
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

NASA wants you to help test new space science badges!

Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops! How would you like to:

  • Learn about space science and engage in scientific inquiry!
  • Receive a NASA badge test pilot patch----- designed solely for participating troops!
  • Be a part of history, as you help develop a new badge!
Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) has teamed up with SETI Institute, ARIES Scientific, University of Arizona, and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific to create a new series of space science badges in collaboration with NASA! Daisy, Brownie, and Junior troops from Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA) have had great success participating in the pilot program. Now, GSUSA would like the assistance of six Cadette, six Senior, and six Ambassador troops from GSEMA to provide feedback on the new badge activities.

If selected, your troop will be expected to complete all the badge activities and participate in the evaluation of these materials within an allotted time frame. Click here to apply before October 6!  Troops will be notified of their selection by November 1st!

NYC & Rockettes Trip

NYC & Rockettes Trip
Find a flyer here for the Nash-a-way Service Unit's NYC & Rockettes’ trip.  This has a short deadline so please read and forward it to your parents right away. Open to all Girl Scouts. Two registered adults per troop.  Please send only one troop check. Ticket payment due ASAP to Gloria Ackroyd, Nash-a-way Service Unit, 257 Hoyts Wharf Rd. Groton 01450. Email is  

Looking for Meeting Space for Your Troop?

Peter Sanborn Place is a 73 unit low income housing for elderly and disabled, located behind the Mandarin Restaurant in Reading. They have recently closed their adult day health program that was utilizing our community room. Many of the residents here have mentioned the use of the community room, and that they used to have Girl Scout Troops use the space for meetings. The residents miss seeing the Girl Scout troops here. They would be happy to coordinate use of the community room for troop meetings.  Contact Kim Manzelli at or Marcy Brown at

You can also contact Diane Huxley at to utilize the Pavillion or the Lodge at Camp Rice Moody in Reading.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Leader Meeting Minutes 9/12/17

