
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Volunteer Awards and Recognitions from GSEM

Nominate or Endorse a Volunteer Today!  Each year, GSEM volunteers are eligible for GSUSA and GSEM recognitions. Take this opportunity to show your thanks for someone in your troop, town or service unit and celebrate their successes! Volunteers selected to receive a council level recognition will receive their awards as guests at the Volunteer Recognition Dinner on April 10th, 2014 at the Chelmsford Radisson.  The deadline for all nominations and endorsements is Friday, February 3rd! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show your THANKS.

Join us for January’s Wednesday Webinar, Creating a Culture of Appreciation, Volunteer Recognitions, on 1/15/14! Explore fun and creative ways to express appreciation as well as how to nominate outstanding volunteers for formal Girl Scout recognitions. Last day to register is 1/8/14. 

Leader Meeting Minutes 12/11/13

Present:  Ruth Kennedy, Kristin Puliafico, Debbie Nearing, Barbara Gravel, Kelly Desousa, Stephanie Geiser (council), Kerstin March, Melissa Audier, 

Event Planning for upcoming school year:
  • Ice skating/bowling in January
  • Bingo for GS/Adult or maybe "Bring a Friend" in February
  • Storytelling at Camp Rice Moody in March
  • Food Pantry Month is March
  • Girl Scout Sunday is in March 9.  Girl Scout Shabbat is March 8.
  • Gymnastics Event in April during vacation week for younger Girl Scouts
  • Chopped cooking competition for older girls in April, location to be determined.
  • Memorial Day Parade in May
  • All Town Encampment June 13-15 at Camp Runnells, Pelham, NH  (mark your calendars for a FUN WEEKEND!)

For leaders needing Girl Scout Camping certification, please check GSEM's website for upcoming sessions.  Those with younger troops who are only staying for the daytime activities, you do not need camping certification, but you should have a "first aid certified" person with your troop at all times.  A parent who is a RN or other medical person, would qualify.  More information on this in the coming months.  Please ask a service team member if you have any questions.

Here is a fun quiz to take to see if your girls are ready for encampment:

Sales being Friday, Dec. 13.  All orders must be in by January 13.  Cupboards close March 5 (all booth sales complete by this point).
Booth sales are still booking.  Lots of openings at both Stop and Shop and Walmart.  Check Monday Email for the latest schedule.  Contact Kerstin March with questions:
Gluten free cookies are a PRE-ORDER (buyers must purchase up front).  Orders must be sent to Council by Dec. 31.  Gluten free cookies will be delivered to Council (must be picked up there- they are not part of town wide delivery) on January 23.  These are $5 per bag, but the troop makes $1.50 profit per bag.  This is the first year GSEM is trying this, so please be patient and ask questions if you have them.  Thank you.

For those planning to hold a Cookie Booth, check the GS Store in N. Andover for the optional "Cookie Booth Bag" of items to help with your sale.  $25 per bag.

Don't forget "Cookies for a Cause" sales!

Square Dance Update:
Square Dance in November 23:  two sessions with 59 girls total.  Positive feedback from those who attended.  The event broke even financially.

2nd grade Batch troop (disbanded troop of Daisies) - there are a few 2nd graders who do not have a troop.  Ruth Kennedy/Sue Kirby's troop of 8th graders held a meeting for the 6 Brownies at the Library (with Barbara Gravel's help.  All the girls had a nice time.  If other troops want to help out holding a meeting for these 6 girls, please contact Barbara Gravel.

Guidelines for Financial Assistance
The North Reading Service Unit has guidelines in place to help families who may not be able to afford the GS registration fee, uniform expenses, and expenses related to NRGS town activities and events.  Leaders should contact a member of the service team with their questions or concerns on this new policy.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cookie Booth Sales Are Almost Here!!

 If you would like to sign your troop up for a Cookie Booth Sale please see the schedule here.
There are openings at Walmart, Stop & Shop, Ryer's and the Post Office.
Its a great opportunity for the girls to learn about salesmanship as they earn money for their troop.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Leader Meeting Minutes 11-20-13

Town Hall Room 14

Attendance: Kristin Puliafico, SUC and 85118; Debbie Nearing, Corresponding Secretary & 73891; Anne Valade, Treasurer; Barbara Gravel, Registrar; Janice Sarno, Service Team Member; Kerstin March, Cookie & Fall Product Manager; Lindsay Felix, 76211; Sarah Stetson, 76213; Jodi Sponzo, 73897; Kelly Desousa, 66232; Melissa Lally, 85118; Sandy Griffin, 71900; Lynne Alley, 85336; Kristin Lamont, 85193 & 71880; Kate Mahoney, 71868; Stephanie Musgrave, 71868; Mary Lasdin, 71871 & 71893; Patti Harrington, 71876 & 85122; Kristen Russell, 76211.

