
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Whale Watch!

4 hour Whale Watch leaving Plymouth Harbor for Girl Scouts

North Reading Girl Scout Community Service Project!

Service Project to benefit "Camp to Belong"  All are invited to participate!
 "Camp To Belong" works to reunite siblings who have been separated by foster care, adoption or other out-of-home care. The week of camp provides these brothers and sisters the opportunity to spend time together, have fun, create and share memories and bond together. Campers also meet other youth who have experienced similar life situations and learn that they are not alone."  While at camp, the children create scrapbooks of the time they share with their siblings.  We are asking North Reading Girl Scouts to donate scrapbooking and arts and craft supplies.  Specific items they are looking for are:
8 x 8 Scrapbook pages, Fun summer camp Stickers, Family (brother/sister) stickers, Acid Free glue sticks or tape, Rainbow Loom bands, kits, and containers
Markers, Colored Pencils, Crayons, Paper, Stamps, Paint
Please bring your donations to Kristin Puliafico (177 Central St.) before August 1st.  She will deliver them in time for camp!
Thank you for your consideration and support of this NRGS Community Service Project.

Watering the Town Hall Gardens - Service Project

The vegetable gardens are in the ground!  We need volunteers to help keep the gardens watered all summer long!  Ruth Kennedy is putting together an email to be sent to each Leader.  It will come from her for you to sign up on Volunteer Spot!  Please consider taking a week this summer to help water the plants as these vegetables will be harvested and given to the Food Pantry families in need all summer long.  You will need to carry about 10 one gallon jugs full of water to the site as there is no water source at Town Hall and we are not allowed to use the water in the Town Hall for watering these plants.  Please contact Ruth Kennedy at with any questions!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


We wanted to remind all Leaders and parents about the Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 26th at 10 a.m.   The parade starts are 10 a.m. from the Third Meeting House on the Common.  Girls, troops, parents wanting to participate should arrive by 9:45 to start lining up by level by troop starting with Daisies first.  If a troop or her Leader is not participating, girls are still welcome to march in the parade with a parent or by joining in with another troop!
There are a few important reminders and tips we wanted to share in case this is your first time marching in the parade as a member of the North Reading Girl Scouts.
  • we no longer carry latex balloons in the parade*
  • it is NEVER allowed to hand out or throw candy or food to the sidelines**
  • girls should wear their Girl Scout uniform, sash, vest or pins
  • comfortable footwear appropriate for marching should be worn
  • girls should apply sunscreen before marching and carry a bottle of water
  • leaders should carry a first aid kit with annual permission forms if marching as a troop
Marching in the Memorial Day parade is a big day for many and an honor for us to be able to participate.  We would ask that the girls march in a respectful manner as they represent our Organization. 
**The Parade Committee has asked that NO one throw candy into the crowds for many safety reasons, which include children stopping along the route to pick up candy and not paying attention to bikes and vehicles in the parade, as well as small children picking up candy that could be a choking hazard or cause an allergic reaction. 
*The NRGS made the decision to no longer carry balloons after a Cadette Girl Scout years ago did her Silver Award project on "when balloons fly, animals die".  She taught us about the dangers of latex balloons to not only small children but also to animals when they are released out into the atmosphere and then pop.  We would ask that you respect these Committee rules if you are marching as part of the Girl Scout Organization.  We cannot control what other Organizations do, but we would like to abide by the rules.
Thank you for being part of North Reading Girl Scouts, and we wish you a safe holiday weekend!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Leader Meeting Minutes 5/21/14

Meeting Called to Order:  7:45 pm

Attendance:  Debbie Nearing (73891), Kristin Puliafico (85118), Ruth Kennedy (73899), Anne Valade, Sarah Stetson (76213), Marnie Littleford (78181), Lindsay Felix (76211), Bridget Easler (76212), Kim Fischer (85337), Kristin Lamont (85193 and 71880), Kerstin March, Melissa Lally (85118), Amy Kelly  (73897 and 71901)

Financial Forms for each troop are due to Kristin Puliafico no later than June 15.
The basic idea of the form is for council to determine what troops are spending their money on:  project supplies, field trips, uniforms, etc.  Form is available on line at Girl Scouts of Eastern MA under "resource library and forms".  Contact Kristin with questions:
Memorial Day Parade is Monday May 26.  Arrive at the Building on the Common at 9:45am for the 10am start.  Please remind parents to use sunscreen on the girls, have the girls wear comfortable shoes, and be prepared with a water bottle if it's very warm. 

PLEASE REMEMBER, per the Parade Committee, and the Girl Scouts of Eastern MA, North Reading Girl Scouts, as well as other organizations, are NOT to throw candy while walking!  If your troop wants to hand out an item, think about handing out flowers, pencils, or some other non-food item.

