
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Leader's Meeting Minutes - 11/16/10

Attendees: Service Unit (SU) Coordinator: Amy Kelly [71901,73897], SU Secretary: Debbie Nearing [73891], SU Recording Secretary: Alycia McGoldrick [73904], SU Event Coordinator: Angela Danico [71886], SU Registrar:Anne Valade, SU Cookie Coordinator: Kerstin March [71898],  SU Treasurer: Julia Slavin [71872], Little School Organizer: Barbara Gravel [71876], Batch School Organizer: Michelle Rosenthal [71902,71896], Denise Costantino [71865], Lisa Quaratiello [71884], Amanda Heffernan [71888], Michelle Gwozdz [85120], Kristin Puliafico [85118], Denise Forcellese [73901], Christie Perrone [73898], Sue Kirby [73899], Janice Gulbicki [71905], Sandra Griffin [71900], Laura Wall [73903], Janelyn Wise [73894], Kerry Lord [71889]

Items requiring attention are marked in red
ASAP!! Items requiring IMMEDIATE attention are preceded by "ASAP!" and marked in red

- Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm
- An Investiture Ceremony was performed to welcome the following new leaders:  Denise Costantino, Lynn Landers, Mary Davis, Kristine Pecora, Kristin Pulicafico, Mary Pierce, Janie Giunta, Michelle Gwozdz, Patti Harrington, Jennifer Dee...welcome aboard! 

Registration Update
- 70 new girl registrations this fall
- 5 new K-Daisy troops, 1 new 1st-Daisy troop
- Check your troop rosters.  If you don't see a girl on your roster, check with Anne Valade.  For cookie purposes, you can add girls to the database but cannot delete them.  If you have girls on your roster who are not active - they will show up in your cookie database - see Anne, she will turn them into Juliettes.

New Daisy Leader Guidebooks are available through Amy.  These books are a collection of things from trainings, sample meeting ideas, coloring sheets, and other resources to help with new troop startup!

- Alycia presented the Event Guidelines
- Further advice from people who have planned events - Keep your deadlines in mind!  You'll always get stragglers and people calling the day of to attend.  You need to hold firm otherwise you'll stress out about supplies, space, etc...  Leaders and parents need to learn that deadlines are deadlines!  Besides - what kind of a lesson does it teach the girls when we basically let people cut the line.
- Once girls are registered scouts, even if their troop has not met yet, they can go to events (townwide or even Council events).
- All events should be offered/presented to the girls even if you (the leader) can't go.  Some other registered mom can step in and help out.
- Council events are up on the GSEM website - and updated more regularly than the once yearly booklet.

Upcoming Events
Daisy/Brownie Father/Daughter Field Day - 11/20
- 83 Girls have signed up so far!
- Registration officially closed on 11/10

Nutcracker - NR School of Ballet - 12/4
- At the Collins Center at Andover High School
- Not a Friends and Family Event
- Limited number of $15 tickets available for 12/4 3pm and 7pm shows to Scouts and their chaperones
- Orders need to be back to Mary Lasdin by 11/23
- A single check from the troop should be written to Albany Berkshire Ballet

Healthtime Fitness - Stay Fit, Stay Healthy, Have Fun - 1/23/11
- For Daisies, Brownies, Juniors...but will be limited to 30 girls
- Daisies 1-2:30 pm, Brownies & Juniors 3:30-5 pm
- Will involve dancing, cardio kickboxing, health, and nutrition
- Info/flyer will be posted on the blog

Parent/Daughter Game Night - for Juniors and up - January
- Watch for info on the blog

Past Events
Halloween Party
- Kids had a blast - seemed even better than last year
- Did have unregistered kids show up AT THE DOOR!  This was VERY stressful for the organizers and they don't want to be the bad guy and turn a girl away - BUT they are left scrambling for supplies and making sure that they are all set with Adult/girl ratios, snacks, insurance, etc...

Service Projects
Christian Community Service Tags
- In NR, there are 35 families in need of "toiletry gift bags".  NRGS is helping with these by taking a tag that represents one of these families and providing a bag back.
- Bags need to be returned by 12/13 to Union Congregational (details are on the tag)
- Tags are still available through Debbie Nearing

Family Services of Greater Boston Tags
- Kathleen Breslin presented take a tags for Family Services of Greater Boston.  This organization provides gifts of essentials and toys to families living in shelters, low income housing, etc..
- These gifts need to be dropped off, UNWRAPPED, to Kathleen by 12/8
- To get tags from Kathleen, contact her at
- To learn more about the organization, go to
- Gift wrap donations are welcomed - but don't wrap the gift!  The gift must be exactly as indicated on the mitten as the recipient will not be able to exchange it.

