
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

World Thinking Day February 22nd

This is a day when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world think about each other and learn that Girl Scouting is EVERYWHERE! This is the perfect opportunity to teach your girls the meaning behind the W.A.G.G.G.S. Pin. (Round pin with blue background)  If you haven’t given your girls the pin, this is a great time to have a ceremony and do it. 
Please consider doing an activity or two to help girls understand the World Wide Sisterhood they are part of. There are links on the blog for you to find out more about World Thinking Day or just GOOGLE it!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

NEW! North Reading Girl Scout Facebook page

At the January Leader meeting, someone suggested that we create another NRGS Facebook page (besides the current NRGS Leader page) which all Girl Scouts and Families can visit.  So we did just that.  If you have Facebook, feel free to check it out to get ideas for field trips, craft ideas or anything Girl Scout related.  Of course, feel free to post and share anything your sister Girl Scouts would love to try as well!  Come check it out at North Reading Girl Scouts.

Encampment Update! June 13-15 Camp Runels

As you heard, we did not get our first choice at Camp Cedar Hill in Waltham, but we did get our second choice at Camp Runels in Pelham, NH.  This camp is the same distance as Waltham, but easier to get to as it's right up 93 and off the highway!!!  Immediately following our February Leader meeting, there will be a brief 30 minute (hopefully) Encampment Meeting for any troop interested in our June 13-15 Spring Encampment.  This Encampment is for all ages, with Daisies coming just for the day!  We are making this a mandatory meeting if you want to attend this event.  If you cannot make the meeting, please send another representative, co-leader, parent, etc. in your place to get the information!  We are also seeking Leaders who are interested in helping us plan ideas for this Encampment on the Committee.  You do not need experience, just your ideas and willingness to help!  Please contact Debbie Nearing at if you are interested in sitting on the Encampment Committee.

GSEM - Apply for the Girl Scout Scholarship

Two scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to two graduating senior Girl Scouts in recognition of leadership, community engagement and personal commitment to the Girl Scout mission. The Scholarship Committee seeks applicants who are motivated to make the world a better place by actively demonstrating courage, confidence and character. The scholarship is to be used toward post-high school study. A complete online application and two recommendation forms (one from school and one from the community) are due Friday, March 7 at 4 PM, EST. All application materials are due by the deadline for scholarship consideration. Contact Mary Browne with questions.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ice Skating - Family and Friends North Reading GS Event

Thursday, February 20th, at the Burbank Ice Arena in Reading at 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  This event is in conjunction with public skating and registration forms and payment will be collected at the Leader meeting being held on February 12th at the Town Hall at 7:30 pm.  Tickets may also be sold at the door for family and friends.  We are also asking each girl to bring one non-perishable food item to donate to the NR Food Pantry.  If your daughter is interested in attending, please give the form and payment to your Leader before February 12th.  
Please see the flyer here.
If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Gravel at


There are just a few days left for girls to apply to join the council's Board of Directors. This unique leadership opportunity is for girls, ages 14-17. Each year four girls are nominated to serve one-year terms as members-at-large. They have all the responsibilities of our adult board members in determining council policies and vote on all issues brought before the board (except those with financial implications). Board members are elected at the GSEM annual meeting in May and attend five board meetings during the following year.  Check out our NRGS Senior and Girl Council Member, Keanna Lamont, (third on the right) who is currently serving on the Girl Board of Directors!  Way to go Keanna! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Girl Scout Baking Day

Teen Scouts from 6th - 12th Grade
Camp Rice Moody, Reading, MA
11 am - 2 pm on 2/2/14 (Come for all or part of the time!)
Please join other Girl Scouts and bake for our heroes! We will be baking breads and cookies and donating them to the heroes in our towns. Girls are asked to bring a mixing bowl and a spoon and if possible, measuring spoons or measuring cups. We will be sharing and working together so if you don't have all these items, no problem!
Since girls will be joining from different towns, we will be donating to the heroes in the town from which you are from! Heroes might police officers, fire personnel, educators, veterans or your neighbor down the street who does good deeds.
RSVP to Michelle at or 781-789-6774 by 1/30/14!
Once I receive RSVP's I will send permission slips.

Friday, January 17, 2014

More Event Ideas!

GSEM offers many events for Girl Scouts.  Here's the link to their Program Guide.  They also offer programs that focus on the different Girl Scout levels, see here.
One of the programs offered is the Junior Jamboree.  Here is a list of workshops being offered that day:
 Beaded Bookmark
Cookie Decorating
Clay Creations
Design a Diary
Duct Tape Design
Fun with Forensics
Fun and Games
Hip Hop Dance
Minute to Win It
Name Art
Rock ‘n Video
Salsa Sampler
Sand Art
Soda Design.

