
Monday, May 27, 2013

Older Girl Fly Up Invite - June 20th

Fly up for Brownies and up will be on June 20th from 7-8:30 pm at Union Congregational Church.
This year's theme is Totally 80s - and girls are encouraged to dress in their favorite 80s inspired clothing!

The invitation for the fly up can be found here.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Discount Tickets to A Christmas Story at the Citi Center/Wang

Yes - it is early to be thinging about Christmas...but this looks like a good deal!

The Citi Center for Performing Arts/Wang Theater is offering discounted tickets to Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass for select performances next year.

These could be for families or for a troop outing!

For more information:

Leader's Meeting Minutes - 5/21/13

Attendees: SU Coordinator Amy Kelly [73897, 71901], SU Corresponding Secretary Debbie Nearing [73891], SU Recording Secretary: Alycia McGoldrick [73904], SU Cookie Chair : Kerstin March [71898], SU Treasurer: Julia Slavin [71872], Kristin Puliafico [85118], Kate Mahoney [71868], Lisa Coroa-Bockley [85121], Ruth Kennedy [73899], Kristin Lamont [85193, 71880], Patti Harrington [85122, 71876], April {}, Melissa Audier [73894]

Items requiring attention are marked in red
ASAP!! Items requiring IMMEDIATE attention are preceded by "ASAP!" and marked in red


Meeting was called to order at 7:35.  The Pledge of Allegiance and the Girl Scout Promise were recited.

Rosa Maldonado is our new council rep (replacing Sue Asselin).  Her email is

This is Amy's last meeting as Service Unit Coordinator.  She thanked everyone for supporting her and for making Scouts in North Reading great for the girls.

General Information
The Survey Monkey results showed a couple of important items: Tuesday night tends to be a bad night for everyone (listen up, next year's Coordinator...whoever you are) - and the Monday email and the blog are important sources of information to people.

Open Positions on the Service Team:
Service Unit Coordinator
Registrar - the biggest part of this job is placing girls into troops in the fall.  The rest of the year is pretty quiet. 
Fall Product Coordinator (Ruth is considering this)
Recording Secretary (Ruth stepped up for this!)

Service Team met and created a suggested calendar outline for next year:
Sept: Daisy Discovery Day (registration event)
Oct: Halloween Party (Kristen Lamont's troop will run)
Oct: Trick or Treating at Wingate (Kate Mahoney will get information)
Nov: Veteran's Day
Nov: Father/Daughter Event (bring back Square Dancing?)
Dec: Caroling at Wingate (see Kate above)
Feb: World Thinking Day
March: Roller Skating
March: Food Pantry Month

The Service Team agreed that there needs to be an all-age Encampment next spring.  This should take place at Camp Cedar Hill.  Cedar Hill provides plenty of cabins, a large indoor facility if it rains, and access to the store for the younger girls.

If you are on Facebook and want to follow along with the Leaders and/or join the discussion - ask Amy Kelly to invite you to the group!

Registration Update
Early Bird Registration is still open until the 28th of June.  $25 for girls, $15 for adults.  Remember that to register girls for fall programs, they must be registered scouts!

Planning on holding a Daisy Discovery Day in the fall.  This was our most successful registration event.  Parents bring their daughters and drop them off with older scouts who play games, sing songs, do a craft, etc...all while their moms fill out paperwork and get their questions answered.  We got some leaders out of the last one we did!  Girl Council will help run this.

Town Events

S.H.A.R.E. Fundraiser - Papa Gino's Night - Thursday 6/6, 4-8 pm
Take out or eat in (no delivery).  Anne will be getting the S.H.A.R.E. envelopes to leaders with the Flyers
You must have the flyer for us to receive credit!

End of the Year Leader Meeting/Social Hour - 6/18, 7 pm
There will be an informal End of the Year Leader Meeting/Social Hour at Amy Kelly's on June 18th.  Treasury reports will be accepted at this event.

Fly Up for Daisies - 6/5, 6:30-7:30 pm, Aldersgate Methodist Church
Girl Council is running this

Fly Up for Brownies and Up - 6/20, 7 pm, Union Congregational

Cookie Update
Cookie incentives are in.  
Jillian Wallace was our top seller with 600 boxes.
Sales were down over last year (19.5k vs. 20k boxes) but so is enrollment (268 vs. 312)

Next Leaders Meeting is 6/18, 7 p.m. at Amy Kelly's

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Program Aide course for 6-8th grade girls, 6/5/13

"Winchester Cadette troop 77025 is sponsoring a council-run Program Aide course on Wednesday June 5th from 6:30-9 PM.

We have a cap of 30 girls, but would welcome 6-8th grade girls from surrounding towns to join us.  Cost is $9 per girl.  

To reserve a spot, please email

Program Aide description from council:

Are you interested in working with your younger Girl Scout sisters? A Program Aide uses her leadership skills to share her interests and experiences with younger girls in a troop, group, camp setting and even council EVENTS! Come join us as we provide you with the tools you need to be an effective Program Aide.

Note: Cadettes will get specific information on the new Cadette Program Aide Award and the additional aspects they'll need to complete back in their own community to fulfill that Award."

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Memorial Day Parade Info 2013

Attached please find info for the 2013 Memorial Day parade

Brownie & Junior Cooking Badge Workshops - 5/18/13

The Winchester & Stoneham Seniors are offering two cooking badge workshops on Saturday, May 18.  Both are open to any registered Girl Scout and we would like to see a high attendance, so please pass this on to any appropriate girls in your town.

Brownie Snacks badge: 10.00 AM - noon; $10 includes food & badge
Junior Simple Meals badge: 1.30 - 4.30 PM; $10 includes food & badge

To register, please fill out the appropriate form and return it by Friday, May 10th.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email.
