
Monday, September 21, 2015

Leader Meeting Minutes, 9/15/2015

Meeting on September 15, 2015 at the Library Activity Room.

Volunteers in attendance: Debbie Nearing (73891), Anne Valade, Kristin Puliafico (85118), Lisa Alexander (86279), Amy Kelly, (73897 & 71901) Jenn Casoli Vant, (85337) Kate Mahoney (71868), Sarah Stetson (76213), Marcy Nelson (76213), Joanne Gibson (69175), Mary Hatton (78181), Barbara Gravel (69184), Cindy DeWolfe, (85336) Bridget Easler (76212), Dorothy Lehane (76211), Kristen Pemberton (69171), Joanna Maguire(78188), Ruth Kennedy (73899), Kerstin March.
 The meeting started at 7:45pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Girl Scout Pledge.

 Anne Valade: Thanked everyone for coming and announced the new Service Team volunteers. Anne and Debbie Nearing will jointly share the position of acting Service Unit Coordinator. Amy Kelly is the new registrar with a registration team of school coordinators: Jo Gibson (Hood), Ruth Kennedy (Batch), Kristin Puliafico (Little).

 Registration:  The registration event planned for 9/16 was mentioned that it was being held at the LAR 6-8pm. You may also register online. Troop registration deadline is 9/30. After the 30th, parents will need to register girls themselves. If you are looking to transfer girls to another troop, please go through the registration team. We try to accommodate all girls. Amy's goal is to place every girl.
If you have any questions or concerns, please keep the registration team in the loop.

 The Ultimate Guide from GSEM will be in your mailbox in a few days!  This guide will have all the fun activities for your troop and families that will be run by Council.

 Also, the Service Team directory went out in an email two weeks ago. This tells people about the positions for the current year with emails if you need to reach out to anyone. The troop directory will be sent out in a Monday email after the changes are made.

Amy and the registration team: If you registered before June 30, 2015, please see Amy to pick up your early bird patches.
Jo Gibson: Jo has a 2nd year Daisy troop from the Batch and Hood combined. Jo is the school coordinator for the Hood School. Talk to Jo if you have any questions about registering girls from the Hood.
 Ruth Kennedy: Ruth is the interim Batch School Coordinator. If anyone has a daughter at the Batch and would like to take on Ruth's position, please talk to Anne or Debbie.
 Kristin Puliafico: Kristin is the Little School Coordinator. She is also Cori authorized along with Debbie Nearing and Kerstin March. Debbie will be sending a list of people whose Cori's have expired.

Fall Products and Cookies:  Ruth and Kerstin: The Fall Product kits are ready! Volunteer agreement forms need to be filled out to receive your online password for Fall Products. We tasted the samples that Ruth and Kerstin brought. There are some new items this year and items only available online. The products are magazines, nuts & candy. Please collect the money when you sell the item, troops need to pay for entire order upfront. Ruth loves the fall sale, they make great gifts for teachers, babysitters, CCD volunteers, coaches, and your bus driver! The items will arrive November 20, right in time for Thanksgiving. The prizes for the girls are super cute. Girls can opt out of prizes and receive 17% on sales instead of 15%. All information is on the Leader Facebook page. Create a giraffe patch online incentive. All selling instructions are on the Fall Product envelope.  Sale date is September 25 to October 26.
 Ruth would like all troops to please spread the word for selling the honey roasted peanuts to be donated to the North Reading Food Pantry. North Reading Girl Scouts will be donating cans of peanuts for Thanksgiving day baskets to local families. The donated cans of peanuts are $5 a can and we would like to sell 100 cans. Ruth posted a video of how the toffee is made on the Leader Facebook page. The sale runs 9/25-10/26. Please talk to Ruth or Kerstin with any questions. GSEM will email you a password. If your troop wants to run a money raising event, the troop needs to sell Fall Products and Cookies. Magazines and items can also be ordered online and they will ship within 48 hours. Very easy!

 Kerstin March: Cookies went up to $5 a box for the upcoming cookie season. Kerstin is interested in mentoring someone to take over the cookie position. The job is done mostly online and could be split between two people, one to manage booths and one for online duties. The position is from November to mid March. A very manageable job!

 Banking and Events: Lisa Alexander is our new Treasurer and Event Coordinator. Lisa was talking about Citizens Bank and how the Girl Scouts are grandfathered in for no fees. Call Tony at Citizens Bank if you are getting a monthly maintenance fee. Also, there is a fee for paper statements. Lisa suggests trying online banking, it is free and easy and you can save $2 a month. Girl Scouts are tax exempt. You can take the tax exempt certificate in a store and not have to pay sales tax. This will be included to the Monday email.  Please see Lisa for banking questions.