Meeting called to order: 7:35 pm

Pledge of Allegiance
Girl Scout Promise

Investiture Ceremony and Presentation of Pins to New Leaders and co-leaders:  Lindsay Felix, Sarah Stetson, Kelly DeSousa, and Kristen Russell present at this meeting.  For those not present: Shannon Sullivan, Bridget Easler, Maria Driscoll, Marcy Nelson, and Elene McLoughlin, pins will be given to them by associated leaders.

Barbara: Father-Daughter Square Dance 11-23-13.  Since forms are being handed in at this meeting, is it not known yet how many are attending.  Discussion about possibility of holding only one session and if so, then will hold the 3-4:30 time slot.  Outcome of number of sessions held will be known by Thursday, November 21st, and communicated to parents.  

Barbara: Registration Event (second reg event) scheduled for 12-3-13.  This is to try to recruit new leaders, hoping to start a new second grade Brownie troop.  There are three second grade girls waiting to be placed in a troop.
Some parents did not know about the first registration event held in September.  The school will not place paper flyers in backpacks like we’ve requested, so other methods of public awareness were discussed.  Suggestions for elementary school principals to send emails to parents, and to place a notice in the North Reading Patch online newspaper were made.  Contact person is Danielle Masterson at the Patch.

Debbie:  Encampment tentatively scheduled June 13-15, at Camp Cedar Hill in Waltham, awaiting approval from GSEM.  One conflict is the eighth grade class DC trip returns from their trip the night of June 13th.  Girls going on the DC trip can still attend encampment Saturday and leave Sunday morning if they wish.   We are considering a separate 8th grade campout since they will miss this event.

Debbie:   Mitten Tags for CCS.  We are participating in providing toiletries for families in need for the holiday season.  Each tag is assigned to a family, lists the number and ages of members.  On the back of the tag are the dates and place for dropping off.  A list of suggestions of items to donate to the family was also available.  Leaders picked out tags for their troop to adopt that family and a recyclable collection bag was handed out to those who took a tag. This will help to ensure families get about the same amount of items. Tips and ideas shared among leaders about how to gather items, including each girl member donating supplies or going shopping with the girls, which involves getting parents to chaperone, and involving girls in the process.  Girls learn about how to work with a budgeted amount of money when they are involved in the process.  Suggestion of applying this experience to badge work was made.

Kristin:  Ultimate Girl Scout Quiz, winner was Kerstin March with 33 points and winner of decorative bowl filled with candy.  Mary Lasdin came in second with 30 points.  Points scored by past and present experiences in Girl Scouting.

Kerstin:  Fall Sale: More troops participated this year in the fall product sale.  Product was delivered this week and pick-ups available at Ruth Kennedy’s house.  We reached our goal for cans of honey roasted peanuts obtained for the NR food pantry Thanksgiving Day baskets!  Thanks to all who participated.  Profit to our SU town account was some $200 plus.

Kerstin: Cookie Sale: The sale is from December 13th to January 13th.  The delivery of cookies will be January 27th; this year pick-up of initial orders will be at Burbank Ice Arena parking lot, in conjunction with the Reading SU.  Booth sale requests were due today.  Booth sales will be Walmart, Stop and Shop, Post Office, and Ryer’s.  You can also hold a sale at another local business if you get permission from the business owner and you must let GSEM and Kerstin March know about all booth sales for approval.  There is a separate sale of the new gluten free cookie; these must be ordered by December 31st  but there is limited supply so order early.  The order form is in your cookie product book handed to your cookie advisor at training! The gluten free cookies are very tasty, are a shortbread-like cookie with chocolate chips and they are $5.00 a bag.  They will not be available until the end of January from the time you order.

Events:  Lynne Alley would like to hold an anti-bullying event, might be in January near the week of January 20th, which is no name calling week. Patti Harrington stated her troop has looked at having Ed Biggs give a presentation about cyber-bullying.  There was a suggestion that Thea Peach may be interested in providing something on this topic also, as she is a former GS leader and is experienced in internet safety.  May be able to contact Marci Bailey about someone who can help with resources for bullying.