North Reading Girl Scout Fly Up is Monday, June 16 from 7-8:30pm at NRHS Auditorium.  Daisies are now included in this Fly Up!
Please bring your troop banner and have girls arrive early in their GS uniforms, no later than 6:45 pm.  If your troop is flying up, please email Anne Valade immediately to let her know you plan to attend (  Also, a list of all the girls and adult leaders needs to be sent to Deb Nearing ( for inclusion in the program.  To have PHOTOS in the slide show, send those photos to Kristen Lamont ASAP at
And troops are asked to bring 2 dozen baked goods or cookies to share at the reception immediately following the ceremony.
As a reminder, North Reading Girl Scouts will have a small gift for each girl who is flying up and participating in the ceremony.  If troop leaders also want to give out a gift to their troop members, please wait for a private time to hand those out.  Please do not hand gifts out at Fly Up as this has created an issue in the past with other girls from other troops feeling left out if their troop didn't do the same.  Thank you!

Town Hall Veggie Gardens:
This is an important project between NR Girl Scouts, The NR Food Pantry and NR Garden Club. 
Beds are all turned and will be planted on Saturday, May 24 at 9:00am.  If you are available, please come and help.  We need TOMATO CAGES or SUPPORTS.  If you have an extra one or can donate one, please contact Ruth Kennedy ( 

Also, the gardens will need to be watered all summer.  Troops are asked to pick a week and plan to water the garden beds several times (depending on weather) that week.  There is no water source, so you will need to bring your own water.  Re-use gallon milk containers (or similar) to bring water with you.  Have at least 10 gallons of water.

All troops attending have a folder of information.  The blue form lists where troops are assigned.  Also, please refer to this sheet for all emergency and contact information.
Each troop should have bandanas for each girl in their troop.  AC Moore is a good source for this item.  Bandanas hold back the girls' hair from the campfire (and there will be a campfire).
Further details on a "what to pack" list, the schedule of activities, and more are all included in the folder of information.
Troops should bring their own food.  Plan according to the schedule.
Also in folder is the white Troop Attendance List form.  Please complete this form and return to Deb Nearing at check in the day of encampment.  SAVE A COPY for yourself.
The Yellow Form is a GS Eastern MA form and needs to be returned for each girl also on the day of check in.
Troops coming for just the day have a PINK Packing list.  The Overnight list is on an ivory colored paper.
There is a map of the facility in the folder as well as a detailed list of facility resources (refrigeration, etc).
REMINDERS to all girls in attendance:  please leave electronic devices at home.  Girls should not have cell phones or other devices with them.   Girls should NOT bring their GS uniforms.

SWAPS (Some Whatchamacallit Affectionately Pinned)  The swapping of SWAPS is an encampment highlight!  Each girl should bring at least 10 SWAPS to exchange with other Girl Scouts.  Melissa Lally is having a SWAPS workshop on Sunday June 1 from 2-4pm in the Library Activity Room.  Stop by any time during those hours. This event is for girls attending encampment only.

If you still have Cookie Sale Incentives that you have not picked up, email Kerstin March.  Please make sure that if you have cookie credits from 2012-2013, they expire on June 30, 2014!  They must be used or you will lose them.

Meeting Adjourn 9:15pm

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spring Registration Event for NEW Girls and Adults

Spring Registration Event for NEW girls and adults for the upcoming 2014-2015 membership year, Saturday, June 7th, 10 am to 2 pm, at IRP, under the big tree near the concession stand.  Please pass along this information and encourage friends who are interested in registering!  This includes those girls entering Kindergarten in the fall.  Note: this event is not for scouts reregistering, only those new to scouting. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

SWAPS Event for Girls Attending Encampment

Every girl signed up to attend Encampment, whether attending Encampment with her troop or as an individual, is invited to attend a SWAPS event on Sunday, June 1 at the Library Activity Room from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.  SWAPS are "Some Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned on Something or Someone"!  These SWAPS will be "swapped" with other Girl Scouts at our June Encampment.  You can come as a troop or stop by anytime between 2:00 and 4:00 to make up to 10 SWAPs for encampment!  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gardening Service Project

We are looking for older Girl Scouts in grades 6 and up who want to help turn the garden beds at the Town Hall on Saturday, May 17 at 3 pm. Bring work gloves and a large garden shovel or pitch fork. Adults and/or Leaders welcome too.
Then help plant the beds for a summer of harvest for the North Reading Food Pantry on Saturday, May 24 at 9 am.  Brownies and up, bring your own gloves and a small planting shovel or trowel.  Please RSVP Ruth Kennedy by email: if you are available for either of these service projects!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lowell Philharmonic Orchestra's Spring Pops

The Lowell Philharmonic Orchestra will be performing Spring Pop's on 5/9 at 8pm and 5/18 at 3pm.  Suggested donation is $10/pp.  Venue locations and concert program details can be found at

Girl Scout Night at The Breakers Soccer Game 6/1/14

All Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts members, families and friends are invited to:
Breakers vs. Washington Spirit match on Sunday, June 1st at 6.30pm.
We would like to offer everyone discounted tickets to attend the game and have a fun
night out with family, friends and classmates. Don’t miss out on this event, order your
tickets today!

Please see flyer here.