A fun GSEM event coming up is Cookie Creations, see flyer here.
And from our North Reading leaders, here are some more ideas:
  • A make up session with the make-up artists at Carl Michael Salon - and pair it with a talk /presentation about how the media distorts images, painting with Kim Scher
  • If you have 16 year olds, a car talk session (checking oil, changing a tire, etc) at Foxy Auto 
  • The Textile Museum in Lowell 
  • Keisha Conigliaro has a mentoring program and she speaks to girls about self esteem and bullying.  La Chic Mentoring is the name of the program. 
  • Check out the projects at Look What I Made.  There are lots of variety besides the "paint the figure" type approach. The staff lead you by the hand on these projects so anyone can feel like a creative genius.
  • Boston Rock Gym offers Scouting classes:

New England District Hunger Project

There will be a food packing event on January 25th at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Lynnfield. The bags of food will be sent to the CCS and the Caribbean Basin.  Their goal is to pack 60,000 bags. They have one hour time slots from 1:30 to 5 for packing.  If your troop is interested in joining please click here  for more information and to sign up.


Family Friendly Performances at the Lowell Philharmonic Orchestra

Lowell Philharmonic Orchestra will be presenting a Family Concert coming up on March 2nd in Lowell - this is a concert geared towards entertaining and engaging kids.  We will have a "Meet the Instruments" session after the 1-hour performance.  In addition to this, we'll have an evening concert on March7th, where it may be appropriate for older scouts to attend (it is a full 2-hr performance).If you are interested and would like more information please click here  for their website.

Leader Meeting Minutes 1/15/14

Present:  Debbie Nearing, Kristin Puliafico, Amy Kelly, Kristin Lamont, Barbara Gravel, Jody Sponzo, Kerstin March, Anne Valade, Ruth Kennedy
All direct contact information for those listed below is on the NR Girl Scout blog.
Ice Skating - Friends and Family Event, Thursday, Feb. 20 at Burbank Rink, Reading.  Sign up flyer to be emailed to all families and due back at February meeting.
Kindergarten GS registration - geared toward parents of incoming K students to encourage interest in Girl Scouts prior to the start of school
Bingo Event - Kristen P is organizing for an event at the Moose.  Exact date TBD.  Will be open to all levels. 
Leaders are always encouraged to help out at any town Girl Scout events.  Contact Kristen P (contact on NRGS blog)
Encampment:  NRGS is reserved for Camp Runnels in Pelham, NH.  June 13-15.  This is Father's Day weekend, but encampment should have closing ceremony on Sunday morning, leaving plenty of time for family activities.  Open to all North Reading Girl Scouts.  Daisy girl scouts can come just for the daytime events on Saturday.
NRGS Service Unit is looking for leaders to participate in the Encampment Committee.  Please contact Debbie Nearing if you are interested.  First encampment meeting directly after Feb. 12 Leaders' Meeting.
Cookie Update:  All orders have been placed.  Early estimation is the town sold approx. 30 cases more than last year.  Cookies will be delivered January 27 at Burbank Arena in Reading.  Kerstin March will send additional information on delivery as it becomes available.
Fall recognitions are in.  Please contact Ruth Kennedy to pick up for your troop if your troop participated in fall sale. 
Older Girl Events: 
Anne Valade is in early planning stages of a cupcake/cake decorating event/competition.  If you or someone you know has expertise in this area, please contact her.  She is looking for help from someone who is good at cake decorating.

Considering bringing the older girl scavenger hunt again.  More details coming.
Anne REALLY would like input from older girls on these two ideas and other ideas.  Running events is expensive and if there is no interest, she would like to know.  Please give your troop feedback to Anne V.
Field Trip Ideas:
American Textile History Museum in Lowell offers workshops for girl scouts.  $10/per girl.
Look What I Made offers various projects and staff can help your girls toward a specific goal.  They offer a discount for Girl Scout troops.
Council Updates:
Many events have been added for the months coming up.  Please check GSEM's website for more information on some of those exciting opportunities.
Volunteers are needed for several upcoming town wide events.  If you are available to help with March Food Pantry Day (date TBD) and/or Girl Scout Sunday March 9, please contact Debbie Nearing.  One volunteer is needed at a place of worship to run GS Sunday at that facility.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

North Reading Girl Scout Square Dance photos!

A fun time was had by all at the recent N. Reading Girl Scout Square Dance.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fun Activities for troops!

Here are a few ideas for troop activities that have shown up on the North Reading Girl Scout Leader Facebook page.  We know not everyone is on Facebook so we thought we'd share them here also:
  • Bring a group to Pease International Airport in Portsmouth and be a greeter for troops returning or heading over to Afghanistan. They have flights daily and many times/days to choose from. For flight alerts you can sign up at

  • Here is another fun event! GIRL SCOUT DAY WITH RIVER HAWK BASKETBALL UMass Lowell vs. Stony Brook. Sat. Feb. 15th @ 2:00pm @ Tsongas Center. Tickets are $10 ($5 going back to GSEM). Earn your sports badge pre-game with UMass student athletes & Commerative UMass Lowell Girl Scout Patch. We will have flyers Wednesday night at our leader meeting!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

GSEM - New Interim CEO named

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEM) announced today that Pamela Salkovitz has been named interim Chief Executive Officer of the council. In this role, Pam will lead current operations while preparing for the future.  Pam received GSEM's "Leading Women" Award in 2007, joined GSEM's Board of Directors in 2013, and has served on the council's Development Committee since 2010. She will serve in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity on the Board until the transition to a permanent council CEO is completed.  GSEM has formed a CEO Search Committee, led by Board Member Roc O'Connell, which will engage an executive search firm and manage a national CEO search. The search process is expected to take six months.  Check out the GSEM website for more information about Pamela.