Painting Event -
Camp Rice Moody in
Reading on Saturday, November 7 - open to all ages of Girl Scouts
as well as Non Girl Scouts. A Reading
Service Unit troop 75097 has invited the NR Service Unit. This is
NOT a NRGS Event and troops do not have to attend together. Girls
may go separately. There are three different time slots which can
be found on the flyer here. Any questions
should be directed to Caryn at 339-222-3797 or emailing
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Veterans Day Event
Veterans Day Event, Wednesday, Nov. 11th, ceremony begins at 11
a.m. on the NR town Common. Girl Scouts of any age
level are invited and are asked to arrive at 10:30 a.m. They should wear their
vest/sash and stand together as a group for the
ceremony. This is not a drop-off event and girls do not
need to attend as a troop. Families are
welcome to attend. After the ceremony, there will be
refreshments and activities inside the Senior Center. Veterans Affairs
any donations of cookies or snacks for the refreshment table.
Leaders--If you plan
on attending with your troop or you have girls who want to go with their family,
please email Lisa at with your headcount no later than November
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Adult Day at Camp Oct. 31
Who is an Alumna? If you went to camp, were in a troop, were or are a registered adult, led or helped to lead a troop, in any GSUSA or USAGO dominion, you are an Alumna. If your SO ever was left lonely because you were off with the troop again, then he/she is an alum! And we want you to come to camp on October 31st and have your kind
of Girl Scout fun (no children allowed! No teenagers to snicker as you
sing or negotiate the ropes course!.) Sing, have tea, smores, climb,
hike, chat with museum docents, chat with old friends and new, meet
Juliette, see the amazing Great Hall makeover, give service - all of these options are available from 11 - 3 on October 31st!
This event is for all adults (no need to be currently registered).
When: October 31, 11 am – 3 pm
Where: Camp Cedar Hill, 265 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA
All the Details: Online at
Register: Online at
Register: By sending $12, payable to GSEM, along with your personal information and mail to GSEM Alumnae Day at Camp, 95 Berkeley St, Boston, MA 02116
When: October 31, 11 am – 3 pm
Where: Camp Cedar Hill, 265 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA
All the Details: Online at
Register: Online at
Register: By sending $12, payable to GSEM, along with your personal information and mail to GSEM Alumnae Day at Camp, 95 Berkeley St, Boston, MA 02116
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Leader Meeting Minutes, 10/14/15
Volunteer Leader Meeting
October 14, 2015
Town Hall Room 10
Start time: 7:41pm
In attendance: Debbie Nearing
73891, Karen Buscemi 86279, Joanna Maguire 78188, Kristin Puliafico 85118, Kim
Baker 69176, Dorothy Lehane 76211, Karianne Bekier, Kerri Antonucci, Lisa Ayer,
Lisa Coroa-Bockley 85121, Mary Hatton 78181, Mays Hannegraaff 78188, Cindy
DeWolfe 85336, Jo Gibson 69175, Amy Solomon 69175, Kristen Pemberton 69171,
Jessica Barabani, Christy Damphousse 85122, Jennifer Vant 85337, Ruth Kennedy
73899, Amber O'Driscoll 76211, Lisa Alexander 86279, Jessica Blanchette, Anne
Valade, Kerstin March, Amy Kelly 3897-1901, Bridget Easler
Pledge of Allegiance
Girl Scout Pledge
Anne Valade introduced herself and Debbie
Nearing as Co Service Unit Coordinators. We then went around the room starting
with the Service Team and introduced ourselves and stated the level of Girl
Scouts we are leading and the school we are at.
Anne Valade: Thank you for
coming. Girl Scouting can't run without it's volunteers. Thank you for taking
the step to become a leader. The time you spend with your daughter is a great
memory and very rewarding.
Protocol and Announcements: Anne explained the
"parking lot". If anyone has any questions please use the paper and
pen and tape your question to the parking lot. All questions will be answered
at the end of the meeting. Also, the little green bag may be used for questions
and suggestions as well. Please sign in on the sign in sheet with your name and
troop #. Please review the troop rosters on the table and make any
changes. If any of the brand new leaders
are confused as to what is being talked about, please feel free to ask any
questions. Early bird patches are still
here for troops 73894 and 66232. Any
A leader asked if you are going
to encampment for the day only with Daisies, would you need training? Debbie
Nearing answered "no, you do not".
Lisa Alexander is collecting
Halloween forms.
Amy Kelly mentioned that every
registered Daisy received the Halloween flyer through email. The new troops
are: 1 at the Hood School, 1 at the Little School and 2 at the Batch School. To
our new leaders: Rosa from Council is hosting Troop Pathway Orientation. The
next one is this Friday at Camp Rice Moody. If we get enough new leaders Rosa
may come to North Reading for Troop Pathway training.
New leaders need: Troop Pathway
training, date & time for your
meeting, to be registered and cori'd before they will receive a troop #. You
then can train for your level of Daisy training. There is no rush.
Anne Valade: To look up training
online go to: volunteers, then training. Be sure to go online and take GS 101.
The Ultimate Guide lists trainings as well.
Debbie Nearing: The encampment committee is
Lisa Alexandra, Kerstin March, Bridget Easler, Jen Vant and Debbie Nearing.
Debbie would like to meet and pick the date and talk about locations. Debbie
needs to fax the dates and choice camp to council on November 15th. There is no
guarantee we get the camp or weekend we want. Confirmation of encampment date
will be known by December. Information on encampment will be put out in January.
