Thursday, May 30, 2019
Encampment – The Great Outdoors
Fly Up Program
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Memorial Day Parade Information – May 27
The Memorial Day parade is Monday, May 27th
rain or shine at 10 a.m. Troops should arrive at the meeting house on
the common and line up according to levels with Daisies first. Girls
can take turns holding their banner. Remember Leaders to remove the
pole from the banner so it’s not as heavy. Wear comfortable walking
shoes, sunscreen, a hat, Girl Scout uniforms for the girls, Girl Scout pins for the Leaders, and bring a first aid kit with the girls annual permission form showing their emergency contact information in the event of an emergency on the parade route. Girls should carry a water bottle or an adult could pull a wagon with water for the girls. The parade will stop for a few minutes for the HS band to play and girls can take a little rest drink their water. We remind Leaders to remind the girls to be respectful and that North Reading Girl Scouts
do not hand out or carry balloons any longer in the parade and we
absolutely do not throw candy into the crowds as it’s a safety issue.
Parents are allowed to walk with the girls in the parade and any girl can participate without a troop or her Leader.
Encampment – The Great Outdoors
Just a reminder that if your troop is participating in low ropes at Encampment, you can either pay the extra $5 per girl
to reimburse the NRGS by one check handed in at check-in the day of
Encampment or by submitting it to Amy Kelly at Venmo @amy-kelly-78.
These are the troops and the amounts owed for your reference:
Troop 62458 $70.00 Troop 69171 $30.00 Troop 62803 $70.00 Troop 86279 $25.00
Troop 62550 $50.00 Troop 69175 $45.00 Troop 85336 $25.00
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Bronze and Silver Award Final Report Reminder
year, GSEMA has moved forms online to improve volunteer experience and
collect more data on how girls develop as leaders throughout our
footprint. To access these reports please visit the Bronze Award and Silver Award webpages. The final deadline for those bridging up to a new grade level is September 30!
Last Call for Photos for Older Girl Fly Up Slideshow
Daisy Annual Fly Up Event
The Daisy Fly Up Invitation is now attached here. Fly Up is scheduled for Monday, June 17th, at the Aldersgate Church at 6:30 p.m. We would ask that all girls arrive by 6:15.
Daisy Fly Up will be less than an hour and we will have refreshments
after the ceremony. We would ask each troop to collect a supply of
bathroom toilet tissue and Glade air fresheners from your girls to
donate to the Aldersgate Church in lieu of a monetary donation for the
generous use of their space for Fly Up. We can answer any Fly Up
questions at our May Leader meeting.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
May Leader Meeting - Please send a rep from your Troop
ask ALL troops participating in the Encampment be represented at
the May 15th Leader meeting. If a Leader cannot attend, please send one
of your adults registered to attend.
We will be discussing Encampment and this is your opportunity to get
answers and also we will be handing out information for Encampment.
Encampment – The Great Outdoors
Annual Troop Finance Report DUE IN JUNE
Troop Finance Reports for Troops are now online. Troops can attach the
previous finance report excel files or their own system of tracking as
detailed documentation. This streamlined process will allow for easier
submissions and better record keeping. Troops should include Amy Kelly’s
email address ( as the NRGS Treasurer to receive a copy as well. You can access the new Annual Finance Report form online! These are due by June 30th.