
Thursday, February 23, 2017

GSEM Changes to Volunteer Essentials

Important Update from GSEM – Changes to Volunteer Essentials**
Effective February 9, 2017, GSEM has updated the procedure for adherence to the volunteer-to-girl ratios at service unit or troop sponsored family one-day events.  These events are defined as events organized and executed by service unit and/or troop volunteers with each girl participant accompanied by an adult family caregiver for the duration of the event (i.e., Me and My Guy Dances, Adult-Girl Teas, etc.). Assuming service units and troops follow the safety guidelines detailed in “Volunteer Essentials, Chapter 4: Safety-Wise,” family caregivers will not be required to complete the membership and criminal background check requirements prior to attending these events. For additional information, please review the following resources: Volunteer Essentials, Large Gathering Safety Activity Checkpoint, Safety Activity Checkpoints, Non-member insurance, page 7

STEM Conference & Expo 3/12/17

5th Annual STEM Conference & Expo, March 12th from 9 to 5 at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel and Conference Center.  This is an event from girls in grades 6-12.  The cost is $45 for registered Girl Scouts and $70 for non-members.  The registration deadline is February 28th. Please find information about registering for this event here.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Father-Daughter Fun Day Sports Event 4/2/17

 Grab your dad or another significant male adult and join in the fun in our second Fun Day Sports event.  Navigate an obstacle course, run a 3 legged race, take turns shooting baskets, are just a few of the fun activities you and your guy will experience.  This event is being held on Sunday, April 2nd from 1 to 3 p.m. at the NRMS/HS Gymnasium.  The event is for registered Daisies and Brownies and their father or other significant male adult.  Registration and money (checks payable to NRGS) is due at the March 13th Leader meeting.  Please find flyer here.  Any questions please contact Jessica Blanchette at

Friday, February 17, 2017

North Reading Juniors/Cadettes Night of Beauty 3/24/17

Come enjoy a night of beauty mixed with lessons on body image and self-confidence, hosted by Cadette Troop 71901! Activities include nail art, DIY facial scrubs, garbage bag fashion, hair styling, and a body image presentation!
Date: Friday, March 24th
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
Location: Camp Rice Moody
Cost: $10 per girl
RSVP: Payment and permission form due by the March Leader’s Meeting (3/13). Checks should be made out to Troop 71901. Each troop must have at least one adult chaperone. Please find the form/flyer here.
Questions: Amy Kelly (978)-590-6717

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

North Reading Food Pantry March Drive

Donate a Can! North Reading Food Pantry March Drive

Hello Girl Scout Troop Leaders!
March is food drive month for the Girl Scouts! Troop 73894 is running it and we need your help! You can get your girls excited to donate and ask them to have their friends, family, and neighbors donate as well. Donate a can! :D

How can YOU contribute to our efforts?

  • Girl Scout decorated collection bins will be located at Flint Memorial Library, Hood School, Batchelder School and Little School. Please encourage family and friends to drop off items in any of these convenient bins.
  • Ask friends and families for food pantry items by calling, emailing, visiting and asking door to door. The “On the Spot” flyer can be found here and the “I Promised a Girl Scout” flyer can be found here.
  • Collect food pantry items at your troop meetings throughout the month of March
 (by guest blogger Jogi Emni) 

Leader Meeting 2/6/17

NRGS Leader Meeting- Monday, February 6, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:39pm.

In Attendance: Debbie Nearing, Anne Valade, Michelle Gerokoulis, Lisa Alexander, Amber O’Driscoll, Melissa Audier, Amy Kelly.

-reviewed some GSEM run camp sessions for those who want to get some camping experience. If your interested in encampment, check them out. Melissa will have them posted on the blog.
-GSEM offers a $1,500 scholarship award for 2 graduating high school seniors. Look on the GSEM website for guidelines and application process.
-The Ultimate Guide (2016-2017) on p.59. Community Service and Service to Girl Scouting bars for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors.
-Silver and Gold Torch Awards- Complete 1 Leadership journey and serve for one term in a leadership position.
-2017 Camp Guide was mailed. Girls and leaders should have received a copy in the mail.
-February 15th is the last day to nominate an outstanding volunteer (could be a leader, cookie mom, parent volunteer).

-Girl Scout Sunday- Lisa will order patches and distribute to churches. 8 at Aldersgate, 10 at UCC.
-Day of Beauty- Friday, March 24th @ Rice Moody- 7 to 9pm. Girls in 4th to 8th grade.
-Fun Day- Sunday, April 2nd- Daisies & Brownies.
-Food Pantry- Boxes to the elementary schools, Library, and Stop & Shop. Melissa is working on the flyers and will send out when complete.
-Fly-up- Amy Kelly & 8th Grade. Lisa can talk to Ken on Thursday. Hold a separate Daisy fly-up again. Jo and Anne will help run.
-November- Father/Daughter Square Dance

Our next leader meeting is scheduled for March 13th at 7:30pm the Library Activity Room. If you have a 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, or 12th grader, please come to our next meeting. We will have a fly-up meeting for these troops. We will also discuss making troop banners for use in the Memorial Day parade and Fly-Up ceremony. There will be several examples to look at for inspiration and ideas.

We still haven’t rescheduled encampment yet. It will likely be in September.  We must submit a date on April 14th.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Outdoor Activity Opportunities

Since we are unable to have an Encampment this year, we wanted to highlight some opportunities that are being offered by GSEM.  You can find the full list here.


Girl Scout Leadership Awards

There are three different leadership awards for Cadette, Senior and Ambassador level Girl Scouts.  Please see the information here about the Community Service Bars, Silver Torch Award and the Gold Torch Award.