Blog Update
- Postcards with the blog address were sent to every registered family.  New registrants will receive one once we get the update list from Council.
- Feedback is welcome.  Email anyone on the Service Team with comments, suggestions, complaints, etc...

Treasury Update
- Budget for the year - SO FAR - in good shape
- Reminder that Girl Scouts is a tax-exempt organization.  If you need a tax-exempt form with which to do your scout supply shopping, email Amy Kelly.
- Bank update: Every Citizens customer with a green checking account got the letter talking about new fees.  GSEM troop accounts should be listed as non-profits.  If you get listed as a non-profit, there are no fees.  All Citizens Bank NR Girl Scout accounts that could be identified have been changed to non-profit.  If you find that you are still getting charged, go to the branch next to Marshalls and see Jessica - she knows how to fix this.

Fall Product Update
- Fall product is coming in on 11/19; pickup on 11/20
- 7 troops participated, sold ~$3000 worth of product
- VERY easy to do, and lucrative.  Troops should keep this in mind for next year.

Cookie Update
- Cookie training is on 11/23 at the Library Activity Room from 7-8:30pm
- Booth Sales and door to door selling starts on 12/10/10
- Kerstin still needs cookie advisors for several troops!!
- Kits will be distributed on 11/23.  Check the number of girls in your kit - if this is wrong, contact Anne Valade
- Booth sale forms are due at the meeting - remind your cookie advisors.  Forms can be dropped off at Kerstin's, but early drop-off does not mean early assignment of Booth Sale date
- Cookie sales are optional at the Daisy level, however - if you want your girls to sell, set their goal at 15 boxes per girl.  This is the level which will get them a patch.
- T-shirts will be awarded at the 100 box level
- Hanscom cookie drop already closed to new registrants!  Girls can still collect cookies for the troop and bring them to the North Andover office.
- Delivery to town will be 2/11/11

Meeting called to a close at 8:55 pm

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Helpful Links!

We added 3 new helpful links for you today:
- Badge in a Bag: this is a useful site if you're really stuck on how to get going...all the planning work for a badge has been done for you and you just have to do the activities with the girls
- Making Friends: lots of crafts here
- Scouting Web: more help for those getting started or just needing a little inspiration

So...we hope these little additions are helpful.  If you run across a website that you want to share - just send it to any of the Service Team members and we'll get it put up on the blog for all to see!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Service Project Ideas - Birthday Wishes

Looking for a Service Project for your girls?  Birthday Wishes, in Lowell, is looking for help from local area Girl Scouts.

Birthday Wishes is a non-profit that thrown monthly birthday parties for children living in homeless shelters.  Girl Scouts have helped with organinizing and volunteering at parties, holding toy/supply drives, hosting goody bag stuffing parties, and fundraising.

Visit their website at
For more info - or to discuss your troop (or family) can help, contact Courtney Vernadakis at 866-388-9474 or

Leader Meeting Minutes - 10/19/10

Service Unit (SU) Coordinator: Amy Kelly [71901,73897], SU Secretary: Debbie Nearing [73891], SU Recording Secretary: Alycia McGoldrick [73904], SU Event Coordinator: Angela Danico [71886], SU Registrar:Anne Valade, SU Cookie Coordinator: Kerstin March [71898], Little School Organizer: Barbara Gravel [71876], Batch School Organizer: Michelle Rosenthal [71896], Hood School Organizer: Janice Sarno [71872], Stephanie Musgrave [71868], Kristin Kuperstein [71890/85119], Denise Forcellese [73901], Debbie Hoey [71884], Kerry Lord [71889], Laura Wall [73903], Sandy Griffin [71900], Nancy Vadala [71874], Ruth Kennedy [73899], Sue Kirby [73899], Barbara Duff [ 71902], Janice Gulbicki [71905], Cindy Russell [73917], Michelle Gwozdz [85120], Amanda Heffernan [71888], Christie Perrone [73898]

Items requiring attention are marked in red

ASAP!! Items requiring IMMEDIATE attention are preceded by "ASAP!" and marked in red

- Meeting was called to order at 7:38 pm
- The Pledge of Allegiance and Girl Scout Promise were recited

