
Monday, November 4, 2019

Future Service Unit (SU) events

Our amazing service unit has several events planned for this scouting year including a Lego challenge, DIY Race car event, Archery/Canoe/S’mores and more! If you have an idea for an event or would like to be part of the planning committee for an event please reach out to Rebecca or Jo. Thank you for being part of North Reading Girl Scouts!   

Volunteer Recognitions

GSEMA is now accepting nominations for volunteer recognitions! Show appreciation for volunteers you know and love by nominating them for formal awards. Nominations are due by February 15. Plus, check out our tips for other fun and easy ways to say thank you to volunteers who are making the world a better place.

Seeking Girl Board Members

GSEMA invites Girl Scouts ages 14–17 to apply for a position on the GSEMA Board of Directors. Girl Board Members have the unique opportunity to collaborate with local professional leaders, strategize to better support Girl Scouting throughout eastern Massachusetts, and make a difference in their communities. To apply, girls should submit an application and two recommendations by 11:59 PM on January 23, 2020.

Represent GSEMA at the 2020 National Convention

Calling Girl Scouts age 14+ and adults! Apply to serve as a National Council Delegate for GSEMA at GSUSA’s 55th National Council Session and Convention. From October 21–25, 2020, in Orlando, Florida, you can be part of the action by representing GSEMA, meeting delegates from other councils, and casting your vote to help shape the future of Girl Scouting. Learn more about the role and read through the FAQ, then apply by December 5.

Program Highlights

STEM and Outdoor programs for Cadettes and Up- The days are getting shorter, but there’s still plenty of time for girls to learn new skills! They can develop green urban landscapes, problem-solve, and experiment with bridges, gliders, and moon rovers alongside female engineers from Raytheon at MathMovesU on December 8. They can also get outdoors to learn about knife safety, build an emergency shelter, cook delicious dishes using a variety of outdoor cooking methods, and more at Build Your Outdoor Skills sessions throughout December. Register your girl today.

Cookie Program

Get ready, get set, mark your calendars for the 2019–20 cookie program! Girl Scout Cookies fund adventures and help girls empower themselves through goal-setting and entrepreneurship—not to mention fun! Girls can begin selling cookies online on November 21, and in person on December 3. Troop Cookie Coordinators can get a prepared by submitting their required paperwork now. You can explore our online resources, and email us with your troop number if you need to be introduced to your Service Unit Cookie Mentor.

Fall Product - Final Count

From Denise Kung- “We had 13 troops participating and total sales just over $16,000. Incredible job by everyone! We had 11 troops sell over $750, which I believe means we earned a service unit bonus of $220. We did better in total sales and in troops breaking the $750 mark over last year.”

Frozen 2- Event Full

Daisies, Brownies and their families are invited to a private showing of Frozen 2 at Woburn Showcase Cinemas on Wednesday, November 27th at 1pm. There are 40 seats available and the cost is $11 a ticket. Please venmo @Rebecca-Lowe-32, or drop off cash/check to 16 Pleasant Street. Registration will only be considered complete after both signupgenius registration and payment is received. ***This event filled in less than 24 hours so I’ve reached out to the theater to see if we have any options. If this event is a success I would love it to be annual with the possibility of moving it to a theater that is farther afield, but that can accommodate a larger group. Also, a separate film event for older girls is in the works.