
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Encampment Success!

Thank you to everyone on the Encampment Committee who helped to plan and coordinate a very successful Encampment for 117 girls and over 40 adults this past weekend!  A special thank you to Anne Valade and Amy Kelly for all the work they did to put together the badge workshop and the scavenger hunt trail.  A huge thank you to Kerstin March for coming to Encampment to be our lifeguard, canoe facilitator, and for running the s’mores/sing-along at inspiration point!  Another huge thank you to all of our facilitators for archery and canoes, Jo Gibson, Michele Reyen, Rebecca Lowe and Adrienne Dunn.  The girls had a blast we heard.  Thank you to Mother Nature—the weather was just perfect for an Encampment, after all the rainy weekends we had leading up to our big day…  Finally, thank you to the Leaders and adult volunteers who gave up their weekend to give the girls an experience they will never forget!

Encampment – Follow Up

Arts Badge -- If your girls were not able to complete all the steps needed to earn the Arts Badge we handed out at Encampment, you can contact Anne Valade at before Friday and she can let you borrow supplies she still has on hand that will assist the girls in earning their Badge.  You will need to contact Anne by Friday!! 

Lost and Found – We have several items that were found at camp after Encampment.  If they belong to any of the girls in your troop, please let us know ASAP or we will dispose of them in the next couple of weeks. 
Found items:
a Trolls beach towel
      a beach towel with beach things like umbrellas printed on it
      a girl’s pair of pink/purple crocks
      a blue water bottle
      black stockings or leggings

Register for Fall Programs-Now Open!

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for fall programs and activities! Search for activities on our website by program level to view chronological results. Click an activity title to view more information and register. New programs are added to the Activities page regularly, so be sure to check our website often!

Healthy Minds, Healthy Girls Training for Volunteers

This summer we’re offering several trainings for volunteers on how to provide mental health support and guidance to girls. Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches volunteers how to help an adolescent experiencing a mental health challenge, and will take place at Camp Cedar Hill on June 22. This course is offered at a discount—register by June 15. Stress Management for Girl Scouts Pathway courses are also available to volunteers at all Girl Scout levels—sign up on LEAD Online.

Camp Wind-in-the-Pines 90th Birthday

Since 1929, Camp Wind-in-the-Pines has been a place for girls to make wonderful summer memories. Join us in celebrating the camp's 90th year! All friends of WIP are invited to a special celebration on Saturday, July 27, from 1-4 PM. Campers and their families, alums, and staff are welcome for a day of swimming, archery, crafts, and campfires—and everyone will receive a commemorative patch.

Girl Scouts State Parks Weekend

Girl Scouts love getting outside, especially in our majestic state parks! Revel in the wonder of nature with your girls on July 13-14. On this weekend Girl Scouts will be partnering with state parks across the country, and GSEMA will be offering discounted access and Girl Scout exclusive events in state parks in eastern Massachusetts to girls and volunteers. Get some fresh air, see memorable sights, go fishing and boating, and make new friends. Girls who attend a Girl Scouts Love State Parks activity will also receive a patch!

Older Girl Fly Up Update

Fly Up/Bridging Ceremony will take place at 6:30 on June 18th at St Theresa’s Parish Hall.
  • Please check the roster Lisa sent via email to make sure we have the correct names of your troop members for the Program
  • Please check your assignments to make sure they are listed correctly
  • Remember to bring your Troop banner to the ceremony
  • Each Troop should bring a case of water and 2-3 dozen cookies/brownies/pastries to share at the refreshment table
  • Girls should wear their uniforms, Leaders their pins, and if desired girls can dress/decorate to the theme of “Under the Sea”.

Early Bird Renewal – Deadline June 7th

We are getting closer to goal, but still quite a ways from earning our $300 incentive. We sent out emails to every registered family this evening in the hope we can meet our deadline.  If you are a troop leader re-registering your troop, please do this by Friday.   If you already re-registered your girls, thank you!