Council Updates/Service Team Updates
- Volunteer Agreements are required and still missing for a lot of leaders. A copy can be found off of the blog under "Forms" on the right hand side.  These forms can be dropped off with Alycia McGoldrick at 7 James Millen Road, or mailed to her.  Reminders to the delinquent folk will be coming soon via email.
- CORI forms are required.  A copy of the form can be found off of the blog under "Forms" on the right hand side.  These forms need to be verified - which can be done before the next Leader's meeting from 7-7:30 pm. Remember, the applicant must present the form and a license for identification verification.
- We are adding Service Opportunities to the blog - as blog postings and a running list.  If you have any ideas, please email them to Alycia (  There are 3 recent opportunities:, H.O.T. Help Our Troops, and 100th Anniversary Patch contest.  More info about each of these will be available in separate blog postings.
- We will be mailing a postcard to every registered family to let them know about the blog.
- Meeting Space guidelines - Council wants a copy of your homeowner's policy if you have regularly scheduled meetings in your home
- There are still open Service Team positions for anyone interested.  Don't forget that Service Team meetings are open to all - feel free to attend a meeting to get a flavor for what is involved!
- Monday emails will continue - for the time being...though we're trying to get everything up on the blog. 

- Over 70 new girls and many adults registered for the first time this fall!  This is enough to form 5 new troops (4 Kindergarten Daisy troops, 1 1st grade Daisy troop)
- A big thanks to all of those leaders who took on a second troop.  We are really desperate for new/more leaders!
- A big thanks to all of those leaders who added girls to their troop.
- Deadline for new registrations is 11/1 (though it is really never too late).

Fall Product/Cookie Update
- 7 troops are participating in the Fall Product sale
- Deadline for input is 10/31.  Questions - email Shauna Wagner
- Cookie sales run 12/10 - 1/25
- Cookie cupboards will open 12/10
- Training for Cookie Advisors will be in November.
     - Get names to Kerstin March (she is putting together an email list)
     - Booth Sale request for will be turned in AT training
- New cookie is called "Shout Outs" - a Belgian style Caramelized Cookie (the Daisy Go Round was retired)
- Delivery of ordered cookies will be ~2nd week of February

- Discussed guidelines for running events, which ones can be run as fundraisers for a troop, requirements for being allowed to keep the funds, badge workshops, etc.
- Guidelines will be documented and added to the blog as a permanent document
- If anyone has event ideas - email them to Angela Danico and Amy Kelly  The Service Team will make sure that it fits in the calendar, is appropriate, etc...and then it'll get added!
- Halloween Party - remind the leaders to tell the moms that this is a drop-off event.  Daisy leaders can stay if this helps calm the mothers of new Daisies.
- Father/Daughter Event for Daisies & Brownies - will be a Field Day on 11/20 from 10-12.  A flyer will be available and posted by Monday!
- Apple Festival - 21 girls came to help out!  Thanks to those leaders that recruited the girls - there was a strong showing (even if there wasn't a lot we could help with).

- Debbie Nearing still has a few Lost and Found items from Encampment.  Email her if one of your girls is missing something.
- Idea of the day - if you have a fidgity girl - give her a pipe cleaner to keep her hands busy during the meeting.  Call it a fidget stick!

Outing Ideas
- Corn Mazes - Davis Farm in Sterling, Conners Farm in Danvers - this one is done at night, with flashlights!
- There is a Pumpkin Face Plate Workshop at Look What I Made on Friday (hope you read this in time)!

Next Meeting: 11/16 - we will be in the Town Hall Gym (we got kicked out of our normal room...)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Daisy Petal Ideas

Here is a link to a Scout Leader's page on some of the things she did with her Daisy troop to earn their petals.  She has some good ideas...and in Scouts we call this "using our resources wisely" ;)!

graphic from

String Bags - a useful project

Here is another project - this one could be used for the Brownie Try-It "Stitch It Together" or the Junior Badge "Sew Simple" AND it is something that could be useful!

This is from Martha Stewart and the step by step directions can be found here:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Register before October 1st!!!!

Registration Year 2010-2011

Troops or individuals who did not re-register during the spring Early Bird MUST have their registrations to Anne Valade no later than Friday, October 1st. The Girl Scout membership year starts on October 1st and without the paperwork in her hands, girls and adults will not be covered by GSUSA and should not be meeting. If you are in need of registration forms, follow the links below (or to the right on this blog).

Adults should also complete a new CORI - the link is also shown below.

Floral Foam Prints

Here is another easy craft idea from Family Fun...

