
Friday, December 28, 2012

Friends and Family Ice Skating - Feb 20th

NRGS presents Friends and Family Ice Skating
Where: Burbank Arena
When: February 20th, 12:30-2:30
Cost: $5 per participate (skates available at additional cost)
See attached flyer for more info

Math Event for Girls in 6th-10th

From MIT:
Girls' Angle and MIT's Undergraduate Society of Women in Mathematics (USWIM) are collaborating to bring you SUMit 2013.
SUMiT is a fully collaborative, math intensive event for girls. SUMiT 2013 is the second installment of SUMiT. SUMiT 2012 took place on January 21, 2012 at MIT and received an average overall rating of 10 out of 10 from participants!

This year, 6-10th grade girls from a wide range of mathematical backgrounds will come together in a one day mathematical extravaganza. They will join forces to tackle a wide array of tantalizing and engaging math problems as they strive toward a common goal. If they succeed, they will earn magnificent prizes.

SUMiT has grown out of the traditional end-of-semester Treasure Hunt at Girls' Angle. Together, Girls’ Angle and MIT’s Undergraduate Society for Women in Mathematics (USWIM) have created SUMiT to bring this fun-filled event out of the Girls' Angle club to the general public.

SUMiT is different from every other math extracurricular event in the United States. It creates a community of young women excited about mathematics, inspires young girls’ enthusiasm in math without competition and shows them the power of cooperation towards a shared purpose.

Newtown Memorial Service

Girl Scouts across the nation are being encouraged to write down thoughts, prayers or art in the shape of the Girl Scout trefoil. In mid-January they will be presented to the Newtown Service Unit during a memorial service.
You may send them directly to the GS Hartford Service Center, c/o Trefoil Project, 340 Washington St. Hartford, CT 06106.  Please try to make sure that they arrive by January 9th to be included in the presentation.
Trefoil templates are attached here:  trefoil 2per, trefoil 11x17

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

All Girl Scout Night at Battleship Cove

Battleship Cove has scheduled April 5th 2013 as an ALL GIRL SCOUT NIGHT!

Come sleep in authentic crew bunks, eat in the original Officer's Wardroom, help solve problems that the crew faced over 50 years ago, practice knot tying and more. 

This year, a former service woman is coming to speak to the girls about her experiences in the military.

The flyer with more information can be found here.  Or visit

GSEM is seeking older girls for Board of Directors

From Council:
"GSEM is seeking Girl Scouts, ages 14-17, to serve on the council's Board of Directors for a one-year term.  This is an exciting way to be part of the ciritical decisions that will determine the future of GSEM.  As a member of the Board, you will learn about governance - how a board creates policies and makes decisions - and you will get to take an active role in how that happens.  You will meet and work with some interesting and influential people and you will have an opportunity to make sure that those people hear from you.  Being on the Board requires a time commitment and taking responsibility, but with it comes great reward.
Each year, four older girls (ages 14-17) are elected to the Board as full-voting members, contributing their input and perspective to the policy issues that the Board decides on.
This is a great leadership opportunity for older girls as it offers extensive experience working in partnership with the adult board members to make a difference in how the council is governed.  And -- it's a great college application/resume builder.
Interested?  Want to apply?  Applications, resume, and letters of reference are due to Council by January 23, 2013.  Interviews will be held at Cedar Hill on Saturday, February 2.  Here's the application link:"

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Caroling at Wingate - 12/12/12

North Reading Girl Scouts have been invited to Christmas Carol at Wingate Nursing Home in Reading (1364 Main St., Reading) on Wednesday, December 12th from 4:-5 p.m. 
This is a sibling friendly event!!! 
We have the words to the Carols (electronically) and will send to anyone who requests them. 
If you're planning on going - please let Donna Gonzalez know - email her at!
If you have any questions about the Caroling, please contact Kate Mahoney at
This is not a drop off event and kids must be supervised! 
So warm up those pipes and get ready to bring some cheer to some of our older residents!