
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Congratulations to our Older Girl Troops

  • Congratulations to our older girl troops who bridged and flew up to a new level of Girl Scouts last Wednesday evening and congratulations again to our 11 graduating senior Ambassador Girl Scouts who flew up to adults. 
  • Congratulations to Amy Kelly and Jodi Sponzo who received the “Soaring through the Ranks” award which is for leading a troop from Daisy to Ambassadors.  This is the first time we have presented this award since it’s inception in 2010. 
  • Also, congratulations to Claire Bailey, Jessica Kelly and Ashley DeSousa for completing their take action projects and being presented with their Gold Award pin and certificates by a Council Representative from GSEM
  • Congratulations to Jessica Kelly for receiving the 2017 NRGS Founder Award Scholarship
  • Finally, congratulations to three volunteers who were awarded the Volunteer of Excellence pin for going above and beyond their troop service: Amber O’Driscoll, Jennifer Vant, and Amy Kelly and to Melissa Audier who received the Council Appreciation Pin recently at the annual GSEM awards luncheon.

  •  Found after Fly Up: a bridging patch, a pair of purple sunglasses and a Sports Fun day patch.  You can claim them Wednesday night at our Leader/Encampment meeting
    If you Fly Up to a new level this year, you will need to take the next level Essentials .  Trainings are online all summer into September. You can also find Girl Scout Reference Books including Journeys for each level in the children’s room in the Flint Memorial Library.  These are for reference only and are to be kept in the Library.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Little Free Library

The little free library is a community book exchange project where people are encouraged to "take a book, leave a book".  Brownie Troop 69175 and Daisy Troop 62548 created a Little Free Library right here in North Reading.  Landrey Fagan (one of the Daisy parents) donated the book box and both troops painted tiles with an outdoor theme at Look What I Made. These tiles were used to decorate the sides of the library. The library can be found on the porch of Ryer's General Store. Info on little free libraries can be found at
Go check out the library and bring a book along to donate, it can be for children or adults.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Congratulations Graduating Seniors!!

Congratulations to our graduating Senior Ambassador Girl Scouts:
Ariana Romeo, Ashley DeSousa, Brooke Sponzo, Carly Sponzo, Claire Bailey, Emily Humphreys, Jessica Kelly, Joanna Keaton, Julia Kushakji, Kimberly Bockley, and Nicole Shedd. 
Also congratulations to our first grade Daisy troops who flew up last week and became Brownies and to the following Volunteer Troop Leaders of less than 2 years who received the GSEM Green and Growing Award Pin at the Daisy Fly Up Ceremony for going above and beyond service at their troop level by helping to coordinate and participate in one of our NRGS Service Unit events: the International World Thinking Day Event, The Caroling Event and the Father Daughter Fun Sports Day Event--
Jessica Blanchette, Kerri Antonuccio, Karianne Bekier, Michelle Gerokoulis, and Denise Kung who also took minutes at the Leader meetings on occasion.  

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Fall Encampment Updates!

 We have received quite a few registration forms for the Encampment being held at Camp Runels in Pelham, NH on September 8-10 and wanted to let you know that if you have not considered attending with your troop, there is still time to register.  Currently there are 58 confirmed girls registered to attend and another 12 committed to attend for a total of 70 girls.  Most of the troops registered to attend want to stay overnight, a couple of troops for both nights!  We still have a lot of room for day campers and can still accommodate overnight campers before we return the unused sites we reserved.  We are also sending the attached Flyer and a brief email to all registered parents of NR Girl Scouts to make sure all girls are aware of this event.  Once supplies and patches are ordered this summer and sites are returned, we will not be able to add girls if they decide to attend after that time.
We are reaching out to all of the troops who have not responded who may be interested or may consider in just attending for the day.  DID YOU KNOW...
  • In the fall, your Girl Scout level will be a year ahead of your current level.  Current 1st grade Daisies, will be 2nd grade Brownies and can attend overnight! 
  • When you reach a new level in the fall, your adult to girl ratio will change requiring less adults to attend for safety.
  • Any girl currently registered with NRGS can attend, even if she is not continuing on in Scouting as she is covered and registered until September 30, 2017.
  • Girls can attend for the day even if their troop and Leader is not attending.  We will have adult coverage for day campers without a troop.
  • Day campers can come for the day at 9 a.m. and leave at 5 p.m. and pay just $6 for a fun filled day with friends and girls of all ages.
  • There will not be another Encampment until the year 2019 and that is only if we have the volunteers to step up to run it. 
  • So, come swim (weather permitting) canoe (age restrictive), play games, make crafts, trade SWAPS, enjoy a scavenger hunt, create fairy houses, eat s’mores and get a custom patch!
If you are signed up to attend Encampment, we will have an Encampment meeting on Wednesday, June 28th at 7:00 p.m. at the Flint Memorial Library.  Please come to this meeting to receive your site assignment and pertinent paperwork which you will need prior to check in at Encampment.  
If you are sharing a site because you are not camp certified, you WILL NEED to meet during the summer with the other troops staying at your campsite  to discuss meals, sleeping arrangements, etc. 
The Encampment Flyer can be found here  and the Recap sheet that must be completed if you are attending overnight can be found hereEvery registered girl must have a parent complete the permission form on the bottom portion of the Encampment Flyer and return it with your payment.  You may drop off registration permission forms and money to Debbie Nearing by the final deadline of June 23rd in the following ways:
  • at her home mailbox at 126 Central Street in North Reading no later than June 22nd,
  • drop off at the Flint Memorial Library Activity Room on Monday, June 12th from 7:15 to 9:00 p.m.,
  • drop off at the Flint Memorial Library Activity Room on Wednesday, June 15th from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.,
  • bring them to the Fly Up Ceremony being held on Wednesday, June 21st at St. Theresa’s Parish Hall from 6:30 to 8.
Anyone wanting to help out this summer on the Encampment Committee with planning the activities, games, and creating a patch, contact Debbie Nearing by June 23rd at
Don’t miss out on the fun this September!!!!
North Reading Girl Scouts Encampment Committee