Discussion about future events, and what the leaders would like to see return.  Those suggested were: scavenger hunt, father-daughter sporting event, ice skating, bingo, karaoke night, mother daughter game night, caroling at the Common, all troops, movie event, bracelet making party, night of beauty.  Of course, we need Leaders to step up and help run these events if we run them!
At this meeting leaders brought used donated troop supplies to share.  We still have a lot of items left and will continue to collect at each meeting.

The Daisy Raffle basket filled with lots of new fun activities was donated by Kristin Puliafico and won by Lindsay Felix! 

The next leaders meeting will be a morning meeting, Wednesday, December 11th, 2013, at 9:30 am the Library Activity Room with coffee and muffins!

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

The Albany Berkshire Ballet's The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker will be performed by the Albany Berkshire Ballet and local dancers on December 18 & 19 at the Lawrence High School auditorium.  See flyer for details on how to save on ticket prices through a Girl Scout discount.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Registration Event!

Become a Girl Scout Or Leader!
Tuesday December 3rd 7pm-8pm
Town Hall room 14
7:00 - Discover what Girl Scouting has to offer.  
Connect with North Reading Girl Scout adult members to get an overview of how Girl Scouting can work for you and your daughter.
7:30 - Discussion and registration for Girls and Adults.
Contact Barbara Gravel for details:

See flyer here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cookie Sale Update

If your troop doesn't have a Cookie Advisor yet, please assign someone asap so they can be trained.  Please contact Kerstin March with any questions. email address

Sign up for Cookie Booth Sale slots at the November Leader Meeting on November 20th.  
You can find sign up forms here.

The sale this year is shorter, starting on December 13th and going until early March.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Girl Scout Store Sale of Thanksgiving

November 15-26, 2013 use the coupon below to take 15% off everything at the Girl Scout Stores in Middleboro, North Andover and Waltham.

They also have a frequent shopper card now. Get 10 punches and receive 15% off a purchase. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Looking for Help with New Troops

Help with New Troop

NRGS is trying to start a new second grade troop to help in placing 3, grade 2 Brownies.  These consist of one girl who has been in scouting, and two who are new to Girl Scouts.  We are in the process of sending out a recruitment letter to all grade 2 girls in hopes of finding more girls for this troop and with any luck, a leader!  In the meantime, these three girls are patiently waiting to be placed!  Are there any troops who would be willing to host a meeting or two so these girls can have the Girl Scout experience?   Our intention is that this will be a short term commitment.  Not only does this help in starting up a new troop, but it will also empower your girls in a leadership role.  If interested in, please contact me at and I can tell you more.

Looking for Helper (Cadette or older) for new Daisy troop
A new Daisy troop at the Kindergarten level from the Little School, is looking for an older scout or two who can come to meetings and be a helper.   At this time, there are four girls in the troop.  Their meetings are to be held at the Union Congregational Church, every other Thursday, starting 11/14, at 3:30 pm.  If interested in checking it out, email the leader Bridget Easler, at

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Old Sturbridge Village

Scout Day at Old Sturbridge Village is November 16th!
Here's the link to the website for more information and to sign up.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Service Project Idea!

The girls in your troop can have fun creating decorations, especially a seasonal decoration, for the trays that the meals are on.  If this sounds interesting, you can contact Mary Prenney, the head of Elder Services.  Her email address is

If your troop is looking for other service project ideas, take a look at the "Service Project Ideas" page on the right column of the blog.  And if you have ideas you'd like to share, send an email to and it will be added to the list.

North Reading Veteran's Day Ceremony

There will be a ceremony on the Common on November 11 at 11am.  Please encourage your girls to attend.  They should wear their vest/sashes and stand together in a group.

Veteran Services of NR has requested that about 6 girls volunteer help in the Building on the Common to help serve refreshments.  If a troop of Juniors and older would like to fulfill this request, please contact Barbara Gravel at  This would make a great community service project!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Leader Orientation Training

Anne Valade will conduct a new leader Orientation Training on Wednesday, October 23 at 7:30
24 Abbott Rd.
Basics on organizing a troop meeting, field trip protocols, setting up a troop bank account, over view of Girl Scouting program.  
Things needed to get started with your troop.  
Other training beyond Orientation is available through council.

