Wondering what it is or what we do there? Well, here's a summary in photos...here.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Leader Meeting Minutes 2/13/19
for Leader Meeting
February 13, 2019
Hall, Room 10 – 7:30 p.m.
Nearing, Anne Valade, Lisa Ayer, Michelle Gerokoulis, Lisa Coroa-Bockley, Amy
Kelly, Amber O’Driscoll, Rebecca Lowe, Denise Kung, Kim Lambert from GSEM
Salute and Pledge to the Flag and Promise – Debbie
Opening Meeting:
- Amy Kelly’s Senior Troop 71901 worked on the Celebrating Community badge with Brownie Troop 62798. The troop viewed the town’s historic district, went to the history room at Flint Memorial Library, and taught the girls how to conduct a flag ceremony. This was the reward for collecting the greatest number of shoes to donate during Troop 71901’s shoe drive fundraiser.
- There is a North Reading town flag that was designed by Girl Scout troop 293 in 1973. It is in the Select board room at the Murphy Center Town Hall if you want to view it.
- If your company uses Benevity, they can make a donation to your troop. The donation should go through Council but should be earmarked for your troop.
- Collections for Kerstin & Registration Forms for Events
- Collations – Hillview from 4 to 6 pm for March family
- Lego Challenge Update– Denise/Lisa Ayer
- Library Activity Room Policy – no fees can be charged
- 50 girls attended. They were broken into groups of 5 to complete challenges. The girls created a maze and a zipline using Legos. Lego donated 10 mini-kits which were used as prizes and each girl received a fun patch and a ribbon to make a Lego necklace. The Lego creations were displayed in the Children’s Room of the Flint Memorial Library.
- Amazon Robotics Tour – Lisa Coroa-Bockley and Denise Kung
- Tour will take place on February 26th. There is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 participants. Grade 6 and up can attend.
- Pinewood/Powderpuff Derby Event – Lisa Ayer
- Rules will be coming separately
- The event will take place on April 6th at the UCC
- Cars will be weighed and impounded two days before the event
- Lisa Ayer has cars for sale for $5
- See flyer on the blog for more information and to register
- World Thinking Day – Feb. 22nd – Theme is Leadership – Debbie
- Celebrating ways in which Girl Scouts and sister Girl Guides become leaders and develop the power to bring changes they want to see in the world.
- Looking for Committee volunteers to plan International Event in 2020
- Encampment Committee Meeting - Debbie
- Thurs. Feb. 28th 7:00 p.m. in Library Activity Room
- Encampment questions
- Financial aid provided by NRGS SU only if troop has no funds
- Camp trainings for staying in lodge or tent
- Future informational meetings for parents – mandatory for Leaders
- GS Food Pantry update and dates in March - Amber
- Each troop level was assigned a specific food to donate
- Collection boxes are at the library, town hall, post office, Stop & Shop, the Middle School, and the Batchelder, Hood and Little.
- Mega drop will take place at Town Hall on March 30th at 9:30 am
- GS Sunday – March 10th and Sabbath March 16 - Debbie
- Patches to Rebecca, Kristen P. and Rev. Rachel
- St. Theresa’s, Union Congregational, and Aldersgate Church
- Patches are available for a girl who attends services in other houses of worship.
- ST Meeting – Monday, March 4th - CANCELLED due to low turnout
- Fly Up for the Spring for 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th grades
- Grade 8 troop to run the event – Lisa Coroa-Bockley volunteered
- GSEM – Summer Camp
- 7 different sessions are already booked – with 5 mos. left
Next Leader Meeting: Mon., March 18th at 7:30 p.m. at the LAR
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Lifetime Membership Special Offer!
For a limited time only in April 2019, volunteers with 10+
years of experience will be able to purchase a significantly discounted
Lifetime membership of $200. Kim Lambert told us at our Area SU last week, that
they will NOT turn any Leader away if they want to take advantage of this
discount and they have less than 10 years! This will be available as an option
when reviewing your membership. If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact GSEMA Customer Care.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
IMPORTANT Encampent Notice!!
**IMPORTANT – It’s getting late and registrations are coming in extremely slowly at this point for The Great Outdoors Encampment. Your troop camping recap sheet and payment to attend must be received by April 1st! We also need your troop camping recap by April 1st
so we know exactly how many adults and girls will be attending. Your
payment is confirming a spot at Encampment! Council requires us to
return campsites that we will not need 6 weeks before Encampment. We MUST return sites in mid-April and we need to figure out exactly what we need so we have enough sites for the troops registered to attend. Once we release the sites, we will not be able to get them back as
Camp Runels is very popular and Council will book them on a first come
basis. Only troops registered and paid before we return the sites will
be guaranteed an overnight site. We have reattached the Flyer and Troop
Recap Sheet to this email. At this point, you can either Venmo the payments or drop everything off to Debbie Nearing at 126 Central Street. Thanks!
