
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reading Service Unit Event – Annual Funtastic Event!!

Saturday, February 2 – 10th Anniversary
Girl Scouts – Kindergarten through Grade 5
Camp Rice Moody – Reading  12:30-2:00 or 2:30-4:00

$12 per girl and a fun patch for each girl participating
Liquid Starch Slime, Valentine Yarn Monsters, Stained Glass Hearts, Love Bugs, Bath Salts, Friendship Bracelets, 
Face Painting, Sports and Games and More!

Last year one of the two sessions sold out so they are asking you to sign up as early as possible.
Deadline: January 24th

 (flyer attached here.  )

NRGS Lego Building Event - It's almost here!!

This is an event sure to be fun for all, but you need to move quickly as the deadline to sign up is February 4th.  The volunteers worked hard coordinating this event for February in such short notice.  We are hoping it becomes an annual event for the NR Girl Scouts.  The event is Sunday, February 10th, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and the cost is $5.00.

If you have girls who want to attend, please tell them to complete the attached registration form and either return it to you for submission or submit it to Lisa Ayer or Denise Kung at the addresses they provided on the attached flyer together with their $5.00 payment to cover the cost of the patches and the prizes.   

If you have girls attending and are holding on to the registration forms, please email Denise or Lisa to let them know you have girls wanting to participate. If we do not get enough participation, we will try to rebook it for a later date.

Flyer is here. 


Disney on Ice Girl Scout Special!! February 2019

Mickey’s Search Party – Girl Scouts SAVE!   
Girls receive a commemorative patch!
Feb 15,16 @ 7 p.m.
Feb 18,21 @ 3 p.m.
Feb 22 @ 1 p.m. & 7 p.m.
Feb 23 @ 7 p.m.
Contact: for tickets

  (flyer attached here)


Visit from Adventure Coding Academy

This Chelmsford-based business offers programs in a variety of areas, including robotics, 3D modeling and printing, game design, web and app design. They will be offering badge programs such as Designing Robots and Programming Robots starting this spring, for multiple scouting levels. Adventure Coding Academy hosted a table at our January Leader Meeting.Check them out!!



GSEMA Town Hall for Service Unit Volunteers

When:  Monday, February 4, 2019, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Where: North Reading Flint Memorial Library Activity Room

What:  Join GSEMA senior leadership and membership team members at a town hall meeting for an opportunity to connect with fellow service unit volunteers and share your thoughts on the state of the Council.  

We hope volunteers/Leaders will be able to join us for our SU’s first town hall meeting!

Amazon Robotics Tour

Target is Feb or April vacation week – tours are offered Mon-Thurs 9-3pm

Take a tour of the Amazon Robotics facility and hear about their state-of-the-art robots. Tour groups have the opportunity to receive an overview of the facility and how it runs day to day, followed by a visit to the manufacturing floor. You will have an opportunity to take pictures at the end.  All visitors 18+ must sign an NDA to enter the facility. This opportunity is normally open to girls 6th grade and up, however we will try to ask for an exception to allow 5th graders.  We need a minimum of 10 to run the tour.



Volunteer Awards and Recognitions

It is time to submit VOLUNTEER RECOGNITIONS for the 2019 Volunteer Recognitions event. If you know volunteers or Leaders whom you feel are amazing and should be recognized at the Council Level, please complete the form in jotform by clicking on the Volunteer Recognitions link, no later than February 15, 2019.  Volunteers will be notified in March and will attend the Awards and Recognitions Luncheon provided by GSEM.

You may also submit a nomination for a North Reading Service Unit Level Award by emailing your written nomination to Debbie Nearing at  The Service Team will vote on the SU Awards.

Nomination form is here.

From GSEM - Important Change to GSEM’s Driver Insurance Coverage

With regard to insurance, we wanted to let you know about an important change to our driver insurance coverage. While we think the impact will be minimal, changes to GSUSA and GSEMA’s insurance policies effective fall 2018 have required us to update the current driver coverage procedures. Drivers must now have more than 5 years of driving experience in addition to the already established guidelines that require every driver be an approved volunteer, over 21 years old, have a good driving record, valid license, and registered/insured vehicles. Volunteer Essentials and the Girl Scout Activity Form have been updated with this additional “5 years of experience” language. 


Leader Meeting Minutes 1/9/19

Minutes of the Leader Meeting
Tuesday, January 9, 2019
LAR – 7:30 p.m.

In attendance:
Debbie Nearing, Denise Kung, Lisa Ayer, Kristin Pemberton, Jo Gibson, Rebecca Lowe, Cindy DeWolfe, Amber O'Driscoll, Anne Valade, Amy Kelly  and special guests - Adventure Code Academy - Vasha and Arvind, Proprietors

Meeting Start Time: 7:40 pm

Salute and Pledge to the Flag and PromiseDebbie
Flag held by Verity and Vivian Modeen

Opening Meeting:
      Robotics and Coding Academy Presentation by Adventure Code Academy
-They offer project-based activities and a  variety of activities within one setting.
-They offer after school programs from 4-7 and a drop in one hour session. -They charge tuition on a monthly basis
-They offer camps during breaks and summer. Camps can be one day long.
-Workshops- they offer badges for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors- flexibility    in scheduling and pricing, it's a 2.5 hrs workshop and they can accommodate up to 25 girls
-They are located at 3 Summer St. Chelmsford, MA 01824
-   (978)703-6370

      Quick update for Cookie Sales – Jo
            -no update

      Pinewood Derby Event – Lisa Ayer
-Pinewood Derby - Boy scouts will loan their track and help us set up the  event
-March or April event - at UCC possible dates March 23rd, April 6th
-Kits sold at the boy scout store in Woburn for $5 or Michael’s for $15
-At Tewksbury Home Depot on Feb 9th and March 9th from 10-3 you bring your kit in and they have designs for ideas or you can bring your own designs to create your car. They  will help you airbrush your car.
-More information coming as to whether we will purchase cars or the girls and what the event charge fee will be as well as the date of the event--new possible date is April 13th

      Lego Challenge – Denise/Lisa
-possible Winter event- date TBD
-uncertain as to whether a small fee will be charged
-we will use the Library Activity room and the legos used for Lego Club

      Amazon Robotics Tours - Denise
            -Amazon Robotics offers tours for groups of 10+, 6th grade and older
           -Denise will be coordinating a tour for our Service Unit - TBA

      Encampment Committee Meeting
   Wed. Jan. 23rd 7:30 p.m. Town Hall, Room 10

      World Thinking Day – Feb. 22nd – Theme is Leadership – Debbie
   Celebrating ways in which Girl Scouts and sister Girl Guides become leaders and develop the power to bring changes they want to see in the world.
   Looking for Committee volunteers to plan International Event in 2020

      GS Food Pantry in March
   Amber O’Driscoll will coordinate.
   At the end of March we will gather donations and sort them at Town Hall - date of drop off TBA

      GS Sunday – March 10th , GS Sabbath - March 9th
   Volunteers for Houses of Worship
      St. Theresa’s-Rebecca Lowe, UCC-Kristin Pemberton, and Aldersgate Church-Pastor Rachel Fisher
      Flyer to come out soon
      Rebecca to contact St. T’s for information for bulletin

      Fly Up for the Spring for 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th grades
   Grade 8 troops to run the event
      Lisa Coroa-Bockley and Lisa Alexander - 8th grade troops

Next Leader Meeting: Wed., February 13th at 7:30 p.m. at the LAR

Meeting End Time: 8:58 pm

Minutes taken by Rebecca Lowe and Edited by Debbie Nearing