
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Winter Vacation Camping at Camp Wabasso

GSEM Event - Winter Vacation Camping at Camp Wabasso – Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors
Get the most out of your winter vacation week at Camp Wabasso! Spend two days downhill skiing or snowboarding and an evening of tubing at a local ski resort with other teens. Back at camp, enjoy cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hanging out by the campfire and other activities. All lodging, equipment rentals, lessons, food and transportation from Waltham are included. 
This four-night overnight program starts at 1 PM on February 15 and ends at 4 PM on February 19. Drop-off event. Go here to register now - don't let this great program be cancelled! 

Lead your Way – Girl Leadership Conference

GSEM Event - Lead your Way – Girl Leadership Conference – Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors
Focus on developing leadership skills that you can use for college, the workforce and everyday life.  Don't miss this opportunity to be mentored by inspiring, professional women who have blazed their own leadership journey. The conference features workshops for girls and adults, a panel discussion and a talk with keynote speaker, Jasmina Aganovic, the president of Mother Dirt, a company that develops biome-friendly products. A wide range of workshop topics includes financial literacy, goal setting and female empowerment, among others. A panel discussion will be held during lunch (included). This event also features special guest, singer/songwriter Casey McQuillen, who will be presenting from her "You Matter" concert tour.
Date: Sun Jan 31 2016, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM     Location: Simmons College in Boston   Fee: $45 a person ( financial aid is available)   Register on GSEM website   

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Leader Meeting Minutes 1/13/2016

Leader Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Town Hall Room 14
In Attendance: Debbie Nearing 73891, Anne Valade, Michelle Gerokoulis 62796, Lisa Ayer 62798, Kerri Antonuccio 62803, Mays Hanegraaff 78188, Amy Solomon 69175, Jo Gibson 69175, Bridget Easler 76212, Kristin Puliafico 85118, Denise Kung, Kerstin March

Meeting Start 7:35pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and GS Promise

Anne: Did anyone mention the possible change in the Promise to their troop? What do the girls think? Should they take "try" out of the Promise? National Convention is October 2017. This is where they talk about any changes that will be made.

Kerstin: Any cookie questions? Initial order needs to be submitted by the 19th. The function opens the 15th. Remember to save instead of submit.

Anne: SHARE: Support Her Activities Resources Experience. Every Girl Scout family will get a mailing about SHARE. Please support the program if you can. The funding helps programs, trainings and fixing up and updating properties. Cedar Hill has been completely redone. Maude Eaton is getting platform tents. Council is looking for delegates. The position requires going to 3 meetings a year, one in October, January and a late spring meeting. Delegates learn what is new to Girl Scouts so you can share the information. Recognition committee: a committee that reviews nominations and criteria. This is done online with a few meetings.

Anne: Events: Martin Luther King Day Skating held by Reading Girl Scouts at Burbank Arena, 1/18 9:30-11:20am. $5 admission and includes a patch. $15 cap for families.
                     Funtastic event by Reading Girl Scouts, Daisy to Juniors held on 1/30 in 2 sessions.
                     NRGS International Cultural Event: Sunday March 6, 2-4pm at the Moose Lodge. Focus will be on the 4 world centers of Girl Scouting: USMexico, England, India and Switzerland. Girls will move                              station to station with a passport and collect stamps from participating countries. We are looking to bring in entertainment, food, dance etc. If any troop has someone interested in sharing their                                  culture please let Debbie or Anne know asap. Flyer will be coming soon. Committee meeting directly following tonight's meeting.

Would anyone like to run a mother/daughter event?

Debbie: encampment committee will be announcing their next meeting date soon. They are working on a theme. Typical cost is $15 for overnight or $6-7 just for the day. Would you like to join the encampment committee? If you plan on going, look into camp trainings as they fill up fast. Check into ratios for adults per girls.

Anne: Check out the new GSEM website, they changed their address:

Anne: future events: March is GS birthday month, GS Sunday is March 6th. We send a letter to all churches and any girl attending services in uniform will receive a patch. NRGS provides the patches. We need volunteers at each church to hand out patches and take a photo of the girls that attend. Flyer to come for GS Sunday.
March is also GS Food Pantry month. Would anyone like to organize food pantry collections?
Amy Kelly's troop is running a roller skating event on a half day in March.
This is a friends and family event at a roller rink in Beverly. She will collect food for the pantry at the rink. Flyer coming soon.

April: gymnastics at Reading Gymnastics, over school vacation. We typically have 1 session for 60 girls. Cost could be $7 per girl and includes a patch. Jo Gibson will be running this event.
April is Leader Appreciation Month! Let's recognize the Leaders!
May or June: Fly-Up, is run by 8th grade troops. They have certain tasks: food, décor, program, stage, slide show and clean up etc. Fly Up meeting will directly follow the Feb. 10th Leader meeting. Flying Up is moving one level to the next. Bridging is fulfilling requirements and moving up one level to the next.
Memorial Day parade is in May. Do you have a banner? Information will be forthcoming soon about what you need for size of banner, etc.

Has anyone checked out the blog? Questions and comments are welcome.

Ipswich River Sanctuary is running a Maple Sugar Scout Jamboree on Saturday, February 13, 1-4pm. Bring your troop and whole family for lots of fun activities. $10 per person. Call Angela for more info. or to sign up: 978-887-9264, ext. 7703.

Kristin: We have 3 Caroling patches left. The Caroling event can be seen on Search for North Reading Girl Scouts.

Kerstin: There are lots of booth sale dates and COBS available. Any cookie questions?

8:50pm adjourned

Bridget will be taking notes at the February 10th meeting.

Kristin Puliafico :-D

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Ipswich River Wildlife Sactuary Scout Sugaring Jamboree 2/13/16

The Sanctuary is very excited this year to be holding a Scout Sugaring Jamboree for boy and girl scouts on Saturday February 13th from 1pm – 4pm at the sanctuary.  There will be sugaring tours, a toasty fire, winter games and activities, a chance to work on badges, and of course – maple syrup taste tests!

See the flier here for more information and to sign up your troop please call Angela Walsh at 978-887-9264.

NRGS International Cultural Event 3/6/16

NRGS International Cultural Eventdon’t miss this first ever NRGS Event on Sunday, March 6 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Moose Lodge – Flyer can be found here.