can Service Unit Membership Promoters see a list of “unsure” girls in our service unit?
Placing unsure girls in troops is the responsibility of GSEM’s Internal Recruitment Team. However, your Volunteer Support Specialist can provide a list upon request so these girls can be included in other Girl Scouting opportunities in their community.
3. Can Service Unit Membership Promoters see a list of “in process” adults?
Adults will only appear on service unit rosters once they have completed membership registration, including the two-part criminal background check.
4. If/when automated rosters are fixed by GSUSA, who will they go to?
Please continue to ask your Volunteer Support Specialist for service unit rosters, and watch for an update once we know more about automated roster availability.
Safety Questions (Non-Criminal Background Check)
1. What service unit events require a Girl Scout Activity Form?
Only “high risk” activities, as defined on pages 66-67 of Volunteer Essentials, and additional money-earning activities, as defined on pages 15-16 of Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Policies and Procedures, require completion of a Girl Scout Activity Form.
2. Do booth sales need a Girl Scout Activity Form?
These are managed as part of the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
3. Do service unit encampments need one Girl Scout Activity Form or many (from each troop)?
If the service unit is completing a Site Reservation Form for a town-wide encampment, a Girl Scout Activity Form is not needed as these forms request the same information.
4. Explain the change in the travel rules requiring two adults per vehicle.
As announced on September 20, this policy will remain as it has been, with thanks to volunteers who provided important feedback on the proposed change.
5. If parents/caregivers drive their own girls to events are two adults in a car required?
No, this is a considered a “drop off” event.
Criminal Background Check Process
1. What information is included in Verified Volunteers that is not in CORI/SORI?
Verified Volunteers does a national background search, whereas CORI/SORI only provides information from Massachusetts.
2. Who will prompt me to complete Verified Volunteers?
After registering, you will receive an automated email from providing your individualized link to complete the Verified Volunteer screening, instructions for completing the CORI/SORI form, and a link to that form.
3. How will my information be kept secure?
GSEM is committed to keeping all volunteer information secure and adheres to strict Comprehensive Information Security Program (CISP) procedures. For specifics, please view the GSEM Privacy Policy. For additional information specific to our Criminal Background Check partner, Verified Volunteers, please view Verified Volunteers’ Privacy Policy.
4. What issues would prevent approval of a volunteer’s background check?
This is detailed in GSEM’s Volunteer Policies and Procedures, Addendum 1: GSEM Criminal Background Check Policy.
5. Can service unit leadership team members still be CORI/SORI authorized signers?
Yes! It is an optional responsibility in the Membership Promoter and Coordinator position descriptions. If you need to renew your authorized signer status, please contact your Volunteer Support Specialist.
6. Is there an online description of the CORI/SORI process?
Yes! There is a full page devoted to it on GSEM’s website under the volunteer tab.
7. Do ALL adults volunteering at cookie booths need to be registered and have complete criminal background checks?
Because of girl safety and money management, we require background checks for cookie booth sale volunteers.
8. Explain the difference between a public event and a service unit event in which adults need to have complete criminal background checks.
Because each situation is different, please contact you Volunteer Support Specialist. You can also submit an online Girl Scout Activity Form.
9. What access to My GS does a troop leader (formerly “01”) have and how does the criminal background check process affect it?
In order for troop leaders to access the My GS community and Volunteer Toolkit, they need to have a current, completed criminal background check.
10. How do I access My GS?
You can find the link at the top right of our website. Log in with your username (email address) and password. Need help using our online registration and renewal system? Watch our 15-minute online tutorial.
11. Can volunteers access contact information for other service unit leadership team members?
Each volunteer can access his/her own information in My GS. To connect with other volunteers, please contact your Volunteer Support Specialist.
12. What rules/policies are we expected to police as service unit leadership team members?
The role of service unit leadership team members is to assist in communicating GSEM updates to volunteers, and in conveying volunteer concerns to GSEM staff.
13. How do volunteers know when they need to renew their criminal background check?
Registered volunteers whose criminal background check is up for renewal (every three years) will receive an automated email with detailed instructions on the renewal process.
14. Can service unit coordinators find out the criminal background check status of volunteers?
Troop leaders can see criminal background check status for adults related to their troop in My GS. Service unit coordinators can only see criminal background check status for adult volunteers assigned to their service unit in My GS. They cannot see the status of volunteers that are part of a troop.
15. Why isn’t CORI/SORI online?
Massachusetts state law requires in-person verification with a photo ID.
16. How will new volunteers be notified to complete a CORI/SORI?
After registering, an automated email from will provide a new volunteer with an individualized link to complete the Verified Volunteer screening, instructions for completing the CORI/SORI form, and a link to that form.

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