Leader Meeting Minutes 10/16/13

Stephanie Geiser, Membership Specialist from GSEM; 
ST Members and/or troop Leaders:
Kristin Puliafico, SU Coordinator and 85118; Debbie Nearing, Corresponding Secretary & 73891; Ruth Kennedy, Recording Secretary & 73899; Anne Valade, Treasurer; Barbara Gravel, Registrar; Kerstin March, Cookie & Fall Product Manager; Lindsay Felix, 76211; Sarah Stetson, 76213; Amy Kelly, 71901 & 73897; Jodi Sponzo, 73897; Kelly Desousa, 66232; Melissa Lally, 85118; Sandy Griffin, 71900; Lynne Alley, 85336; Kristin Lamont, 85193 & 71880; Michelle Rosenthal, 71902 & 78181; and Jennifer Dee, 78188 & 85122.

Meeting called to order 7:35

Introductions of service unit and Stephanie from GSEM N. Andover office.

Anne V:  New leader Orientation training on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 7:30pm.  24 Abbott Road.  Basics on organizing a troop meeting, field trip protocols, setting up a troop bank account, over view of Girl Scouting program.  Things needed to get started with your troop.  Other training beyond Orientation is available through council.

Barbara:  Father/Daughter Square Dance Saturday, Nov. 23.  Open to any important male adult (grandfather, older brother, uncle, etc).  Times will be announced.  If there is a lot of interest, there may be two sessions, but that will be determined by number of girls attending.  Open to Daisy, Brownie and Junior levels.  Cost is $8/couple, additional girls $4.  Each girl will receive a fun patch.  Flyers will be emailed.  Please distribute to girls in your troop.  Girls should turn in forms to leaders by Nov. 15.  Troop leaders should return forms/payment at the Nov. 20 Leaders' Meeting.

Barbara:  Registration - all seems to be working smoothly.  Most girls are placed.  3 new kindergarten troops, 1 new first grade troop.  50 new girls registered this year.  On line re-registration was cumbersome.  There is a delay in notification of about a week from the time a new girl registers on line to when Barbara receives the information.  

Ruth:  Daffodil planting party Saturday, Oct. 26 9-11am at North Parish Park.  Bring a shovel and work gloves and dress appropriately.  Rain on Shine.  All girls in attendance will receive a community service patch.  Please email: with a number of girls to ensure we have enough patches.

Debbie:  Corn maze at Marini Farm, Ipswich wrap up:  Older girl corn maze had 15 girls attend.  Beautiful weather made for a nice night.  

Troop Directory:  please check your troop information for accuracy.  

Encampment:  Town Wide at Camp Cedar Hill, Waltham.  Date in May or June.  Friday/Saturday.  Check out Sunday.  Looking at either weekend of May 16/17 or June 13/14.  June 15 is Father's Day, but the girls would be home early Sunday morning.  June 13/14 is the preferred weekend.   If you know of an important conflict on either of those weekends, please let the Service Unit know as soon as possible.  The window for making a spring reservation opens in November, so a decision on the weekend date will need to be made soon.

New leaders will need to be either "camping certified" or "lodge camping certified".  Debbie will look into organizing a local camping training through GSEM.

"Mitten" Project:  Christmas project through Christian Community Services.  The "mitten" lists the number and ages of children from a local family.  Girl Scouts provides toiletry and household products for these families.  Troops are asked to "adopt" a family and provide necessary items as a service project.  A list of suggested items is provided at the time the mittens are available.  More information on this subject will be at the November Leaders' Meeting.

Fall Product Sale: ongoing.  Open until Oct. 27.  A more detailed email on Fall Sale will be sent in a few days to those troops participating.

Cookie Update:  Early cookie training is Nov. 9 at 9:30am and Nov. 13 at 9:30am and 6:30pm in North Andover.  Cookie Rally Dec. 7 in Waltham.  

Juliette Lowe's Birthday is Oct. 31.  Wishing the Founder of Girl Scouts a Very Happy Birthday!

Trivia with Kristin:  Kristin led us in a round of Girl Scout Trivia.  We all learned something new about Girl Scouting.  Thank you, Krisitin!

Meeting adjourned:  8:25

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Father-Daughter Square Dance Nov. 23

Back by popular demand!
This is a Daisy, Brownie & Junior event.

Deadline for money and forms is the Nov. 20th leader meeting.  Please see flyer here.

