
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Pinewood Derby Workshop at Home Depot

A few members of the NR Service Unit are looking to put together an event for a Pinewood Powder Puff Derby for Girl Scouts!  If your troop is interested in participating, let us hear from you so we know how much interest there is if we run an event.  Lisa Ayer will be reaching out directly to Home Depot to gather information. Stay tuned...


Encampment Date

Encampment will be held at Camp Runels in Pelham, NH starting on Friday, May 31st at 4 p.m. and ending on Sunday, June 2nd at 10 a.m.  We know this date may not ideal for some, but given that Camp Runels wasn’t available Father’s Day weekend and Camp Maude Eaton cabins were not available Father’s Day weekend or the weekend of the 8th, we had no choice but to choose Camp Runels for either this weekend or the weekend of the 8th which was our first choice.  We will put together a flyer after the new year and the Committee will start with planning the theme and activities.  There will be canoeing, swimming, archery, and hopefully high and/or low ropes!  Start talking to your girls about whether they would like to attend overnight or for the day. 

Girl Scout Cookie Season

If your troop is interested in going into the lottery for a COBS, please make sure your Cookie Coordinator reviews page 23 of the cookie book.  Jo sent out an email directly to the troop Cookie Coordinators too.  There are instructions and an online contact form they need to fill out. Fill it out early to avoid the last minute backlog that often occurs.  Last year, most troops who applied in North Reading received several dates for a Council Organized Booth Sale at a Mall so make sure you look into this.

The January 13th deadline is for February COBS
You enter the lottery in ABCsmartcookies

**New cookie coordinators: FYI, these are the booths that are organized by Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts council (rather than our local town booth sales that we have recently set up). They are held at malls, MBTA stations and various other miscellaneous places.**

If your troop is Daisy or Brownie level, they cannot do the MBTA COBS. They are eligible for mall (and other miscellaneous) COBS. I would recommend extra supervision. 


Financing the Fun Training in LEAD Online

We wanted to pass on some helpful information regarding funding troop field trips especially larger ones like the Museum of Science overnight, Rocking Horse Ranch, and other travel experiences.  Kim Lambert who is our support specialist from Council wanted us to pass on to you that Council does not offer financial aid for events that are happening within your troop.  The girls should be funding their own trip through product sales goals with fall products and cookies.  There is a training on LEAD online called “Financing the Fun” and we suggest you watch this video and then set some goals with your girls and then earn the money you need to finance their experiences.  Kim is of the opinion from personal knowledge being a troop leader that if the girls earn the money, it will make their experience much more memorable.  Some of these girls may not be able to experience some of these fun trips or activities if not involved in Girl Scouting and earning money through product sales goals

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Caroling Event - URGENT!

Participation is extremely low for this event at this time.  PLEASE try to attend this one hour Caroling event if able as it is a service project and the girls singing and making a card will put a smile on the residents’ face this holiday season!  

Registration forms should be returned to Kristen by dropping off in her mailbox at 9 Bishops Way, no later than December 2ndConsider sending Kristen an email if you plan on attending and haven’t dropped off yet so we can at least order patches.

On Sunday, December 9th from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. bring your best singing voice and look festive as we will have our annual Caroling Event.  This year it will be held at CareOne, 750 Woburn Street, in Wilmington where we hope to have more interaction between the girls and residents.  North Reading registered Girl Scouts of all ages are welcome to participate, and parents are welcome to stay.  After Caroling indoor around the residences, the girls will enjoy cocoa and cookies and then go to another room to make a card for a resident.  Dress warmly in case the girls finish early and go outdoors!  There is no cost for this event and girls will receive a fun patch for participating.  Contact for this event is Kristem Pemberton at

Girl Scout Cookie Season UPDATE...

Jo Gibson sent out a schedule for the troops who requested booth sales.  Make sure you check in with your Cookie Coordinator that she inputs her cookie order in time for your booth sale.  There are plenty of open dates remaining.  Email Jo Gibson for any questions.

June Encampment Dates

Encampment will be held at Camp Runnels in Pelham, NH starting on Friday, May 31st at 4 p.m. and ending on Sunday, June 2nd at 10 a.m.  

We know this date may not ideal for some, but given that Camp Runnels wasn’t available Father’s Day weekend and Camp Maude Eaton cabins were not available Father’s Day weekend or the weekend of the 8th, we had no choice but to choose Camp Runnels for either this weekend or the weekend of the 8th which was our first choice.  We will put together a flyer after the new year and the Committee will start with planning the theme and activities.  There will be canoeing, swimming, archery, and hopefully high and/or low ropes!  Start talking to your girls about whether they would like to attend overnight or for the day.


Denise Kung informed us that about a case and a half of honey roasted peanuts were donated to the North Reading Food Pantry through the fall product sale.  They were given in time for Thanksgiving but we are not sure whether they went in the baskets for Thanksgiving or are being held for the Christmas baskets.  Thank you all for your efforts!!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

NRGS T-Shirt Fundraiser by Troop 71901 -SALE EXTENDED!

flyer and registration on blog
NRGS T-Shirt Orders have been extended to Monday, November 19th.  Proceeds will go to defray costs for a troop Service Project at the Lazarus House.  All questions should be directed to Amy Kelly.  Great gift idea! Orders will be in by the first week of December. 

Forms are here.


Caroling Event, Dec 9th

On Sunday, December 9th from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. bring your best singing voice and look festive as we will have our annual Caroling Event.  This year it will be held at CareOne, 750 Woburn Street, in Wilmington where we hope to have more interaction between the girls and residents.  North Reading registered Girl Scouts of all ages are welcome to participate, and parents are welcome to stay.  After Caroling indoor around the residences, the Girls will enjoy cocoa and cookies and then go to another room to make a card for a resident.  Dress warmly in case the girls finish early and go outdoors!  There is no cost for this event and girls will receive a fun patch for participating.  Contact for this event is Kristen Pemberton at or 781-789-5747.  Registration forms (attached here) should be returned to Kristen by dropping off in her mailbox at 9 Bishops Way, no later than December 2nd.  

The 2018-2019 NRGS Troop Directory

The 2018-2019 NRGS Troop Directory is attached here.  This directory has information for every NRGS registered troop including Leader contact information, number of girls in each troop, and venue, time and day meetings are held.  We ask that you only use this directory for Girl Scout purposes and not share it with any individual or organization outside of NRGS.  It will come in handy if you are looking to run an event or take a field trip with another troop and is especially handy when looking for a troop when it comes time to bridge to the next level.  The information is only as good as provided to us through GSEM and as reviewed by Leaders at the October Leader meeting.  If you have changes to your troop information, please respond back to this email. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Visit Senior Troop 71901’s table at the Hornet Holiday Marketplace

...happening at the High/Middle School this Saturday, November 17th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

IMPORTANT - **Fall Products Coming this Week!!!!**

Leaders, please contact your Fall Product Coordinators and ask them to check their emails for a very important email from our Service Unit Fall Product Coordinator, Denise Kung.  Denise needs the FP Coordinators to respond ASAP by signing up for a pick up time through Doodle.  The time slots to pick up your fall products will be Thursday evening and all day Friday. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

At the November meeting....

  • Investiture Ceremony for new volunteers and Leaders with a Rededication for all current volunteers and Leaders.  All Leaders and Volunteers in attendance will be recognized and new Volunteer Leaders will receive their Girl Scout Pin.  We do hope you can participate in this ceremony!
  • Cookie Coordinators can pick up their troop cookie packet and a sample box of cookiesIf your Cookie Coordinator cannot attend, you may also pick up your troop cookie packet.  Every troop will have a packet available for pickup and if you do not send someone to pick up at the Leader meeting, the girls will not have their cookies sheets before Thanksgiving to sell to family.
  • Come and try the new Gluten Free Cookie!  It’s delicious we are told…
  • Attention All Volunteers and Leaders - Please bring to the November Leader meeting any supplies, crafts, uniforms, badges, or books for any GS level that you no longer need so other troops may benefit from these donations! Leaders, especially, younger new troops, please make sure you come and check out these donations.  In the past, we have had quite a variety of items for troops to take home for their existing troop.ting troop.

Girl Scout Cookie Season is almost HERE!

Cookie season is fast approaching!  Joanne Gibson, our Service Unit Cookie Manager, emailed all the troop cookie coordinators from last year to see if they were continuing.  Some of them responded that they will not be continuing with your troop.  Please check with your coordinator and if you have a new cookie coordinator this year, you need to let Joanne Gibson know ASAP. 
Cookie season won’t start until December, but girls will be able to take orders from friends and family they see at Thanksgiving, but NOT door to door or online!

Camp Rice Moody History

Check out the history behind Camp Rice Moody in Reading.  Attached is the PDF file created by the Reading Service Unit and Reading Council for Girls and many others from the Reading Historical Commission and the Reading Public Library and many other volunteers from GSEM. See file  here.

Veteran ‘s Day Ceremony - 100th Anniversary of end of WWI

Veterans Day WILL be held on Sunday the 11th of November on the Batchelder School at 11:00 AM Sharp.  This year NR will be honoring the 100th Anniversary to the end of WWI.  They will be ringing the bells of peace 21 times.  They ask you all to participate in ringing bells 21 times at 11:00 am.  Attached is the flyer.  Should the weather not cooperate they would bring the ceremony inside the Batchelder School.  GREAT COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT for Girls.

Every year the Girl Scouts stand with the other Scouts in town during the annual ceremony.  Girls are asked to wear their uniforms.  We encourage everyone to participate and honor all our Veterans if you are able.  Girls do not have to participate as a troop so please let all your girls know about this event.  At the end of the Ceremony, there will be refreshments and small gifts we are told for the children from the Town of NR Office of Veteran’s Services.  Any troop wanting to drop off baked goods, should drop them off at the Senior Center unless moved to the Batch, they would be dropped off there.  Patriotic posters are also welcome!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Indoor Rock Climbing at Boston Rock Gym - Still time to sign up!

Contact Lisa Ayer at 781-820-1928 if you're interested. Open to Daisies, Brownies and Cadettes.

GSEMA Girl Scout CookieFest 2018!

 You’re invited to the first-ever GSEMA

On December 1, celebrate Girl Scout Cookies and the leadership skills girls develop as entrepreneurs. This sweet day of fun at Bentley University Arena in Waltham features activity booths and games that embrace the excitement of cookie season, as well as the life skills girls learn as they take their cookie sales above and beyond.

• Girls can get a head-start on blinging their booths, setting goals, and practicing sales pitches.
• Bring your skates for ice skating around the brand-new rink, and watch a performance by the Boston Skating Club.
• Enjoy cookie tastings, including the new Caramel Chocolate Chip cookie (gluten and nut free)!
• Hear from keynote speaker Allyssa Beird, star athlete of American Ninja Warrior and Middleborough middle school teacher.
• Every Girl Scout receives a CookieFest patch and can earn a Cookie Activity Pin by participating in the five skills booths.
• You’ll also enjoy cookie-themed photobooths, live entertainment, and raffle entries for tickets to Blue Man Group, Disney on Ice, Pats Peak, and more.

Bring the whole family or make it a troop event! Lunch is included, and bus transportation is
available from Andover, Boston, and Middleboro. Registration is just $5 per person (free for
children under four years old).

Fall for Service Event – Reading Service Unit

Project Sweet Peas – Reading Service Unit invited us to attend this Forever Girl Scouts event where you will make scarves, hats, blankets, etc. to donate to homeless shelters and families in Boston NICU hospitals.  The event is November 4th from 12 to 2 p.m. at Camp Rice Moody in Reading.  Contact is email

See flyer here.


Community Holiday Party Service Project Opportunity

We want to let you know of an opportunity to co-sponsor a community holiday party at the Library on Sat, Dec 22nd. Last year, Lisa Ayer and Denise Kung and Brownie troop 62798 participated in this same event last year. Here's the list of things they did and they put it towards their “celebrating community” badge!
  • helped setup and cleanup after the party was done
  • made SWAPs and handed them out during the event (no pins, since these were little kids)
  • handed out candy canes and Hershey kisses
  • sang Christmas carols
  • provided handmade funny signs (emoji's, hats, beards, glasses, etc.) and picture frames (cut out from boxes) used for a photo booth
Danielle Masterson (children's librarian) is asking whether Girl Scouts would like to be involved again, pretty similar to what we did last year (although she's pretty open to anything).  Another idea is to provide a craft (maybe related to girl scouting somehow!).

Maybe we could open it up to Brownies and Juniors? One note is the activity room will only hold so many people, and last year they got almost 70-80 from the Moms & Tots group alone, so in terms of Girl Scouts maybe 15 would be a reasonable number. If we ran a craft table maybe 20.

If you are interested, please contact Denise Kung and she will pass on your name to Danielle Masterson.

Fall Product Sale has been EXTENDED!!!

We just received the following message from council. If you were looking for a couple extra days for online orders, this could be your chance. Note: even if you hit "Submit", council is going to go through and double check submitted orders in case any additional online orders came in. This applies to online orders ONLY, not paper/in-person.

