
Friday, November 22, 2013

Leader Meeting Minutes 11-20-13

Town Hall Room 14

Attendance: Kristin Puliafico, SUC and 85118; Debbie Nearing, Corresponding Secretary & 73891; Anne Valade, Treasurer; Barbara Gravel, Registrar; Janice Sarno, Service Team Member; Kerstin March, Cookie & Fall Product Manager; Lindsay Felix, 76211; Sarah Stetson, 76213; Jodi Sponzo, 73897; Kelly Desousa, 66232; Melissa Lally, 85118; Sandy Griffin, 71900; Lynne Alley, 85336; Kristin Lamont, 85193 & 71880; Kate Mahoney, 71868; Stephanie Musgrave, 71868; Mary Lasdin, 71871 & 71893; Patti Harrington, 71876 & 85122; Kristen Russell, 76211.

Meeting called to order: 7:35 pm

Pledge of Allegiance
Girl Scout Promise

Investiture Ceremony and Presentation of Pins to New Leaders and co-leaders:  Lindsay Felix, Sarah Stetson, Kelly DeSousa, and Kristen Russell present at this meeting.  For those not present: Shannon Sullivan, Bridget Easler, Maria Driscoll, Marcy Nelson, and Elene McLoughlin, pins will be given to them by associated leaders.

Barbara: Father-Daughter Square Dance 11-23-13.  Since forms are being handed in at this meeting, is it not known yet how many are attending.  Discussion about possibility of holding only one session and if so, then will hold the 3-4:30 time slot.  Outcome of number of sessions held will be known by Thursday, November 21st, and communicated to parents.  

Barbara: Registration Event (second reg event) scheduled for 12-3-13.  This is to try to recruit new leaders, hoping to start a new second grade Brownie troop.  There are three second grade girls waiting to be placed in a troop.
Some parents did not know about the first registration event held in September.  The school will not place paper flyers in backpacks like we’ve requested, so other methods of public awareness were discussed.  Suggestions for elementary school principals to send emails to parents, and to place a notice in the North Reading Patch online newspaper were made.  Contact person is Danielle Masterson at the Patch.

Debbie:  Encampment tentatively scheduled June 13-15, at Camp Cedar Hill in Waltham, awaiting approval from GSEM.  One conflict is the eighth grade class DC trip returns from their trip the night of June 13th.  Girls going on the DC trip can still attend encampment Saturday and leave Sunday morning if they wish.   We are considering a separate 8th grade campout since they will miss this event.

Debbie:   Mitten Tags for CCS.  We are participating in providing toiletries for families in need for the holiday season.  Each tag is assigned to a family, lists the number and ages of members.  On the back of the tag are the dates and place for dropping off.  A list of suggestions of items to donate to the family was also available.  Leaders picked out tags for their troop to adopt that family and a recyclable collection bag was handed out to those who took a tag. This will help to ensure families get about the same amount of items. Tips and ideas shared among leaders about how to gather items, including each girl member donating supplies or going shopping with the girls, which involves getting parents to chaperone, and involving girls in the process.  Girls learn about how to work with a budgeted amount of money when they are involved in the process.  Suggestion of applying this experience to badge work was made.

Kristin:  Ultimate Girl Scout Quiz, winner was Kerstin March with 33 points and winner of decorative bowl filled with candy.  Mary Lasdin came in second with 30 points.  Points scored by past and present experiences in Girl Scouting.

Kerstin:  Fall Sale: More troops participated this year in the fall product sale.  Product was delivered this week and pick-ups available at Ruth Kennedy’s house.  We reached our goal for cans of honey roasted peanuts obtained for the NR food pantry Thanksgiving Day baskets!  Thanks to all who participated.  Profit to our SU town account was some $200 plus.