This could also be used towards the Brownie Try-It Colors and Shapes. You can find the printable copy here.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Girl Council - Opportunity for Older Girls

Here is an opportunity for the older girls to help shape activities, service projects, and more in North Reading Girl Scouts:

It's a Girl Council - and here is the chance for your voice to be heard. You can find a downloadable/printable copy here.

You can also contact Anne Valade for more information.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Soap Bubble Prints

Here's a fun crafting idea for all ages...Soap Bubble Prints. This one is from Family Fun magazine.

And you can find a printable download here.
This could be used for Brownie Try-it Science Wonders or Colors and Shapes...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fabric Bead Craft Idea

Here is a craft idea for Brownies and Juniors from Better Homes and Gardens...Fabric Beads. They look cute, easy to make, and might be a nice gift idea for girls to give someone for the holidays. They can also be used as an activity toward the Junior "Jewelry" badge or the Brownie "Art to Wear" Try it (as requirement #4).
You can find the jpg to download and print here.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Adult Recognitions Chair
Organizes Service Unit recognitions and GSEM recognitions to be awarded to local volunteers
Approximately 10 hours in late spring
Founders Award Committee Member
Work with fellow members on the Girl Scout Founders Award/Scholarship
Approximately 15 hours in early spring
If interested, contact Amy Kelly

Minutes of 9/15 Leader's Meeting

North Reading Girl Scout Leaders' Meeting
September 15 , 2010
Town Hall, Selectman's Room

Service Unit (SU) Coordinator: Amy Kelly [71901,73897], SU Secretary: Debbie Nearing [73891], SU Treasurer: Julia Slavin [71872], SU Recording Secretary: Alycia McGoldrick [73904], SU Event Coordinator: Angela Danico [71886], SU Registrar:Anne Valade, SU Cookie Coordinator: Kerstin March [71898], Little School Organizer: Barbara Gravel [71876], Batch School Organizer: Michelle Rosenthal [71896], Sandy Griffin [71900], Kate Mahoney [71868], Mary Lasdin [71871,71893], Kristin Lamont [71884,71880], Melissa Grew [71896], Cindy Russell [73917], Janice Gulbicki [71905], Kerry Lord [71889], Amanda Heffernan [71888], Nancy Vadala [71874], Ruth Kennedy [73899], Sue Kirby [73899], Nancy Quinn [73893]

ASAP!! Items requiring IMMEDIATE attention are preceded by "ASAP!"

Meeting was called to order at 7:38 pm
The Pledge of Allegiance and Girl Scout Promise were recited

Welcome Back
- Volunteer Agreements are due each year. The can be brought to the next Service Team Meeting, Leader's Meeting or drop off or mail to Alycia McGoldrick @ 7 James Millen Road.
-There are a series of new resources available for North Reading Girl Scout Leaders and Families
- The blog... This is a website where we will post notices, flyers, meeting minutes, etc... Feel free to distribute the website address to your Scout parents so that they can also stay informed
- Recruiting brochure - this is a brochure specific to NORTH READING Girl Scouts
- Field Trip Database - the old database has been updated and is available to read and as a printable file out on the blog
- New Leader Guidebook - a binder has been created with the information that a new leader would need to get started (forms, pointers, etc...) It is intended that this will get passed down each year to the new Daisy Leader
- Mentor Program - as new Daisy Leaders come on board, we'd like to have a mentor assigned to help them get started...stay tuned

Past Events
GS Info Night - 8/31, Library Activity Room
- Several curious folk attended. Received a couple of registrations and one new Daisy Leader!

Fall Encampment 9/11-9/13
- Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Encampment Committee
- Great time, great weather...S'mores, crafts, activities, games
- If you need an extra patch - contact Debbie Nearing
- If anyone has photos of the Flag Retirement Ceremony, please forward to Amy Kelly
- Many photos were taken that could be shared - Debbie will send out an email asking if anyone doesn't want pictures of themselves or their girls posted on a password-protected website
- Canoeing was very popular - remember that Council runs some great canoeing programs

General Info
Senior Center at the First Meeting House on the Common
- Mary Prenney is our contact for the Senior Center
- Seniors really look forward to Meals on Wheels Tray Decorations so we would like each troop to sign up for a week to deliver one set of decorations. Tray decorations are non-food doo-dads that the girls make to brighten the tray (a magnet, a button flower, a bookmark, etc). You should plan on dropping off 40-50 tray decorations the week before or the week of your committed week.
- Meals on Wheels Tray Decoration signups will be available on the blog
- The First Meeting House (the building on the common) will not be available until at least December.