North Reading Girl Scouts
Leader Meeting Minutes 9/12/17
Meeting started at 7:42 p.m.
In attendance: Debbie Nearing, North Reading’s SU Coordinator and Corresponding Secretary, and Leader of troop 73891; Anne Valade, Fall Product Coordinator, Jo Gibson, Hood School Coordinator, Cookie Manager, and Leader of Troop 69175 and 62548; Amy Kelly, SU Treasurer, and Leader of Troops 71901 and 62804; Denise Kung, Recording Secretary, Little School Coordinator, and Leader of Troop 62798; Amy Salomon 69175, Kristin Pemberton 69171, Vicki Labriola 69176, Cindy DeWolfe 85336, Karianne Bekier 62803, Kerri Antonuccio 62803, Lisa Coroa-Bockley 85121, Ruth Kennedy 73899 and Special Guest, the SU Coordinator from Reading Girl Scouts, Amy Ward.
Fall Sale - Anne Valade is the Fall Sale Products Coordinator. She had packets for everyone and handed them out. We sampled this year’s product offerings. New this year: organic vegetable seed planters, pickle flavored peanuts, salt and pepper cashews, new commemorative camping tin. Sale starts October 2nd. Will be delivered before Thanksgiving.
You can opt out of incentives (Cadettes and up) by a certain date (see packets). If you do, you earn 17-18% vs 15% profit for your troop on your sales.
Once the orders arrive, they are sorted by Anne and delivered to individual troops before Thanksgiving. Perfect for hostess gifts, gifts to teachers, bus drivers, coaches, etc. There are also community caring tins for those that want to donate $5 cans of peanuts to the food pantry.
How the sale works: Kids can set up accounts online to send emails to relatives and friends. Relatives CAN order online, but they have to pay the shipping (high). Kids earn patches for different activities such as online sales, community caring tins, etc. In addition, they can sell magazine subscriptions.
Why participation is important: in order to do any other kind of fundraising, you NEED to participate in both the fall sale and cookie sale. The town also gets incentives: $10 for each troop that participates with 100% of girls.
Bank account: you need to have a troop bank account set up for the fall sale monies
** Please send your troop’s fall sale coordinator email address, name and phone number to Anne Valade. She will start sending out information. **
Go to and look under the Cookie tab for more information on the fall sale.
Ruth Kennedy spoke about the Girl Power party Sun Nov 5th from 1:30-3 in the Library Activity Room. Ruth’s senior high school troop is graduating this year. They really enjoyed the girl scout experience and would like to throw a party for younger girls at the Daisy/Brownie level. They are looking for Cadettes to help run craft stations. There will be dancing and yoga.
Early Bird registration patches were handed out to troop leaders.
Potential corn maze event for older girls (Marini Farm, Mann Orchards, or Connors Farm). You can also plan it as a troop activity. One leader mentioned there’s a Groupon for Connors Farm. Note: no hay rides are allowed for Girl Scouts (liability issue). Don’t forget to check that there is an insurance binder with GSEM with the organization where you attend with the girls.
Haunted Halloween party Sun Oct 22 2-4pm at the Moose, organized by Jo Gibson.
Deadline to sign up: Oct 10th. Jo is looking for volunteers to come early for setup and to supervise activities during the event. An idea was proposed where maybe we can walk through the back of the Moose after the party and cross over to the nursing home to do a costume parade. Do we need another permission form or waiver on the flyer to do this, Debbie asked? Debbie researching with GSEM.
Caroling event: Amy Salomon volunteered to organize a caroling event at a local nursing home or elder care facility, rather than caroling on the common. This will give the girls a chance to do community service and perform for an audience.
Encampment update: the event was a big success. We are looking for future encampment directors and volunteers to train for future events. Debbie is still looking for story trains (the rainy-day activity in the encampment packet).
Girls Scouts has created new badges at every level, including a Camping badge at each level. There is a webinar on Tuesday Nov 7th on the new camping badge (see the Ultimate Activity Guide and register on e-Biz to get the link).
Troops can combine and go on overnights together and share the responsibility to get First Aid and Lodge Camping trained. Look up the volunteer-to-girl ratios online for your level.
Debbie is looking for some older girl volunteers this Saturday to help run a table at the Apple Festival.
The Service Unit is looking for a recruitment specialist. There will be a Reading-North Reading recruitment event this Saturday to introduce new girls to scouting. There was information in the Monday email about the event.
If you are looking for new members, you will want to list your troop in the Opportunity Catalog so girls can find you.
Flying Stables in Chelmsford was wonderful for one of the Brownie troops. They had liability insurance (necessary for field trip). The girls visited the horses and each girl got to ride a horse and brush it. $25/girl.
Thank you to Kerri Antonuccio for stepping up as Service Unit Membership Promoter, Denise Kung for stepping up as Recording Secretary (taking minutes at each Leader meeting), Assistant Fall Product Coordinator to work with Anne to take over next year, and also the Little School Coordinator and Amber O’Driscoll for stepping up as Batch School Coordinator!
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes taken by Denise Kung and edited by Debbie Nearing

Friday, September 15, 2017

Interested in Joining Girl Scouts?

The North Reading Girl Scouts have put together a flyer with information about how to join Girl Scouts.  Please check it out here.

Haunted Halloween Party!

The North Reading Girl Scouts is hosting a Haunted Halloween Party on October 22 at the Moose Lodge from 2pm to 4pm.  Please also note that the girls will participating in a Halloween parade at the Sunbridge, Meadowview, Nursing Home in NR as part of a community service.  They will walk in costume from the Moose Lodge next door to the Nursing Home for the last 45 minutes and then back to the Moose to be picked up.  This is considered a neighborhood walk and thus is included as part of the annual permission form which every girl MUST sign prior to the start of each new membership year or October 1.
This event is for Daisies, Brownies and Juniors.  Please see the flyer here for the full details and permission form.  All forms are due back to your troop's leaders by October 10th.  Please make checks out to "NRGS", the cost is $10/child.  Any questions please contact Joanne Gibson at