Typically it is a Friday-Sunday. Come for 1 or 2 nights or the day on Saturday.
Debbie will be scheduling a meeting to start encampment plans. Anyone
interested in joining the committee, please contact Debbie so you will be
included in the meeting date emails.
There is a winter encampment at Cedar Hill in
November for troops that would like to try camping in colder weather. To see
who was ready to sleep overnight, Debbie took her troop to the Library Activity
Room for an overnight. What are the differences of Camp Runels and Cedar Hill?
There is much more space at Cedar Hill and it has more closed in lodging sites
than Runels for younger troops who are not comfortable with sleeping in
tents. Runels also has a waterfront.
Ruth Kennedy: Star Gazing in this
Monday Oct. 17th and offered to Juniors and up. 11 girls have registered.
Hopefully Monday will work if it’s not cloudy. Please watch for an email for
Ruth if there is a change of date.
The Fall Product ends Oct. 27th.
Please have all data in by the 26th at 10pm or well before. The Fall Product
Sale is nuts, candy and magazines. Everything is reasonably priced, it's a
quick sale, cash up front and delivered by Thanksgiving. Please give checks to
Kerstin and booklets with names by Oct. 30.
Magazine subscriptions are much
quicker if ordered online especially if you are giving as a gift. The FP items
will be at Ruth's house for pick up.
If you need to add a girl to your
sale, email Travis to add a girl to your roster. Ruth has his email address.
Lisa Alexander: This year we are
having a drive for household and toiletries (instead of the CCS household
mitten tags we did in the past) for the food pantry in the month of December.
Family gift tags are still available at the Post Office if you would like to do
that as well.
The Girl Scouts have their food
drive in March. Last year the Middle School did March as well. Will the Middle
School do that again? Could each troop be responsible for a bin at different
locations in town?
Other events: Astronomy, Halloween, Veteran's Day, Caroling
on the Common. The Service Unit is asking for volunteers sit on a committee.
Let Lisa know if you would like to be part of a committee for an event.
The Halloween party has at least 95 girls. Can
anyone stay to help? Please let Lisa know. Set up is at 12. The party is 1-3
and break down is at 3:00.
Veteran's Day is Nov. 11 and on
the town common. The Girl Scouts are welcome and there are refreshments after a
quick ceremony. Lisa will send a flyer.
Please make any suggestions for
future events on the Big Event Sign up Sheet.
We have right now for planned
events: Jan. 18- ice skating with Reading, February (World Thinking Day), March
(Food Pantry month), April (Autism Awareness), gymnastics over April vacation,
May is the Memorial Day Parade, June we have fly-up and encampment. A
mother/daughter event would be nice idea this year. The Autism Awareness in
April is not a Girl Scout event and will be run by Lisa Alexander. Lisa will be
asking Girl Scouts to volunteer to help at the event.
Finances: How to set up an
account and what to spend the girls money on is in Volunteer Essentials under
forms and resources, chapter 5. Email Lisa with any questions. You need 2
people to sign up for a bank account and you have to get the necessary
paperwork from GSEM to open a troop account.
If you would like to have your
own fundraiser, you must participate in the Fall Product and Cookie sale. Lisa
suggested a car wash or badge workshop to earn your own troop money.
For new Daisy leaders, all
financial info. will be part of your training.
Amy Kelly: All leaders and new
leaders receive the Ultimate Guide. The guide has family outings, trainings and
troop activities. You may also go just with your daughter to any activity. Over
250 programs for girls in the book and also look online at
New this year, the outdoor
programing events - you can sign up anytime, even on the same day of the
Check out Wednesday Webinars on
the GSEM website. You cannot log in on an iPad and the next one is in November
and called Girl Scout Traditions.
There are nice family discounts
for being a member of Girl Scouts. Please look on page 7 in the Ultimate Guide
for discounts at some activities.
For cost of events or programs:
Split the cost into thirds, 1/3 from the troop, 1/3 from the parents and 1/3
from the girl.
If you are going to do a troop
activity, you need to fill out an activity form online. You do not need to fill
out the form if you are going to do an activity from the Ultimate Guide or a
GSEM program.
Check out our NRGS blog:
Please bring all donated crafts and Girl Scout
related items to our next leader meeting for other Leaders to use if you are
done with them.
Our meetings will rotate to
different days of the week every month.
The next meeting is Thursday
November 12 at the Town Hall in room 14.
Adjourned: 9:09pm
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Upcoming Events offered by GSEM
Here's a list of programs and events being offered by GSEM by level:
Daisy Level
Brownie Level
Junior Level
Cadette Level
Senior and Ambassador Level
Daisy Level
Brownie Level
Junior Level
Cadette Level
Senior and Ambassador Level
Reading GS Daisy Purple Petal Workshop
Reading Girl Scouts had a conflict and had to change their
Daisy Purple Petal Workshop – Respect Myself and Others. The workshop is
now October 21 from 3:15 to 4:45 and they still have room available if you have
any interested Daisies who need to earn this petal. For questions, contact
Michelle Kramer at or
781-789-6774 or check out the flyer here.
Monday, October 12, 2015
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards - call for entries
This award, given out by GSEM, recognizes children in grades 5 - 12 who have distinguished
themselves by making a meaningful difference in their communities by
volunteering. Please visit
for more information.
for more information.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
CHANGE IN VENUE!!! for Leader Meeting on October 14
The meeting will now be held in the Town Hall, room 10. You can park in the back and the far door will be open.