 The NRGS Halloween Party is at the Moose on Oct. 25th 1-3 pm.  Would any older girls like to help? This is a drop off event, no siblings allowed and only for registered Girl Scouts. Lisa, Joanne Gibson, and Karen Buscemi are on the committee, talk to Lisa if you would like to join the Halloween party committee.  The flyer is on the blog at 

Star Gazing is on 10/19 at 7 pm. This is for juniors and up and put on by the North Shore Astronomy Club at Merrimack College as a workshop. The cost is $3 per girl. Please write one check to NRGS. The limit is 20 girls, so sign up ASAP if you are interested. The cloud date is 10/26 if the weather is not ideal. Contact is Ruth Kennedy and the flyer is attached to the blog and Monday email.

 Encampment:  Debbie Nearing: Encampment: Possibly in the spring. Leaders will need to be "camp certified" Grab a date for training on the GSEM website because they book up fast. More information on encampment will be known in January. NRGS generally give lodges to younger troops. Daisies may come and enjoy the day. They do not sleep overnight. For ratio and safety wise you will need one trained CPR/FIRST AID and one Camp Certified to attend. You could also go with another troop to meet requirements. All activities are planned for the entire day. A date of Father's Day weekend may be considered. More to come in January.

 Parking Lot:  Anne Valade:  The purpose of the parking lot is to put your thoughts and questions down on a piece of paper and place it on the parking lot. All questions will be answered at the end of the meeting.  There is also a small green bag for questions, comments and concerns if you have any.

Service Team Openings:  Debbie Nearing: Service Team opening-- Media Manager: The Media Manager is the contact for the Transcript, the Patch, NRGS Facebook page and NRGS Facebook Leader page. Responsibilities are placing photos in the Transcript and making sure the proper information gets to the right person. We would like to utilize Norcam as well.
 SHARE Coordinator: Support the mission of Girl Scouts and please contribute. This position would run an event to raise money for SHARE. SHARE gets one big push in April. 

 Blog:  Melissa Audier – was not able to attend the meeting but is still the blog manager and all information to be posted to the blog should be sent to her directly with a copy to Debbie.

 Thank you to Barbara Gravel for her many years of service on the Service Team. The Service Team gave Barbara a nice plant as a thank you gift.

If anyone needs to be Cori'd please come to registration 9/16 or contact Debbie Nearing, Kristin Puliafico or Kerstin March or come to a Leader meeting.
New leaders will need training as well as current leaders who will need to train for the next level. Please go online and sign the volunteer agreement for the current year.

 The meeting adjourned at 8:57pm.
 Kristin Puliafico, Recording Secretary :-D

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Still Time to Register!!

Come visit our Girl Scout table at the Apple Festival this Saturday, 10-3, or find the registration form here. and the website to make the payment here.  Any questions, contact Amy Kelly, registrar, at

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Night Among the Stars, an astronomy event October 19

This is a North Reading Girl Scout run event for Junior level girls and up.  It takes place at Mendel Observatory, Merrimack College, North Andover on Monday, October 19th at 7pm. (“cloud” date Monday, Oct. 26th, 7pm).  This event is limited to 20 girls and costs $3.  Please see flyer here. Flyer is due back by to your troop leader by October 10.  Ruth Kennedy is in charge of this event and can be reached at with any questions.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Casting Call! A new training class for Seniors and Ambassadors

Find information about signing up for this class here.  It takes place on September 18 from 6:30-9:30pm.  

Basic Troop Camping Skills Training NOW ONLINE at GSEM!!!!

Basic Troop Camping Skills Trainings are now listed online for you to sign up.  Go here
to find the troop camping skills tent trainings for a $25 fee.  
They are:  
Waltham, April 16-17, 2016 and October 17-18, 2015
Andover, September 19-20, 2015 and April 30-May 1, 2016 
Plymouth, May 10-11, 2016 and October 10-11, 2015
Nantucket September 26, 2015
Brewster September 19-20, 2015.  

North Reading Girl Scout's Haunted Halloween Party!

Come enjoy a fun-filled Halloween party on October 25th from 1pm-3pm.  This event is open to Daisy, Brownies and Junior Girl Scouts only.  This is a drop off event.  Please see flyer here.  
Lisa Alexander is running this event and can be contacted at

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fall Product Sale

The Fall Product Sale will take place from September 25 to October 27.  Please email Kerstin March to let her know if your troop is interested in participating in the sale.  Let her know how many troop members you have and she will bring that amount of packets to the first leader meeting on September 15th.