Math Moves U!

A GSEM Junior & Cadette Activity
November 17 from 9:30 - 4:00 at Middlesex Community College in Bedford, $20/person

Come have fun with activities to introduce you to the Science and Engineering fields .  

 Whether attending this event again or for the first time, you will experience all new activities.  Join us for a day filled with hands-on learning that introduces you to engineering and science fields.  Real  professionals, including women engineers from Raytheon and college professors from Middlesex Community College, will unlock the mysteries of numbers and show you how engineering can find solutions to everyday problems.  Cadettes will have a separate track focused on robotic technology.  A special patch and lunch are included. Space and transportation are limited so register today! 

The link below takes you to the Cadette registration form:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Daffodil Planting Party!

Attention all North Reading Girl Scouts.  Your green thumbs are needed on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 9-11am at North Parish Park on Rt. 62/Park Street.  This small park is between Chestnut and Central Streets on Rt. 62.   Bring a pair of work gloves and a shovel and we will plant yellow daffodil bulbs to beautify the park for spring!  

This SERVICE PROJECT is open to all Girl Scouts.  Daisy, Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts need to bring a responsible adult (due to the close proximity of the parking lot and street).  And per GS Safety-Wise guidelines, Cadettes and up need to have two unrelated adults for every 25 girls.

All girls in attendance will receive a Community Service Patch, which they can proudly display on the back of their uniforms.

This event is Rain or Shine!  Dress accordingly.  And please RSVP to:  so the proper number of patches can be purchased.  See you then!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Local Letterboxing Activity! Fun for All Ages!

Recently Carly Sponza, a local North Reading Girl Scout, finished her Silver Award and would like to share it with the Girl Scout community.  Click here for a letter from Carly explaining her letterboxing Silver Award project.

The Trick and Treat Parade at Wingate Nursing Home

Everyone is invited to attend the 12th annual "The Trick and Treat Parade"!  It is held at Wingate Nursing Home (Next to Home Goods) in Reading.  Children of all ages are welcome and it is a great event for Brownie and Daisy!   

Place:   Wingate Nursing Home

Date:   Thursday, October 24, 2013

Time:  4PM- 5PM (approximately)

We meet in the front entrance/lobby of Wingate. The children come dressed in their Halloween costumes.  I ask that each child brings a home-made card or colored picture with them.  They can sign their first name only, if they'd like, but don't have to.  The cards and pictures are distributed to the residents.  They hang them and put them on tables in the dining commons, too.  We walk through the halls and the residents, that are able, sit at their doors and hand out candy to the trick-n-treaters.  It takes approximately 45 min. to 1 hour.  It really is a great time and the residents love seeing the children!   

I ask that you please pass on this info to family, friends or troops that may be interested.  I ask to get a count of the # of children that are coming so we have enough treats for everyone!  Please let me know via e-mail or feel free to call me at (978) 276-1369 with any questions!

Thank you,
Lynn Ferrazzani

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pumpkin Carvers Needed for the 19th Annual Haunted Playground!

We were asked to spread the word for the 2013 Haunted Playground...

"Pumpkin Carvers Needed!

It's that time of year again, when a chill in the air means Fall is coming and also time for pumpkin carving for the Haunted Playground. We need Pumpkin Carver Volunteers for the 18th Annual Haunted Playground to be held on Oct. 19th from 5:30 - 9pm! Let me know if you are interested and what your name, address, and how many pumpkins you want to carve and I’ll drop off the pumpkins a week before the event. If you have any brownies, scouts, pixies, or hobgoblin troops that wish to carve, please let me know how many will be carving and if you need them by any special date. I’ll give you some additional information as I get the responses.
There will be awards given out for for best carvings for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place (really nice trophies!). The event will be judged right before the haunted playground gets started by Pumpkin Pete himself! 
Then on Sunday, you can pick up your pumpkin anytime before Noon and proudly display it in front of your haunt...I mean home.

Scariest Regards,

Pumpkin Pete!"

Pumpkin Pete can be contacted

Please remember that if your Girl Scout is helping for a service project she cannot enter the contest.

Haunted Halloween Party!

Sunday, October 20th from 3-5 
at the Moose Lodge

$10 per person 
 This is a drop off event.
Find the flyer and form due by October 16 here.


NRGS Flashlight Corn Maze Event

Come Join The Fun!! 