Kerstin: Cookie Sale: The sale is from December 13th to January 13th.  The delivery of cookies will be January 27th; this year pick-up of initial orders will be at Burbank Ice Arena parking lot, in conjunction with the Reading SU.  Booth sale requests were due today.  Booth sales will be Walmart, Stop and Shop, Post Office, and Ryer’s.  You can also hold a sale at another local business if you get permission from the business owner and you must let GSEM and Kerstin March know about all booth sales for approval.  There is a separate sale of the new gluten free cookie; these must be ordered by December 31st  but there is limited supply so order early.  The order form is in your cookie product book handed to your cookie advisor at training! The gluten free cookies are very tasty, are a shortbread-like cookie with chocolate chips and they are $5.00 a bag.  They will not be available until the end of January from the time you order.

Events:  Lynne Alley would like to hold an anti-bullying event, might be in January near the week of January 20th, which is no name calling week. Patti Harrington stated her troop has looked at having Ed Biggs give a presentation about cyber-bullying.  There was a suggestion that Thea Peach may be interested in providing something on this topic also, as she is a former GS leader and is experienced in internet safety.  May be able to contact Marci Bailey about someone who can help with resources for bullying.

Discussion about future events, and what the leaders would like to see return.  Those suggested were: scavenger hunt, father-daughter sporting event, ice skating, bingo, karaoke night, mother daughter game night, caroling at the Common, all troops, movie event, bracelet making party, night of beauty.  Of course, we need Leaders to step up and help run these events if we run them!
At this meeting leaders brought used donated troop supplies to share.  We still have a lot of items left and will continue to collect at each meeting.

The Daisy Raffle basket filled with lots of new fun activities was donated by Kristin Puliafico and won by Lindsay Felix! 

The next leaders meeting will be a morning meeting, Wednesday, December 11th, 2013, at 9:30 am the Library Activity Room with coffee and muffins!

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

The Albany Berkshire Ballet's The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker will be performed by the Albany Berkshire Ballet and local dancers on December 18 & 19 at the Lawrence High School auditorium.  See flyer for details on how to save on ticket prices through a Girl Scout discount.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Registration Event!

Become a Girl Scout Or Leader!
Tuesday December 3rd 7pm-8pm
Town Hall room 14
7:00 - Discover what Girl Scouting has to offer.  
Connect with North Reading Girl Scout adult members to get an overview of how Girl Scouting can work for you and your daughter.
7:30 - Discussion and registration for Girls and Adults.
Contact Barbara Gravel for details:

See flyer here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cookie Sale Update

If your troop doesn't have a Cookie Advisor yet, please assign someone asap so they can be trained.  Please contact Kerstin March with any questions. email address

Sign up for Cookie Booth Sale slots at the November Leader Meeting on November 20th.  
You can find sign up forms here.

The sale this year is shorter, starting on December 13th and going until early March.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Girl Scout Store Sale of Thanksgiving

November 15-26, 2013 use the coupon below to take 15% off everything at the Girl Scout Stores in Middleboro, North Andover and Waltham.

They also have a frequent shopper card now. Get 10 punches and receive 15% off a purchase. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Looking for Help with New Troops

Help with New Troop

NRGS is trying to start a new second grade troop to help in placing 3, grade 2 Brownies.  These consist of one girl who has been in scouting, and two who are new to Girl Scouts.  We are in the process of sending out a recruitment letter to all grade 2 girls in hopes of finding more girls for this troop and with any luck, a leader!  In the meantime, these three girls are patiently waiting to be placed!  Are there any troops who would be willing to host a meeting or two so these girls can have the Girl Scout experience?   Our intention is that this will be a short term commitment.  Not only does this help in starting up a new troop, but it will also empower your girls in a leadership role.  If interested in, please contact me at and I can tell you more.

Looking for Helper (Cadette or older) for new Daisy troop
A new Daisy troop at the Kindergarten level from the Little School, is looking for an older scout or two who can come to meetings and be a helper.   At this time, there are four girls in the troop.  Their meetings are to be held at the Union Congregational Church, every other Thursday, starting 11/14, at 3:30 pm.  If interested in checking it out, email the leader Bridget Easler, at