Other Potential Service Projects
- Planting at the newly renovated First Meeting House in the spring
- Fall raking for the elders at the Housing Authority
- Window washing for the elders at the Housing Authority

- New way of looking at scouting. All girls can participate in scouts at one or more of the following levels
- Troop
- Camp
- Events
- Series (interest areas where town "clubs" offer programs to the girls, e.g., local running club teaches the girls about running (proper clothing, stretching, techniques, etc...), maybe runs with them. These are several meeting sessions
- Travel
- Virtual

- Only 2 troops did not re-register
- Registration event will be on 9/26 at Union Congregation Church from 2-3pm
- Flyer for event will be going home in Elementary school backpacks

· CORIs are good for 3 years
· Anne can do them for Leaders and Volunteers at the Apple Festival and/or at the
Registration Event

Metal Awards
· There are new requirements for the Metal awards (bronze, silver, gold)
· More info is available on the GSEM website

- Still looking for people/troops to run events. If interested or have an idea - contact Angela Danico.
- Angela is putting together a planning packet to help those who will be running an event.
- Trying to get the Historical Society to run some programs for the scouts

Future Events
Fall Product Sales Training - 9/22, 6:45-8pm at Library Activity Room
- Shauna Wagner has volunteered to be our Fall Product Sales Manager
- Fall Product Sales are candies, nuts, candles (all 15% of sales to the troop), magazines (15% of sales + $1.50 for each mailer completed)
- Need at least 2 troop to participate and at least $200 of product sales
- Recognition patches are very cute!
- No booth sales for Fall Product
- Training for Fall Product Sales - 9/22 6:45-8pm at Library Activity Room

Halloween Costume Party - 10/24, 3-5pm at Moose Lodge
- Flyers are available (attached to email and on the blog) and are due back at the next Leader's meeting
- Please reiterate to your parents that when it is a drop-off event, they are not to stay unless they are a volunteer helping out. Siblings are also not to stay!

Apple Festival - 9/25, 10am-3pm at Putnam House (rain date 9/26)
- NR Girl Scouts will have an info table with info and registration forms
- We still need 5th grade or older girls to help run games. Girls should wear uniforms, vests or pins
- If you can help, please contact Anne Valade
- Anne to check if they could use help on Friday afternoon (last year a passing troop ended up helping to erect the tents!)

Girl Council
- All 6th grade and up North Reading Girl Scouts were invited to be part of the "Girl Council"
- Girls will give input into NRGS
- There is no major commitment, the girls can come as go as they please
- Will spend some time focusing on 2012 - the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouting

Teen Escape Camping Weekend - Offered by Council, grades 6-12, 10/15-17, Plymouth
· At Camp Wind-in-the-Pines in Plymouth
· $40 per person (includes meals)
· For more info -
· Feedback at meeting is that this is mostly attended by middle school girls

Catholic Religious Medals Info Session (for Leaders)
· Offered 9/25 from 8:30-1 at St. Teresa's

Council Updates
- There is a new Troop Activity Form - there is a link to it on the blog (under Forms List)
- There is a new First Report of Incident Form - also available under Forms List on the a copy and put it in your First Aid Kit
- There are new Meeting Space and Meeting Guidelines - Regular meetings in homes need to fill out new form. Must provide a copy of the Homeowner's Policy or Renter's Insurance
- Remember, 2 adults must be present at a meeting, one of which must be female. The 2 adults cannot be related
- Safety-wise is no more - recycle it! This information is now in Volunteer Essentials (link to it on the blog). There are 2 sections: Safety Information and Safety Activity Checkpoints

Another reminder - the rules for events are for the safety of the girls. If the event is advertised as a drop-off events, parents do not stay. If it is 3rd grade and up, do not bring your 2nd graders. This applies to Leaders as well!

Another reminder - the blog can be found at
Feedback on the blog is welcomed!

Meeting called to a close at 8:40 pm

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Field Trip Database

The first draft of the Field Trip Database has been posted. Please let us know how to make this more useful for you. Please let us know if you have any great trips that we should add! Please send comments about a trip you've taken if you think others could benefit from it and we'll get it added to the database.

Meals on Wheels Tray Decoration Sign-Up

The Sign up page is posted on the blog...don't forget to sign up for a week! The seniors who receive meals really appreciate these small acts of kindness.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4, 2010

North Reading Girl Scouts is part of The Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts.