
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Pinewood Derby Workshop at Home Depot

A few members of the NR Service Unit are looking to put together an event for a Pinewood Powder Puff Derby for Girl Scouts!  If your troop is interested in participating, let us hear from you so we know how much interest there is if we run an event.  Lisa Ayer will be reaching out directly to Home Depot to gather information. Stay tuned...


Encampment Date

Encampment will be held at Camp Runels in Pelham, NH starting on Friday, May 31st at 4 p.m. and ending on Sunday, June 2nd at 10 a.m.  We know this date may not ideal for some, but given that Camp Runels wasn’t available Father’s Day weekend and Camp Maude Eaton cabins were not available Father’s Day weekend or the weekend of the 8th, we had no choice but to choose Camp Runels for either this weekend or the weekend of the 8th which was our first choice.  We will put together a flyer after the new year and the Committee will start with planning the theme and activities.  There will be canoeing, swimming, archery, and hopefully high and/or low ropes!  Start talking to your girls about whether they would like to attend overnight or for the day. 

Girl Scout Cookie Season

If your troop is interested in going into the lottery for a COBS, please make sure your Cookie Coordinator reviews page 23 of the cookie book.  Jo sent out an email directly to the troop Cookie Coordinators too.  There are instructions and an online contact form they need to fill out. Fill it out early to avoid the last minute backlog that often occurs.  Last year, most troops who applied in North Reading received several dates for a Council Organized Booth Sale at a Mall so make sure you look into this.

The January 13th deadline is for February COBS
You enter the lottery in ABCsmartcookies

**New cookie coordinators: FYI, these are the booths that are organized by Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts council (rather than our local town booth sales that we have recently set up). They are held at malls, MBTA stations and various other miscellaneous places.**

If your troop is Daisy or Brownie level, they cannot do the MBTA COBS. They are eligible for mall (and other miscellaneous) COBS. I would recommend extra supervision. 


Financing the Fun Training in LEAD Online

We wanted to pass on some helpful information regarding funding troop field trips especially larger ones like the Museum of Science overnight, Rocking Horse Ranch, and other travel experiences.  Kim Lambert who is our support specialist from Council wanted us to pass on to you that Council does not offer financial aid for events that are happening within your troop.  The girls should be funding their own trip through product sales goals with fall products and cookies.  There is a training on LEAD online called “Financing the Fun” and we suggest you watch this video and then set some goals with your girls and then earn the money you need to finance their experiences.  Kim is of the opinion from personal knowledge being a troop leader that if the girls earn the money, it will make their experience much more memorable.  Some of these girls may not be able to experience some of these fun trips or activities if not involved in Girl Scouting and earning money through product sales goals