
Friday, March 27, 2015

Ideas for Health and Nutrition badge work

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare is offering information and work packets for leaders to use with their troops to help teach the girls about healthy living and nutrition.  Here's the website to find this information: 

Girl Scout Yard Sale May 30th

Junior Girl Scout troop 85118 is having a YARD SALE on Sat. May 30th 9am-1pm at the Aldersgate church on Park Street. This will be outside in the parking lot. We would love any troops to join us! Set up is at 8:15am. It's a great way to de clutter and make some extra money for your troop. Let me know if you are interested!  Kristin Puliafico

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

UFIT Kids event

Reading Service Unit Event – April 1st for Grades 2-5 (Invitation from Reading Girl Scouts – not a North Reading Event)  Flyer here.
UFIT Kids is being held at Unleashed Fitness in Woburn from 2:15 - 3:15 on April 1st.  The program includes fun fitness related games and challenges that build camaraderie and character without pushing kids to be the “best in their sport or activity” rather encouraging them to be the best version of themselves. Kids come to UFIT to build self-esteem and connections through teamwork and lessons about making healthy balanced food choices. Any questions, please contact Genie Backer at

GSEM April Vacation Camp

Please see the attached flyer here for April Vacation Camp at Cedar Hill in Waltham, now something for grades K-12!  Also, check out the flyer for the Summer Day Camp programs at Camp Rice Moody in Reading!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Camporee at Six Flags this summer!

Join other scouts June 6-7 for a fun weekend exploring the park and camping on the grounds. Check out the flyer here.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Happy Birthday Girl Scouts!

Its the Girl Scout's 103rd birthday today!  

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Leader Meeting Minutes 3/5/15

Attendance:  Debbie Nearing (73891), Kristin Puliafico (85118), Lisa Alexander (86279), Barbara Gravel (69184), Joanne Givson (69175), Kim Baker (69176), Mary Hatton (78181), Jenn Casolivant (85337), Melisa Giraldo (85336), Melissa Audier (73894), Bridget EAsler (76212), Anne Valade (service unit)
Maple Sugaring Event:  Wed. March 11, 1:30-2:30, Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, 87 Perkins Row, Topsfield, has about 40 signed up.  It's not too late to sign up if you and/or any girls in your troop wish to attend.  Girls can pay when they arrive at the Audubon Sanctuary.
At the next NRGS Leaders' Meeting:  a rep from GSEM to discuss all GS Summer Camps.  Additionally, a rep will discuss the April vacation camp offered in Waltham at Camp Cedar Hill.  If there are enough girls interested between N Reading and Reading, a bus may run to the location in Waltham. 
Girl Scout Sunday patches are available.  If girls in your troop did not get one at their church on the date, please see a Service Unit member to get your patches.  An email was sent to all NR Girl Scout parents.
April Vacation Gymnastics Thursday April 23:  sign up sheets and payment is due at the next leaders' meeting April 9.  Girls will get a participation patch.  Cost is $7.  A signed permission slip is needed.
March is Food Pantry Month:  There are green bins around North Reading for your donation of non-perishable food.  Additionally if girls want to hand out "needed item" lists, there is a VolunteerSpot list to help at Stop and Shop.  Girls are asked to bring their collected food to the NR Food Pantry on Saturday, March 28 starting at 9am. 
Daisy Birthday Party:  This is a drop off event for the girls at Camp Rice Moody.  If a parent wishes to stay, please plan to car pool, as parking is very limited due to the snow banks in the parking lot.  Girls will get a special Daisy Patch for attending.  Anne Valade is organizing. 
Fly-up Plans:  Mark your calendars!  Wednesday June 17 6:30pm at International Family Church, Concord Street. 
Break Into Groups—
Next meeting scheduled for April 9th.