For Girls in Grade 6-12
Saturday, October 5th (raindate Oct. 26th) from 6-8:30
At Marini Farm
Sign up by Monday, September 30th at the latest!
See flyer with full details here.



Monday, September 23, 2013

Leader Meeting Minutes 9/18/13

Start time:  7:40pm
Present:  Deb Nearing, Anne Valade, Amy Kelly, Stephanie Musgrove, Kristin
Puliafico, Kate Mahoney, Mary Lasdin, Sandy Griffin, Dawn Gonthier, Kristin
Lamont, Kerstin March, Barbara Duff, Ruth Kennedy, Barbara Gravel, Lynne

Service Unit Changes: Amy Kelly stepped down as NR Service Unit leader,
thanking everyone for their help during her tenure.  Kristin Puliafico is
the new NR Service Unit leader effective at the October, 2013 meeting. 
Thank you, Amy!  And thank you, Kristin!  Amy was presented with a
lovely plant as a token of thanks from NRGS.

Other changes to the service unit team:  Barbara Gravel will be the
new registrar. Anne Valade will be the interim treasurer.  Melissa
Audier is the new blog editor.  Ruth Kennedy is the recording secretary. 
 Kerstin March and Ruth Kennedy will facilitate the Fall Product Sale.
New Girl Scout Registration:  Thursday, September 26 from 6-7:30pm
at Town Hall.  Facilitated by Anne Valade.  This event is for NEW GIRL
SCOUTS only.

All RETURNING Girl Scouts must be registered by Sept. 30th. 
Registration is available on line.  There are no paper forms to
 re-register your girls.

All Girl Scouts need an ANNUAL GIRL PERMISSION form on
file with troop leaders.  This form is available on line at
All Troops need two adults in the directory as troop leaders. 
There is a new 2013 version of Volunteer Essentials in the "forms"
section of GSEM's website.

All adults must be CORI'd.  Deb Nearing and Kerstin March can process
CORI forms, which must be done in person.  Please bring a valid photo ID. 
They will be available during the registration event.  If you can not attend,
please contact Deb Nearing directly to arrange a time.  CORI's are valid for
3 years.
Flashlight CORN MAZE!  For grades 6 and up at Marini Farm, Ipswich. 
Saturday, October 5 starting at 6pm.  $10/girl includes a fun patch.  Troop
leaders must return the permission form and payment to Deb Nearing by
Sept. 30.   This event was a big hit when last held in 2011.  Please remind
girls to dress appropriately and to wear shoes that can get potentially get
wet and muddy!

Halloween Dance at the Moose (or place TBA)
This annual event is being planned.  Stay tuned for details!

North Reading Girl Scouts Supports Christian Community Service
Watch for the annual "household and toiletry products" baskets
that NRGS donate to families in need in December.

Girl Scout Letterboxing:  A fun, free activity in North Reading's Ives
Forest.  This Silver Award project was organized by Carly Sponzo. 
It is a fun scavenger hunt with trivia on the history of North Reading
Girl Scouts.  To learn more about letter boxing, visit:

-Catalogs and Forms are now available.  Contact Ruth Kennedy or
Kerstin March if you did not pick up at the Leaders' Meeting.
-Sale begins Sept. 27 and Ends Oct. 27. 
-Earn quick money for your troop! 
-IMPORTANT!  Make sure girls collect money when a customer
places an order.  This is different from cookie sales, so they may
not remember to do that.
-If they choose, girls at the junior level and up may "opt out" of
sale prizes.  ALL GIRLS in a troop must agree to opt out and sign
a form (available on the website) which must be faxed to GSEM
in WALTHAM no later than Oct. 4.  By opting out, the troop will
earn 17% of sales vs. 15%. 
-Magazine sales can be done on line and customers will receive
their magazines faster.
-Girls can request customers donate a can of honey roasted
peanuts to the North Reading Food Pantry as part of the
"Community Caring Program" listed on the order form. 
NRGS has promised 80 cans of honey roasted peanuts to the
NR Food Pantry to be included in donated food baskets for local
families, received on the eve of Thanksgiving. If every girl sold
just ONE CAN, we would make that goal. Thank you for helping
reach it!
-Other important details are on the envelope for troop leaders. 
-Please consider participating as the NR Service Unit earns 1%
from all sales made, and uses that money to pay for Fly Up's and
other North Reading activities.
Meeting adjourn:  8:45