
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Planting of the Town Hall Garden Beds Has Been Postponed!!

Damage to some of the beds was discovered today and will need to be repaired before planting can occur.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Positions Open on the North Reading Service Team

North Reading Girl Scout Service Team has open positions for the 2015-2016 year.  A new "cookie organizer" is needed as Kerstin March hopes to step down after many years of performing this task.  Kerstin is available to mentor anyone who is interested.  The job CAN be split into two different jobs:  a booth sale coordinator and a "door to door" sale coordinator.
Another position available is Recording Secretary .  This is minimal in the time commitment.  Recording Secretary takes notes at town wide Leaders' Meetings and forwards them to the NR Blog coordinator to be uploaded to the blog.  Other than a monthly Service Team meeting, there are no other responsibilities.  It is a perfect opportunity for a leader with a younger troop, and a great way to start being more involved in the town service unit.
The town's Troop Registrar position will be available.  Barbara Gravel currently holds this position and is looking to mentor someone new for the 2015-2016 year, to then take over the position for the year after that.  The Registrar sets up recruitment of new girls, and through GSEM, places girls in troops.  Barbara has enjoyed being the registrar and said it is a fun position to hold.
Treasurer is also available.  Anne Valade holds this position and would help transition a new person into the job.
Service Unit Coordinator is available.  Kristin Puliafico has held the position for 2 years and would like to step down.
Other available jobs currently unfilled include Media Manager who would be a person who contacts the local paper(s) with press releases and important information.
Events Coordinator:  a person to help organize events town wide.  Would require filling out any necessary forms, filing any necessary financial papers. 
These positions can all be filled by anyone.  The person does NOT have to be a Girl Scout leader or a Girl Scout parent.

Memorial Day Parade

It's not too early to start working on your troop banner if you don't already have one!  Check out the flyer here for more information about the parade and the banner dimensions.  This year's parade is Monday, May 25.  The parade starts promptly at 10 a.m. from the Meeting House on the Common.  If your troop is marching, you should plan on lining up at 9:45.  Individual girls are also welcome to march and join in with other troops sharing their level of scouting! 

We ask that no troop carry and/or hand out latex balloons.  Not only are they dangerous for young children, but in conjunction with a Silver Award done by a Cadette Girl Scout a number of years ago, they are dangerous to wildlife.  Her slogan was “When Balloons Fly, Animals Die”.   Again, we also ask that for safety reasons, the NRGS troops DO NOT throw candy into the crowd.  The parade committee also requests this of each group and organization participating in the parade for safety reasons and although others do not honor their request, we would ask that the Girl Scouts adhere to their policy as part of our Girl Scout Law to respect authority.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Leader Meeting Minutes 5/12/15

Attendance:  Kristin Puliafico (85118), Ruth Kennedy (73899), Kim Baker (69176), Marnie Littleford (78181), Bridget Easler (76212), Kerstin March, Barbara Gravel (69184), Jennifer Casolivant (85337), Anne Valade (SU Treasurer), Amy Kelly (73897, 71901), Kristen Permberton (69171), Mays Hanegraaff (78188)
NR Girl Scout Service Team has open positions for the 2015-2016 year.  A new "cookie organizer" is needed as Kerstin March hopes to step down after many years of performing this task.  Kerstin is available to mentor anyone who is interested.  The job CAN be split into two different jobs:  a booth sale coordinator and a "door to door" sale coordinator. 
Another position available is Recording Secretary .  This is minimal in the time commitment.  Recording Secretary takes notes at town wide Leaders' Meetings and forwards them to the NR Blog coordinator to be uploaded to the blog.  Other than a monthly Service Team meeting, there are no other responsibilities.  It is a perfect opportunity for a leader with a younger troop, and a great way to start being more involved in the town service unit.
The town's Troop Registrar position will be available.  Barbara Gravel currently holds this position and is looking to mentor someone new for the 2015-2016 year, to then take over the position for the year after that.  The Registrar sets up recruitment of new girls, and through GSEM, places girls in troops.  Barbara has enjoyed being the registrar and said it is a fun position to hold.
Treasurer is also available.  Anne Valade holds this position and would help transition a new person into the job. 
Service Unit Coordinator is available.  Kristin Puliafico has held the position for 2 years and would like to step down.
Other available jobs currently unfilled include Media Manager who would be a person who contacts the local paper(s) with press releases and important information.
Events Coordinator:  a person to help organize events town wide.  Would require filling out any necessary forms, filing any necessary financial papers. 
These positions can all be filled by anyone.  The person does NOT have to be a Girl Scout leader or a Girl Scout parent.
Financial Reports are due by mid June.  The financial form is available on the GSEM website or by clicking here:
Town Hall Vegetable Beds will be planted on Saturday, May 23 at 8:30am.  If you or any girl in your troop wishes to help, it will take about an hour or less.  Girls should bring their own trowel, work gloves, and a gallon of water to water the plants.  Meet at the rear of town hall.
Early Bird Registration is now open.  Girls who are registered before the end of June receive an Early Bird patch from GSEM.  Troops can use troop funds to re-register.  You don't have to re-register the whole troop, especially if there are girls who are unsure.  You have until Sept. 30 to re-register any girl who wishes to continue.  Girl Scout membership runs Oct. 1-Sept 30 annually.
Cookie Recognitions are available if you have not picked them up. Additionally, Kerstin is looking for feedback on this year's sale.  Please contact Kerstin March
The Memorial Day Parade is Monday, May 25.  Troops should arrive at the Building on the Common at 9:45am.  Girls should be prepared for the weather and bring water if necessary.
Possible town wide encampment in 2016.  Details are developing.
GSEM Summer Camps are still taking registrations for camp.
There will be a number of sign up forms for events in 2015-2016.  Please consider running an event for the town.  It can involve only one level of Girl Scouts or all levels.  It's up to you!  Watch for the forms.
Last meeting is June 11, 7:30pm at the Moose Lodge.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Spring Re-registration for 2015-2016

Spring Re-registration is now open online through GSEM.   If you re-register before July 1, girls will receive an early bird patch for their uniform.  If any questions about the re-registration process, please contact Barbara Gravel at BarbGravel@msn.comGo to the GSEM website to sign up under your troop E-Biz online account.

Friday, May 1, 2015

International Dance Festival Special Girl Scout tickets ***available before May 14***

Calling all dance lovers! Immerse yourself in a full day of dance at the longest-running international dance festival in the United States: Jacob’s Pillow, nestled in the beautiful Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts.
Whether you are a first time visitor or past attendee, join us on June 25, 2015 for our 3rd Annual Girl Scout Day.  Enjoy a personal guided historical tour, explore the dance Archives, watch videos of past performances, and view the photographs and artifacts on exhibition. Attend an optional ticketed performance of professional dancers from across the world in the historic Ted Shawn Theatre or intimate Doris Duke Theatre. To end the event-filled day, spread out your blanket, unpack your picnic dinner, and enjoy a free performance featuring students of The School at Jacob’s Pillow Ballet Program on the breathtaking outdoor stage. Earn Jacob’s Pillow Dance Fun Patch. Additional activities and programming to be determined. Visit for more information or call Patsy Garcia at 413.243.9919x141.

Tickets are available for a special performance of Cinderella but only a small number of tickets are being held for Girl Scouts through May 14.  Please see flyer here.