
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

2018 Games Galore Camporee

Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors are invited to register for the 2018 Camporee being held at Camp Wind-in-the-Pines October 12 -14.  The cost is $40 per adult and girl and you can use the link below for more information and to sign up.


Alumni Day at Camp - Adults

Mark your calendars for this year's Alum Day at Camp for Saturday, June 23, from 1-4PM. Catch up with old friends, network with other Girl Scout Alum, shoot a bullseye at the archery range, enjoy sing-alongs and s'mores, or challenge yourself on the ropes course, all in the company of your Girl Scout family. Revisit Camp Cedar Hill's past, share your Girl Scouting stories, learn about opportunities to stay connected with GSEMA, and enjoy some surprises along the way. This is a day of adventure you won't want to miss!   Proceeds from this year's Alum Day at Camp will support our Campership Fund, which provides hundreds of girls each summer the opportunity to experience the joys of Girl Scout Camp. *New this year! Join us for an Expo and Cocktail Reception from 3-5PM!
Questions? Please contact Sarah Connelly, Development Coordinator, Special Events and Projects, at or 857-453-5325.  Use this link to sign up.

Nuturing the Grit in Girls – 3rd grade girls and older

Troop 71279 from the Reading Service Unit would like to invite you (parents, troop leaders and girls in 3rd grade and older) to an excellent and informative presentation on Nurturing Grit in Girls on Monday, June 4th from 7-8 PM at Camp Rice Moody.
Please see the flyer here for more information.  Register now because space is limited!  Contact information for this event is Carla Nazzaro at or 781-942-1530.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Fancy Nancy PJ Party! June 22

All Daisy and Brownie Girl Scouts are invited to a P.J. Party where they will be treated to allergy free snacks, games, and crafts.  Parents, this is a drop off event – a good opportunity to take some time for yourselves!  Maybe dinner out? See the flyer here for all the details!  

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Catie’s Closet - Service Project

Brownie Troop 62803 is collecting toiletries and new and gently used clothes for Catie's Closet.  Catie’s Closet is a non-profit organization that provides clothing and toiletries to school-aged children living in poverty.  At schools where there are high rates of poverty, an unused room in the school is converted into a “closet” and students are able to obtain clothes and toiletries discreetly while they are at school.  By meeting students’ needs, Catie’s Closet boosts self-esteem and motivates students to attend school and focus on their education.  Collection boxes are located at the Middle School, Batch, Hood School, Ryer's Store, the Children's Room at the Library, Union Congregational Church and Aldersgate United Methodist Church. Boxes will remain at these locations until Monday, May 21st. If you would like to arrange alternate drop off or pick up, please email Karianne Bekier at  The girls are very excited about this project and hope that other troops will be able to participate as well!

Fly Up 6/20/18

Join North Reading Girl Scouts for our Annual Fly-Up/Bridging Ceremony.  Please find the invitation  here.
DATE: June 20, 2018
TIME: 6:30 pm—8:30 pm
WHERE: St. Theresa’s Church
63 Winter Street
North Reading, MA

Theme - Disney

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Shoe Drive Service Project

Troop 71901, 9th grade Seniors, will start a town-wide collection for gently worn shoes on May 1st. The collection bins will be posted all over town and items will be collected through the end of June. The shoes get sent to organizations aiding underprivileged nations and will be distributed to the needy.  INCENTIVE: the troop that collects the most shoes will earn a free badge workshop run by the Senior troop!

Girl Scout Leader Meeting Minutes 4/23/18

North Reading Girl Scouts
Leader Meeting – April 23, 2018
Minutes of the Meeting - LAR

Meeting Started at 7:33 p.m.

Leaders/Volunteers in Attendance:
Debbie Nearing, Service Unit Coordinator and Troop 73891; Kerri Antonuccio, SU Membership Promotor and Troop 62803; Amy Kelly, SU Treasurer and Troops 71901 and 62804; Anne Valade, Fall Product Manager; Joanne Gibson, Cookie Manager, Hood School Coordinator and Troops 69175 and 62548; Amber O’Driscoll, Batch School Coordinator and Troop 76211; Denise Kung, Interim Recording Secretary and Assistant Fall Products Coordinator and Troop 62798; Lisa Alexander, Troop 86279; Lisa Ayer, Troop 62798; Karianne Bekier, Troop 62803 and 82418; Melissa Audier, Blog Manager; Kim Lambert, GSEM Representative

Debbie led us in the Opening Flag Ceremony and the Promise and welcomed the Leaders. Brownie Girl Scout, Olivia Antonuccio, held the American Flag during the Ceremony.
Cookie incentive update from Jo – the incentives have arrived and are available for pickup from Jo. Watch for an announcement on the Leaders FB page for more information.

Early Bird registration – we are at 13% renewal for the town. If we can reach 50%, we can earn a $300 incentive! Please help us reach this goal and consider renewing early. The deadline is May 25 for troops to get the $50 program credit (for up to 12 girls) and $75 (for more than 12). Kim suggested Debbie email each Leader separately to try to reach our goals.

Arbor Day Service Project – Friday April 27th at 6pm at Ipswich River Park, organized by Ruth Kennedy. Come join in the celebration and help plant a tree!

Daisy Recruitment event – 4:30-6:30pm on April 28th at the Library. Tell your friends and neighbors. There was some discussion about having an event geared towards parents to learn about how to prepare for Girl Scouts in terms of online leader training, how to form a troop, etc.  Kim Lambert suggested LEAD online to help Leaders as well to organize their troop.

Field Sports Day Event update – Amber confirmed the gym is reserved for this event and Debbie will be sending an email to all parents directly. The deadline will be May 7th for signups.

Daisy Fairy House event, April 28th – this is a service project being run by Lisa Alexander’s Cadette troop. Free for Daisies and 2nd grade Brownies.

Girls Needed – Flag Ceremony for Town Republican Committee on April 30th at the Horseshoe Grille. Participants perform the ceremony at the beginning of the committee meeting.

Memorial Day Planting event and service project May 19th – join Ruth Kennedy to help plant flowers at Veterans Memorial Park.

Fly Up for Spring June 20th – there was some discussion about the lateness of this event, which is scheduled to end at 8:30 on a school night. The consensus was Fly Up should end by 7:30-8 based on the number of troops participating.

Blog – we have a new blog manager! Thank you to Lisa Ayer for stepping up to take on this role.

Facebook Administrator – Debbie will check out to make sure we have one Administrator.  Karianne Bekier offered to help with posting to Facebook in the future.  Kim Lambert showed us an APP called BAND for group organizing.

Shoe Drive service project – Amy Kelly’s troop will start a town-wide collection for gently worn shoes on May 1st. The collection bins will be posted all over town and items will be collected through the end of June. The shoes get sent to organizations aiding underprivileged nations and will be distributed to the needy.  INCENTIVE: the troop that collects the most shoes will earn a free badge workshop run by Amy’s troop!

Meeting Ended at 8:33 pm

Minutes taken by Denise Kung