Thank you for your patience with our new database system Unify this season. Because of the slowdowns and delays in Unify this past week, GSEMA will be allowing Girl Scouts to continue to collect online orders only until 10/31/2018 at 10PM.

We hope this gives the girls in your troop a chance to fulfill all of their customers’ nut, candy and magazine orders. Girls who collect online orders until 10/31 will be adding to their recognition totals; we hope this opportunity will help them meet or exceed their recognition goals! 
I have been reviewing everyone's orders and everything looks great. Thanks for all your hard work! We amassed roughly $15,000 in total orders which is an incredible benchmark.   Denise

2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards

GSEMA has the opportunity to nominate up to 9 girl members for the 2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards (7 middle school and 2 high school aged girls). The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards recognizes outstanding young people from across the United States. It is the largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteer community service. Since its creation in 1995, they have recognized more than 125,000 young people who’ve made a difference in their communities.

What recognitions are granted by this award? 
Honorees are granted at 3 levels.
   1. Local Honorees. Chosen by GSEMA. Will receive a certificate and if they qualify will also receive the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Prudential will review all local honorees and determine if girls move up to state-level judging.
   2. State-Level Honorees. One middle-level and one high school student will be named in each 50 states and the District of Columbia in February 2019. Those selected will receive: $1,000, a Silver Medallion and an all-expense-paid trip with a parent or guardian to Washington, D.C. in May 2019 for gala awards ceremony and other exciting events. Chosen by Prudential.
   3. National Honorees. In Washington, five middle-level and five high school students will be named America’s top youth volunteers of the year by the program’s national selection committee. Those selected will receive: an additional $5,000, a Gold Medallion, a trophy for GSEMA and $5,000 grant from The Prudential Foundation for nonprofit charitable organizations of their choice. Chosen by Prudential.

Who can apply?
An individual student enrolled grades 5-12 as of November 6, 2018.
A legal resident of any U.S. state or Washington, D.C.
A girl who has engaged in a volunteer activity after September 1, 2017.
Any girl member who meets these criteria is encouraged to apply. Previous honorees selected
by GSEMA have been girls who have earned their Bronze, Silver or Gold Award as well as
others. Keep in mind that girls must apply as an individual.

How can girls apply?
See website for specific additions
Complete the application at here.
Applications are due by 11:59pm on November 6.

Girl Scout Leader Meeting Minutes 10/23/18

Agenda for Leader Meeting
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
LAR – 7:30 p.m.

Meeting start time: 7:30 pm

In attendance:
Debbie Nearing, Lisa Ayer, Jo Gibson, Denise Kung, Rebecca Lowe, Anne Valade, Amber O'Driscoll, Laura Cherwek, Kerri Antonuccio, Kristen Pemberton, Lisa Coroa-Bockley, Erin Sewer, Amy Kelly

GSEM information will be posted directly to blog separately - hidden codes prevented Monday email from going through to all Leaders - Monday email was resent Tuesday afternoon after Debbie found out no one received it but her

  • Salute and Pledge to the Flag and Promise
·         Led by Brownie Girl Scouts Elizabeth Ayer and Julia Pemberton

  • Registration & Early Bird patches available on tableDebbie
·         215/254 last year 85% girls and 113/149 last year 76% adults with 26 troops
·         We lost several troops last year to sports-our numbers are down
·         Troops still needing to pick up patches: 66232, 69184, 78188, 85336, 71868

  • Troop Directory Update InformationDebbie
·         Correct and Edit any errors directly on the paper and initial
·         An updated directory will be distributed through the Monday email
·         Troop directory to be used strictly for Girl Scout purposes only

  • Fall Product SaleDenise
    • 5 more troops participating this year
    • As of last Friday, we have exceeded last year’s sales by $1700 -
    • Correction to minutes after the meeting - the numbers in the fall product system were not accurate.  We are very close to last year’s numbers of $15,000 in fall product sales.  An update will be given at the November Leader meeting.
    • All sales must be put in by Thursday, October 25th