Girl Scout Food Pantry Collection
Annual Bridging and Fly Up Event – June 18
Early Bird Renewal April 1 - June 7
Linked below
is an overview flyer showing ALL the incentives for early registration
for families, troops, service units and individual girls. April 12th is the first deadline for Families to sign up, May 10th is the troop incentive, June 7th is the Service Unit’s chance to get an incentive for NR girls who register early, and June 7th
is the incentive for early registration for girls to receive a patch.
Start asking girls NOW, please don’t wait and miss out on these
discounts. Click here for renewing gsema.org/renew.
Flyer here.
Flyer here.
Memorial Day Parade Information – May 27
Flyer is here.
Volunteer Directory
created a simple volunteer directory to help you connect with other
volunteers in your town, region, and council who have self-identified
expertise in skills or topics of interest. Please note that GSEMA staff
have not reviewed or verified volunteers' statements regarding their
certification status. Join the GSEMA Volunteer Directory today. The directory will be updated monthly and posted to LEAD Online.
Adventures in Storytelling
is an exciting program for all levels where girls will get to write and
illustrate their own book with 2019 Newbury Award winning author Meg
Medina. Older girls will also get to learn about editing and marketing
their books. Saturday 6/15 3 to 5 pm for Daisies and Brownies 10-2 for
other ages. It will be held at Camp Cedar Hill. Log on to www.gsema.org to register for this event.
Don’t forget to check our Facebook Leader page and our NRGS blog website in the coming weeks for new information at www.northreadinggirlscouts.Monday, March 18, 2019
NRGS T-Shirts for Sale!!!
Flyer here.
Annual Bridging and Fly Up Event
Troop 85121 will be coordinating this year’s annual Bridging and Fly Up
Ceremony. This year’s theme will be “Under the Sea”! This will be for all girls who are in the following grades: 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th and 12th. Lisa
Coroa-Bockley will be sending emails to eligible participating troops
in the next few weeks. Each troop who is interested in participating
will be asked to take on a task to help with the Ceremony. More
information to come on a date and location. We are not yet sure if
there will be a separate Daisy Fly Up. It will all depend upon how many
troops will be participating. If you have any girls in your troop who
have received a Bronze, Silver or Gold Medal in the past year and who
needs to be recognized at Fly Up, please let us know.
Ready, Set, Go Camping Badge Workshop – All Levels
On April 26th from 4pm to 6pm at Camp Rice Moody in Reading,
Senior Girl Scout Troop 71901 is hosting a Badge Workshop that will
help girls of all levels prepare for the spring encampment and earn
their camping badge. Learn skills needed for your first camping trip.
Already been camping. . . come have fun and maybe learn a few new
things. Everyone will leave with ideas, new skills, and some supplies
you can use on your camping trip. A swap station will be part of the workshop! This is a drop off event but we ask that each troop have at least one registered/CORI’d adult attend with the troop. This adult does not need to have any special training. See the attached flyer for all the details. RSVP by April 12th. Early registrations may be dropped off at the March 18th Leader meeting.
Flyer here.
Girl Scouts’ Birthday – March 12th
a reminder that Girl Scout week is celebrated each March, starting with
Girl Scout Sunday and ending with the Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday,
and it always includes Girl Scouts’ birthday which is March 12th! This year the Girl Scouts movement is celebrating 107 years! Congratulations and Happy Birthday Girl Scouts!!!
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Encampment – The Great Outdoors, May 31-June 2
Girl Scout Sunday - THIS WEEKEND and NEXT
Girl Scout Sunday is being celebrated this weekend, Sunday, March 10th and next Saturday, March 16th for the Sabbath. Any girl who attends a House of Worship this weekend or a temple on Saturday, March 16th will receive a participation patch. Patches
will be handed out at the 9 a.m. Mass at St. Theresa’s, and the 10 a.m.
Service at the UCC, and the 10:30 Service at the Aldersgate. A photo
will be taken of all the girls participating after the celebration so please let your girls know to stay for the photo. Also, please bring a non-perishable food pantry item to Church for our NRGS food pantry drive. Girls
should wear their vests, sashes, pins, etc., and should attend St.
Theresa’s 15 minutes early for designated seating in the front of the
Church. Patches will be available at the Leader meeting for girls attending another House of Worship or another time this weekend.