  • Past and Upcoming Events and New Ideas
·         Halloween Party Success - Jo Gibson
·         116 girls attended, and many gave positive feedback
·         Nursing facility parade was very quick as residences weren't in the hallway like they were in previous years. This will be addressed directly with staff for future visits with NRGS
·         Thank you to all those who helped run the event
·         Great job being a sister to every Girl Scout at the event - Ava Colbert, Hood School 5th grader - gave her prize-winning selection to another GS
·         Spooky Tales – Anne/Amy        
·         This event is being postponed for lack of participation
·         Watch for it at a later date in the year
·         Rock Climbing – Lisa Ayer
·         Please turn in your permission forms now for this 11/17 event
·         We have about 13 girls signed up
·         Most girls for afternoon session - considering moving to one session
·         CookieFest  – Jo
·         First Ever Cookie Fest is on December 1st at Bentley Arena
·         Information from GSEM will be on the blog
·         Jo will be away - Lisa Ayer will give out Troop Cookie kits at November Leader meeting in Jo’s absence
·         Troops should send someone to pick up their cookie kits
·         Cookie season will start in December
·         Cocoa and Caroling –
·         Kristen Pemberton and Amy Solomon will co-chair the event.
·         Debbie to reach out to Amy S.
·         Date and Location TBD
·         He and Me Field Day –
·         Amber O’Driscoll will chair the event.
·         Date TBD
·         International Festival for World Thinking Day in February –
·         This event needs volunteers to run - Jo Gibson willing to assist someone
·         The date will be around February 22nd as part of World Thinking Day
·         First time event was run on Girl Scout Sunday in March
·         In the past Amy Kelly's troop created a plane and they pretended to fly to each destination. Each girl presented information about one country
·         World Thinking Day theme in 2019 is Leadership
·         Amber to research Leadership theme ideas
·         Lego Challenge, Home Depot craft building kits – NEW IDEASDenise
·         Lego Challenge- have teams try to solve a problem using a Lego structure they build themselves.  The library has Legos we can use.
·         Date TBD
·         Lisa Ayer to investigate Home Depot craft building kits for troops
·         NEW IDEA – STEM Robotics Demo by NRHS – Denise
·         Brownies – Engineering Badge; and Daisies – Rollercoaster Badge
·         Amber to investigate contact information for Robotics
·         Encampment Spring - Dates will be June 8-9; 15-16 only dates doable for EDs
·         Looking at Camp Maude Eaton and Camp Runels – Lottery??
·         8th Runels; 8th Maude Eaton or 15th Runels our choices for now
·         Update to the minutes - GSEM informed us that the 14th-15th is not available for Runels.  Also, the lodge is booked for the 8th in Andover
·         Considering 1st-2nd as a second option and 8th-9th as first at Runels

  • Community Service Events for NRGS
·         Republican Committee – October 30th at Kitty’s 7 p.m. flag ceremony
·         If interested, let Debbie know – Jeff Yull in charge of Event
·         Amber to post on Facebook
·         Veteran’s Day Ceremony – Monday, November 12th at 11 a.m. flag ceremony
·         Correction to the minutes - Veteran’s Day Ceremony is Sunday, November 11th at 11am at the Common
·         Any troop wanting to bake or donate baked goods are welcome
·         Any troop wanting to make a patriotic poster is welcome as well
·         Service Project at Lazarus House – T-shirt fundraiser - Anne/Amy
·         Lazarus House is a shelter in Lawrence.
·         They have volunteer opportunities for all ages. Examples: creating decorations for the dining room, collecting for their needs, working on site.
·         At Lazarus House each family or person gets a room. The director is starting to re-do each room. They have Amazon wish lists for things they need and Amy Kelly and Anne Valade’s troop is selling t-shirts to help fund their service unit project there.
·         Two specific needs they have that can be immediately addressed at the Troop level are toothbrushes and men’s winter gloves.  
·         T-Shirt Fundraiser - Troop 71901
·         Great gift giving ideas - Flyers on Blog with ordering information
·         Mystic Valley Elder Services Emergency Closet
·         Accepts donations of new sheets, new towels, and unopened hygiene items for seniors in need

  • GSEM Events
·         Mass STEM week and Girl Scouts - Monday 10/22 to 10/26/2018
·         GSEMA: New award that recognizes outstanding young people. Based on community service - See blog
·         2019 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
·         GSEMA can nominate up to 9 girls - 7 middle and 2 high school level
·         November 4th Volunteer Conference – Event full for girls and closed for adults
·         Rebecca Lowe will talk in November about what she learned

  • Next Leader Meeting –November 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the LAR
·         Rededication/Investiture Ceremony for all new Leaders
·         Each new Leader will receive a pin and a tab as voted at our ST meeting
·         Each Leader in attendance will receive a NRGS volunteer pen
·         Most replied NOT to do a December Leader meeting again this year - busy time

Meeting End: 8:55

Minutes taken by Rebecca Lowe, NRGS Service Unit Secretary
Read and Edited by Debbie Nearing, SU Coordinator